Lesson - 17.08.2022

 0    11 flashcards    jessehandley
mp3 indir Baskı oynamak kendini kontrol et
soru cevap
in passing; casually
He told me in passing that he was quitting his job.
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mimochodem; niedbale
every other week / every second week
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co drugi tydzień / co drugi tydzień
don't throw the baby out with the bath water
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nie wylewaj dziecka z kąpielą
We have experienced heavy flooding this year.
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wean off something
Germany needs to be weaned off Russian oil.
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odstawić coś?
superiors - subordinates
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przełożeni - podwładni
The mad scientist had several underlings who did his bidding.
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negative connotation
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negatywna konotacja
gut reaction
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a feeling in your stomach
gut instinct
öğrenmeye başla
a feeling in your stomach
put it on the shelf
öğrenmeye başla
deal with something later

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