soru | cevap | |||
frontal bone, frontal sinus, squamous part, external/cerebral surface, parietal/sphenoidal margin, coronal suture, frontal tubera, supraorbital margin, supercillary arches, glabella, supra-orbital notch, supra-orbital foramen
frontal foramen/notch, zygomatic process, temporal line, cerebral yokes, impressions of cerebral gyri, frontal crest, foramen cecum, groove for superior sagittal sinus
orbital part, ethmoidal notch, lacrimal fossa, trochlear fovea, trochlear spine, nasal part, nasal margin, nasal spine
sphenoid, body, lesser wing, greater wing, pterygoid process, sphenoidal crest, septum of sphenoidal sinuses, sphenoidal sinus+opening+concha, jugum sphenoidale
sphenoidal plane, limbus of sphenoid, prechiasmatic sulcus, sella turcica, tuberculum sellae, middle clinoid process, dorsum sellae, posterior clinoid process, hypophysial fossa
carotid sulcus, anterior clinoid process, spheno-petrosal fissure, foramen lacerum, cerebral/orbital/maxillary/temporal/infratemporal surface, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, spine of sphenoid, foramen spinosum
superior/inferior orbital fissure, pterygopalatine fossa, infratemporal crest, lateral/medial plate, greater palatine groove, greater palatine canal, pterygoid fossa, scaphoid fossa, pterygoid hamulus