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expect jumping into a chilly pool
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jumping into a chilly pool
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将会是他们的第一课。 would be their first step at Draper Unversity.
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But the unexpected is the norm at Draper,
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But the unexpected is the norm at Draper,
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And Aima Ohiwerei from Nigeria is experiencing it first_hand.
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And Aima Ohiwerei from Nigeria is experiencing it frist_hand.
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Apart from some spelling mistakes, the composition is fairly good.
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Apart from some apelling mistakes, the composition is fairly good.
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Apart from some spelling mistakes, the composition is fairly good.
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除此之外,团队应该开始为自己的工作寻求一个更远大的目标。 Apart from this teams should start looking for a purpose in what they are doing.
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What are you looking for?
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Apart from this teams should start looking for a purpose in what they are doing
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为了成长,我必须离开眼前的安逸。 In order to grow, I must stretch beyond my comfrot zone.
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in order to grow, I must stretch beyond my comfort zone.
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In order to grow, I must stretch beyond my comfort zone.
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Every person's personal comfort zone is different.
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In Washington,D.C. There are many places that bring history to life.
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when it rains heavily, we often say it is pouring
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When it rains heavily, we often say it is pouring.
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That is a lot of bad stuff happening
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when it rains, its never just one raindrop
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