Justina 12th June 2015

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soru cevap
jestem u Toma
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I'm at Tom's
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to sneeze
jestem u rodziców
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I'm at my parents'
to są rowery moich sióstr
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these are my sisters' bikes
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to są sukienki tych kobiet
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these are these women's dresses
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kanał tv
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tv channels
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the news
Let's watch the news.
Be quiet. I want to listen to the news.
program o gotowaniu
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cookery show
książka kucharska
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cookery book / cookbook
on jest świetnym kucharzem
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he's a fantastic cook
ona próbuje gotować
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she tries to cook
program przyrodniczy
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nature programme
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ad / advert / advertisement
reklama (TV)
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to advertise
brzmi znajomo
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it rings a bell
dobre nawyki
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good habits
złe nawyki
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bad habits
pię mnie kawy
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I drink less coffee
w lato
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in summer
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to appreciate
Prawie nigdy nie piję soku marchwiowego.
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I hardly ever drink carrot juice.
I hadly ever have a cold shower.
owoce morza
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sea food
mam w zwyczaju / często...
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I tend to...
I tend to go TO sleep quite late.
Kiedy byłam dzieckiem oglądałam telewizję codziennie (ale już tego nie robię)
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When I was a child I used to watch tv every day.
Jestem przyzwyczajona do wstawania o szóstej.
öğrenmeye başla
I'm used to getting up at 6.

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