soru |
cevap |
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wzrost / przyrost, zwiększać öğrenmeye başla
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jednakże, jednak, mimo wszystko öğrenmeye başla
oszczędność czasu i pieniędzy öğrenmeye başla
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He didn't actually say anything important öğrenmeye başla
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rozpraszać, dekoncentrować öğrenmeye başla
Stop distracting me - I'm trying to finish my essay
prowadzić do czegoś, doprowadzić do czegoś, spowodować coś A poor diet can lead to health problems in later life öğrenmeye başla
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dotrzeć do kogoś z przekazem öğrenmeye başla
I just don't seem to able to get through to him these days
dorównywać komuś, dogonić kogoś öğrenmeye başla
You'll never catch up with him!
spotykać się z kimś, chodzić z kimś (chłopakiem lub dziewczyną) öğrenmeye başla
They've been going out together since high school
rozpoznać, zidentyfikować öğrenmeye başla
She didn't recognise any of the names
mylić się co do kogoś/czegoś öğrenmeye başla
be wrong about somebody's something How could she have been so wrong about a man?
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Dogs find themselves in this exact situation every day.
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There are many examples of misunderstanding
dyszeć, sapać, ziajać (ciężko oddychać) öğrenmeye başla
If a dog pants, we assume it's due to the heat.
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Don't assume that she doesn't like you, ask her.
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It could also indicate stress.
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Yawning might suggest tiredness.
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They made no attempt to escape.
podjąć próbę zrobienia czegoś öğrenmeye başla
She wouldn't make any attempt to put me through school
zmuszać kogoś do przejscia przez coś öğrenmeye başla
dzięki czemuś, z powodu czegoś öğrenmeye başla
We didn't go to the beach, owing to the bad weather.
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She likes pizza whereas I love tomato soup.
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Jack wondered about the living room.
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I sought help from the authorities.
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Małe dzieci są pełne ciekawości. Pytają dosłownie o wszystko. öğrenmeye başla
Little children are filled with curiosity. They ask questions about literally everything.
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Powinniśmy wzmacniać naszą współpracę z naszymi oddziałami. öğrenmeye başla
We should enhance the co-operation with our affiliates.
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Mam ogromne uznanie dla każdego, kto poświęca swój czas na nauczenie się nowego języka. öğrenmeye başla
I have a real appreciation for anyone who takes the time to learn another language.
Wykonajmy plan obrabowania banku, który opracował Jeremy - myślę, że może zadziałać. öğrenmeye başla
Let's carry out Jeremy's plan to rob the bank, I think it might work.
Wodospad jest blisko obozu. öğrenmeye başla
The waterfall is close to the camp.
znajdować coś/wyszukiwać coś Proszę znajdź to słówko w słowniku. öğrenmeye başla
Look this word up in the dictionary, please.
słaby punkt, piętą Achillesa öğrenmeye başla
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