Leaders of the Soviet Union and Russia

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Vladimir Lenin
in power: 1917-1924
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Original name: Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov. Was the founder of the Russian Communist Party, the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and the first head of the Soviet Union. He founded "Leninism" - a Communist doctrine.
Joseph Stalin
in power: 1924 - 1953
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Original name: Ioseb Dzhugashvili. Was the premier of the Soviet state and the greatest of the Soviet dictators. Extended the Soviet state, was the architect of totalitarianism. Joined Britain and its allies and helped to win World War II.
Georgy Malenkov
in power: 1953 - 1955
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Became the prime minister after Stalin's death. Worked to produce more consumer goods, to develop collective farms and the heavy industry. Was forced to resign due to the opposition of the party leaders.
Nikita Khrushchev
in power: 1955 - 1964
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Led the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Developed the policy of de-Stalinization. He tried to maintain peaceful relations with the West. Was the first to speak about the power abuse of Stalin and the repressions.
Leonid Brezhnev
in power: 1964 - 1982
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Full name: Leonid Ilich Brezhnev. Led the Soviet Union for 18 years, including a period of the Cold War. During his rule, the Soviet Union built a lot of nuclear weapons. He clamped down the freedom of press and culture and did not invest in the economy.
Yuri Andropov
in power: 1982 - 1984
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Was chosen to lead the country by the Communist Party Central Committee. He succeeded Brezhnev for a short time, due to health problems.
Konstantin Chernenko
in power: 1984 - 1985
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Was the chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet. Died shortly after taking the position because of health problems.
Mikhail Gorbachev
in power: 1985 - 1991
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Was the president of the Soviet Union. He wanted the country to become more democratic. He was the leader of many reforms, expanding the freedom of press and culture. His economic reforms led to the break up of the Union.
Gennady Yanayev
in power: 19 - 21 August 1991
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Was the president of the Soviet Union for only two days and a member of the State Committee of the State of Emergency. Tried to restore the order during Gorbachov's term and was arrested. He was freed in 1994.
Boris Yeltsin
in power: 1991 - 1999
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He allowed people to own private property, eliminated price controls, supported freedom of criticism and press. During his term, Russia was affected by corruption and inflation. He started the war in Chechnya, to stop it from breaking away.
Vladimir Putin
in power: 2000 - 2008; 2012 - now
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Putin launched criminal investigations against oligarchs, opposed to United States' actions against Saddan Hussein, made the first visit to Israel, granted asylum to Edward Snowden and placed a ban on gay propaganda.
Dmitry Medvedev
in power: 2008 - 2012
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Aimed to make the Russian economy and society more modern. Launched a police reform, maintained a closer relationship with the United States, signed a nuclear arms reduction treaty with the US and intervened in the South Ossetia war.

Soviet Union leaders

The Soviet Union or USSR was a state that existed between 1922 and 1991. The Soviet republics united into one state and their economy and government were centralized. The Soviet Union was governed by the Communist Party. The capital of the Soviet Union was Moscow, other cities as Leningrad, Minsk and Kyiv being important economic centres. The Union was formed after the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin overthrew the previous government in the October Revolution. The next important and well-known Soviet leader was Joseph Stalin, who industrialized the country and was remembered as a dictator. If you were wondering which one of them was a WW2 leader - it was Stalin. Many people are curious who succeeded Stalin. The Soviet leader who came to power after Stalin was Nikita Khrushchev. He also began the process of de-Stalinization. The flashcards will introduce you to other Soviet premiers. An important Soviet leader was Georgy Malenkov. He was forced to resign due to the opposition of the Communist party leaders. Out of all the Soviet leaders, you have to remember Mikhail Gorbachev. His democratic reforms caused the end of the Soviet Union. Take a look at the flashcards to learn more!

Presidents of Russia

All of the Russian leaders were remarkable politicians and important figures in history. The Russian Federation was formed in 1991, right after the end of the Soviet Union. The transcontinental country became the largest in the world and one of the most influential. The first president of Russia was Boris Yeltsin. He started many reforms, including the liberalization of trade and privatization. He was followed by Vladimir Putin, probably the most known Russian leader. Dmitry Medvedev was the president of Russia from 2008 to 2012 and Putin returned to the post. Learn more about what reforms did they do with our flashcards! If you are curious about Russian history, take a look at our Brief history of Russia lesson. You can also learn many curiosities with the Fun facts about Russia lesson. For more lessons on Russian culture, history and language - explore our site!

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