soru |
cevap |
She works as a teacher in a primary school. öğrenmeye başla
Ona pracuje jako nauczyciel w szkole podstawowej.
You're ill. I'll take you to a doctor. öğrenmeye başla
Jesteś chory. Zabiorę cię do lekarza.
We paid the taxi driver and went to the museum. öğrenmeye başla
Zapłaciliśmy taksówkarzowi i poszliśmy do muzeum.
He asked the waiter for the bill. öğrenmeye başla
On poprosił kelnera o rachunek.
Actors in this movie are terrible. öğrenmeye başla
Aktorzy w tym filmie są straszni.
a businessman/businesswoman An anonymous businessman has donated a million pounds to the university. öğrenmeye başla
Anonimowy biznesmen przekazał uniwersytetowi milion funtów.
As a child, he really wanted to be a singer. öğrenmeye başla
Bardzo chciał być piosenkarzem kiedy był dzieckiem.
Trust me, I'm an engineer. öğrenmeye başla
Zaufaj mi, jestem inżynierem.
Could you spell your name again? öğrenmeye başla
Czy mógłbyś ponownie przeliterować swoje nazwisko?
öğrenmeye başla
Use your first name dot your surname as a login. öğrenmeye başla
Użyj swojego imienia kropka nazwisko jako loginu.
He wasn't very good at his job. öğrenmeye başla
On nie był zbyt dobry w swojej pracy.
Put it back on the shelf. öğrenmeye başla
Odłóż to z powrotem na półkę.
öğrenmeye başla
It's very difficult to pronounce a word with many consonants. öğrenmeye başla
Bardzo trudno jest wypowiedzieć słowo z wieloma spółgłoskami.
They reduced their prices. öğrenmeye başla