soru |
cevap |
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On był wykorzystywany seksualnie jako dziecko He was sexually abused as a child
poczucie własnej wartości öğrenmeye başla
Moje poczucie własnej wartości nigdy nie było wyższe.) My self-esteem has never been higher
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Nie możesz dusić w sobie złości You can't bottle the anger up
spowodować, być źródłem czegoś Jej ostatnia książka zrodziła wiele kontrowersji. öğrenmeye başla
to make people have a particular feeling or make a situation start to exist Her latest book has engendered a lot of controversy
Niepewności, brak pewności siebie, zagubienie öğrenmeye başla
a feeling of lacking confidence and not being sure of your own abilities or of whether people like you She had developed an outgoing personality to mask her deep insecurities.
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Someone who is trustworthy can be trusted. Was the source of this information trustworthy?
Nabywać, zdobywać, osiągać öğrenmeye başla
to get or to learn something It is said that children acquire foreign languages easily
granice przestrzeni osobistej öğrenmeye başla
Not being able to set healthy boundaries can be related to common issues like low self-esteem.
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Well, you can't please everyone. Some people feel the need to please others, often without realizing that by saying “yes” to everything.
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I was overwhelmed by a feeling of helplessness as I was wheeled into the operating theatre.
opierać się, sprzeciwiać się öğrenmeye başla
to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do I can't resist eatting chocolate.
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to force someone to accept a belief or way of living I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children.
niepokoić, przeszkadzać, wtargnąć öğrenmeye başla
to become involved in a situation that people want to be private I don't mean to intrude, but are you okay?
biedny / nieszczęśliwy / załamany öğrenmeye başla
I went to a college that I did not care for in order to please them, and I was miserable every day for almost six years.
zdrowie psychiczne, zdrowy rozsądek öğrenmeye başla
I was allowing others to use me while putting my own sanity and success on the back burner to help others achieve their dreams.
żyć na własnych warunkach öğrenmeye başla
It's about you getting to live your life on your own terms.
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a feeling of anger about a situation that you think is unfair I would not speak up in my relationships until resentment and anger defined me and my actions.
wyzdrowieć, powrót do zdrowia Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia dla niego. öğrenmeye başla
the process of getting better after an illness, injury, or period of sadness A speedy recovery to him.
nieskończony, bezgraniczny Liczba powodów, dla których powinieneś to zrobić, jest nieskończona. öğrenmeye başla
There's an infinite number of reasons why you should do it.
Nie potrafię pojąć bezgraniczności kosmosu. öğrenmeye başla
time or space that has no end I cannot grasp the infinity of the cosmos.
złagodzić, zmniejszyć, uspokajać To lekarstwo złagodzi twój ból. öğrenmeye başla
to reduce the harmful effects of something This medicine will mitigate your pain.
Nienormalną rzeczą jest odczuwanie ciągłej presji i brak życia chwilą. öğrenmeye başla
The abnormal thing is feeling constant pressure and not living in the moment.
Nasi naukowcy pracują w szczególności nad nowymi technologiami. öğrenmeye başla
Our scientists work on new technologies in particular.
Sean próbował spłacić swoje hazardowe długi ale to było ponad jego siły öğrenmeye başla
to be involved in a difficult situation that you cannot get out of Sean tried to pay him gambling debts but he was in over his head
Dla większości z nas oglądanie telewizji jest głęboko zakorzenionym nawykiem. öğrenmeye başla
Ingrained beliefs, behaviour, problems, etc have existed for a long time and are difficult to change For most of us, watching television is a deeply ingrained habit.
Wydawał się poruszony, jakby coś go niepokoiło. öğrenmeye başla
very anxious or upset He seemed agitated, as if something was worrying him.
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Something that is suffocating makes you feel uncomfortably hot or unable to breathe I've got to open the window - it's suffocating in here!
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to expect a future situation or event I don't foresee any problems in the future
podobny, taki sam, jednakowy, jednoraki öğrenmeye başla
Mam się dobrze. Nie mam co narzekać öğrenmeye başla
the same meaning as “at all” I am well thanks. I have no complaints whatsoever
Jego wybitny talent zdumiał widownię. öğrenmeye başla
His prominent talent amazed the audience.
ród, pochodzenie, rodowód Jestem dumny z mojego pochodzenia. öğrenmeye başla
the members of a person's family who are directly related to that person and who lived a long time before him or her I am proud of my lineage.
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przekraczać czyjeś pojęcie To, jak on zdołał przetrwać w lesie przekracza moje pojęcie. öğrenmeye başla
How he managed to survive in the woods defeats me.
