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any type of medicine that reduces the effects of a headache, backache, etc
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a medical professional who helps with a particular type of problem
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a medical condition which leaves the person feeling deeply unhappy and without hope
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a feeling of being very scared or worried which stops you from thinking clearly
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a sensation that something very bad is going to happen in future
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Jestem głuchy na jedno ucho.
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unable to hear well or at all
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negative feelings people generally have towards a particular thing
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a physical or mental condition which prevents someone doing certain activities that people who don’t have it can do
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This matter doesn't concern you, Stephen. Please mind your own business. öğrenmeye başla
Ta kwestia cię nie dotyczy, Stephen. Pilnuj swojego nosa.
Last month revealed all our weak points. öğrenmeye başla
Zeszły miesiąc odsłonił nasze słabe strony.
I felt a great relief after passing my exam. öğrenmeye başla
Poczułem dużą ulgę po zdaniu egzaminu.
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If you're going to succeed in this role, you'll need to demonstrate a lot of flexibility - you'll have many different tasks. öğrenmeye başla
Jeśli masz sobie poradzić w tej roli, musisz wykazać się dużą elastycznością - będziesz mieć wiele różnych obowiązków.
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I'm going to work remotely today because I can't be bothered going into the office. öğrenmeye başla
Dziś będę pracował zdalnie, bo nie chce mi się iść do biura.
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