Lesson_eng_new words 071220

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soru English cevap English
it shapes character
öğrenmeye başla
it shapes character
I've had my fair share of bronchitis problems
öğrenmeye başla
I've had my fair share of bronchitis problems
so I know what you went through
öğrenmeye başla
so I know what you went through
in any case
öğrenmeye başla
in any case
the connection gets on my nerves
öğrenmeye başla
the connection gets on my nerves
I started getting serious
öğrenmeye başla
I started getting serious
he did it on purpose
öğrenmeye başla
he did it on purpose
i could've sworn
öğrenmeye başla
i could've sworn
to be greedy
öğrenmeye başla
to be greedy
be stingy
öğrenmeye başla
be stingy
socially smooth
öğrenmeye başla
socially smooth
charismatic person
öğrenmeye başla
charismatic person
mindfulness meditation
öğrenmeye başla
mindfulness meditation
time heals all wounds
öğrenmeye başla
time heals all wounds
devastated by a love affair
öğrenmeye başla
devastated by a love affair
i've put a lot of thoughts
öğrenmeye başla
i've put a lot of thoughts
öğrenmeye başla
anticipated graduation date
öğrenmeye başla
anticipated graduation date

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