Cieszę się tylko, że pośród tego wszystkiego znalazłeś cenny czas z rodziną öğrenmeye başla
I’m only glad that in the midst of all of this you got some valuable time out with the family
Przykro mi, że wizyta nie przyniosła nowego wyniku öğrenmeye başla
to produce or provide something I’m sorry that the appointment didn’t yield any new result
to emphasize how great or extreme something is Mam nadzieję, że to było niesamowite öğrenmeye başla
I hope it was nothing short of amazing
ostrzeżenie dostarczone z odpowiednim wyprzedzeniem öğrenmeye başla
a warning that something is going to happen, usually so that you can prepare for it
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Ona miała gorączkowy dzień w biurze. öğrenmeye başla
She had a hectic day at the office.
Czy możesz wyrazić swoją opinię o moim nowym projekcie? öğrenmeye başla
to express ideas or feelings in words Can you articulate your opinion on my new project?
Nie chcę, żeby narzucali moim dzieciom swoje przekonania religijne. öğrenmeye başla
to force someone to accept a belief or way of living I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children.
zadanie / sprawa do wykonania Właśnie miałem gorączkowy dzień, załatwiając sprawy na nadchodzące tygodnie. öğrenmeye başla
a short journey in order to buy or do something for someone e.g. I've got to run a few errands this morning before we go. I've just had a hectic day running errands for the weeks.
Sieć przeprowadziła promocję z marnym skutkiem. öğrenmeye başla
The retailer chain ran the promotion with negligible results.
uporać się (z czymś), stawiać czoło (problemom) cieszę się że jest już dobrze i że jesteś gotowy stawić czoła życiu znowu öğrenmeye başla
I’m glad to read that you are well and ready to tackle life again
zaogniony, objęty stanem zapalnym öğrenmeye başla
If part of your body is inflamed, it is red and often painful and swollen I had inflamed tonsils the beginning of the week and it was a struggle to eat and speak
Chociaż idzie mi o wiele lepiej öğrenmeye başla
very much, a large number I'm doing a whole lot better though.
Moim postanowieniem noworocznym jest wydawać mniej pieniędzy.) öğrenmeye başla
My New Year's resolution is to spend less money.
Kupiliśmy dużą działkę, żeby wybudować na niej nasz dom. öğrenmeye başla
a piece of land, often for growing food or for building on We bought a large plot of land in order to build our house on it.
Myślisz, że kiedykolwiek się ustatkuje i założy rodzinę? öğrenmeye başla
to start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time, usually with a partner Do you think he'll ever settle down and have a family?
Rozjaśnij mój dzień, poprawić mi nastrój Kiedy na koniec dnia powiedziała „Kocham Cię tatusiu” to rozjaśniło mi dzień öğrenmeye başla
to become happier, or to make someone become happier When she said at the end of a day „I love you daddy” it brighten up my day
Miejsce stałego zamieszkania Każdą zmianę miejsca zamieszkania należy zgłosić odpowiednim władzom. öğrenmeye başla
the place where a person lives Any change of domicile should be reported to the proper authorities.
Nie wychowałem cię w ten sposób! öğrenmeye başla
to raise, bring somebody up I didn't raise you like that
Jako matka trojga dzieci, ona wie sporo o wychowaniu. öğrenmeye başla
raising, breeding, upbringing As a mother of three, she knows a lot about breeding.
Nie będzie miała nic przeciwko, jeśli się spóźnisz - poza tym to nie twoja wina. öğrenmeye başla
She won't mind if you're late - besides, it's not your fault. used to give another reason for something
W każdym związku, jeśli przebaczenie nie zostanie udzielone i otrzymane, szansa na jego przetrwanie maleje. öğrenmeye başla
In any relationship, if forgiveness is not given and received, the chance of it surviving diminishes.
Moglibyśmy poprosić o pomoc moją ciotkę, ale nie chciałbym się jej narzucać. öğrenmeye başla
We could ask my aunt for help, but I don't want to impose on her.
W jego przemówieniu można było wyczuć nutę żalu öğrenmeye başla
there was an overtone of regret in his farewell speech
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godny podziwu, uroczy, cudowny Moja córka jest poprostu cudowna öğrenmeye başla
My doughter is just adorable
Liczę na Ciebie, kibicuje wam öğrenmeye başla
rozdrażniony, znudzony, majacy dość öğrenmeye başla
I’m really fed up with her.
Powinniśmy szukać aktywności fizycznych, które nie tylko wspierają nasze zdrowie, ale także wyzwalają w nas radość. öğrenmeye başla
We should seek physical activities that not only support our health, but spark joy within us