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2. (기분, 성미)
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비위가 상하다 be displeased (with) 비위가 상하다 be offended (by/at) 비위를 건드리다 hurt sb's feeling 비위를 건드리다 get on sb's nerves 비위를 건드리다 incur sb's displeasure 비위를 건드리다 rub sb the wrong way 비위를 맞추다 humor 비위를 맞추다 flatter 비위를 맞추다 butter sb up
1. (꽉 차게)2. very, quite, heavily
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1. [명사] acknowledgment; (인식) recognition; (시인) approval, [동사] admit, acknowledge, accept; (시인하다) concede; (좋게 평가하다) recognize
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그녀는 자신의 잘못을 인정했다 She admitted it was her own fault. 그는 패배를 인정했다 He conceded[admitted; acknowledged] defeat. 그는 회사에서 인정받고 있다 His company recognizes him for his good work.
Noun 1. variety; assortment
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1. [동사] attract, invite, lure
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외자를 유치하다 attract[invite] foreign capital 외자를 유치하다 attract[induce] foreign investment 올림픽을 유치하다 host the Olympic Games 은행들의 고객 유치 경쟁이 갈수록 치열해지고 있다 The competition among banks to attract customers is getting fierce. 그들은 원자력발전소를 그 도시에 유치하려고 애쓰고 있다
Verb 1. try hard
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Verb 1. contribute; serve
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도움이 되다. To be of help. 발전에 기여하다. 국가에 기여하다. 사회에 기여하다. 승리에 기여하다.
1. fancy, showy, splendid, colorful2. impressive, splendid
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1. simple (and honest)
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그는 소박하게 산다 He lives simply. 그는 단란한 가정을 이루겠다는 소박한 꿈을 가지고 있다 He has the simple dream of creating a happy family. 나는 그의 소박한 말투가 좋다 I like his ingenuous way of talking. 나는 그녀의 소박함에 마음이 끌렸다 Her simplicity is appealing to me. 나는 그녀의 소박함에 마음이 끌렸다
1. be mistreated[abused]2. get deserted
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1. taste, flavor; (기분) mood; (분위기) atmosphere
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1. the first[latter] half of the year
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1. overlook2. predict
1. overlook 어떤 곳을 멀리 바라보다. To look at a certain place from far away. 거리를 전망하다. 경치를 전망하다.2. predict 앞날을 미리 예상하다. To anticipate the future in advance. 경기를 전망하다. 미래를 전망하다.
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1. downturn, downtrend, downward trend
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1. run[be, go] counter to, conflict (with)
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Verb 1. engage; scout; recruit
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Verb 1. select; choose
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Verb 1. pocket; hoard secretly
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사람 또는 물건을 몰래 빼내어 다른 곳으로 보내거나 감추다. To take a person or thing out secretly and hide or send him/her or it to another place.
1. (정부의) public[government] money[funds]; (회사의) company funds
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개인이 아닌 단체 소유의 돈. Money owned by a group rather than an individual.
1. (trust) fund
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1. fund 투자 전문 기관이 투자자로부터 받은 돈. The money an investment agency received from an investor. 펀드 운용. 2. fund 투자자들로부터 모은 돈으로 투자를 하고 이로 인한 수익을 투자자에게 나눠 주는 금융 상품.
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숨을 뱉다
1. (능동적인) active, aggressive; (열정적인) enthusiastic
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1. smooth
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고비를 순탄하게 넘기다 overcome a crisis smoothly 일은 순탄하게 진행되었다 It went smoothly. 그녀의 결혼 생활은 순탄하지 못했다 Her marriage was not smooth.
Verb 1. sacrifice
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어떤 사람이나 목적을 위해 자신의 목숨, 재산, 명예, 이익 등을 바치거나 버리다. 또는 그것을 빼앗기다. To give away or relinquish one's life, property, reputation, interest, etc., for the benefit of someone else or some cause.
1. artistry, artistic value[merit]
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1. (all) at once; (동시에) at the same time; (모두) all together
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청구서들이 한꺼번에 날아왔다 The bills came all at once. 피로가 한꺼번에 몰려왔다 All at once, I was overwhelmed by fatigue. 그는 밀린 외상값을 한꺼번에 갚았다 He repaid all his delayed debts at once. 책이 너무 많아서 한꺼번에 나를 수가 없다 There are too many books to carry all at once.
1. meal
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(끼니) 하루 세 끼를 먹다 eat[have; take] three meals a day 이 죽은 한 끼 식사로 충분하다 This gruel[porridge] is sufficient[enough] for one meal. 오늘은 한 끼도 못 먹었다 I didn't eat a single meal today. 오늘은 한 끼도 못 먹었다 I haven't eaten anything yet today
1. tidy, clean, straighten up, shovel2. move, remove, clear, put away
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1. heavy rain(fall), torrential rain, (torrential) downpour, deluge
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1. ordeal, trial, hardship, test
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1. grow2. develop
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1. write; fill in; draw up2. set a record
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1. (불필요하다) unnecessary, needless, useless
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1. (실제 상태) fact, truth
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1. (마음에 주는 느낌) impression
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