Lesson - 17.01.2023

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soru cevap
sparkling water / fizzy water
Fizzy drinks can cause indigestion from what I have read.
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woda gazowana / woda gazowana
sparkling water / still water
Sparking water is not very popular in the United States.
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woda gazowana / woda niegazowana
water cooler
The water cooler in the office is always a good place for pleasant conversation.
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chłodnica wody
track suit, sweat suit
His track suit was hilarious because everyone knew he didn't exercise.
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dres, dres
quads (quadriceps femoris)
The quads are one of the biggest muscles in the body and many people neglect to train them.
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czworogłowe (mięsień czworogłowy uda)
glutes maximus
If you neglect your glutes you will look like a chicken.
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pośladki maximus
it's a difficult sell
It will be a difficult sell to convince that town that they need to relocate.
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something that it is difficult to persuade people to buy or accept
laughter is the best medicine
Laughter is the noun form of 'to laugh'
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śmiech jest najlepszym lekarstwem
This particular comedian was not very funny, in my opinion.
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standup routine
As part of her standup routine he walked up to the front row
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a short sequence of jokes, remarks, actions, or movements that forms part of a longer performance
thick skin
I have always had thick skin so their comments didn't bother me.
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a lack of sensitivity to criticism or insults

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