soru |
cevap |
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szybko polubić; zacząć robić często i być w tym dobrym The two dogs took to each other immediately and started to play. She's taken to basketball like a duck to water
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We will need to give them some kind of stimulus to make this plan work. (Musimy dać im jakąś zachętę, żeby ten plan zadziałał.)
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Hey lazybones, get up from the sofa and help me with the dishes!
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ktoś nieużyteczny / niepomocny That man is a total waste of space.
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leń, nierób, bałaganiarz, często nieuprzejmy Your brother is a lazy slob! He's a big fat slob of a man - I can't stand him.
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psotny, figlarny, żywy, wesoły, żartobliwy a playful exchange of insults He was in a playful mood.
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znieważać, obrażać; zniewaga, obelga He insulted me and my family! This is a deliberate insult against me and my people!
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władczy, apodyktyczny, despotyczny My stepmother has a bossy personality.
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She's so bigheaded! It was a panel full of conceited and arrogant scholars.
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trzeźwo myślący, bez emocji a hard-headed approach to problems
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badacz, uczony, stypendysta, student
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egoistyczny, zarozumiały, mający duże mniemanie o sobie I doubt he even thought about what you might need, he’s so full of himself.
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posępny, ponury, przygnebiający If a place is bleak, it is empty, and not welcoming or attractive; If a situation is bleak, there is little or no hope for the future The house stands on a bleak, windswept hilltop.; The economic outlook is bleak. Samantha has a bleak smile.
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I'm very envious of your new coat - it's beautiful.
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He is very confident and boastful, and is constantly singing songs about himself, but he still has a very good heart.
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przechwałki, przechwalać się He didn't talk about his exam results in case people thought he was boasting.
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roztrzepany, roztargniony She absent-mindedly left her umbrella on the bus. He is charmingly absent-minded.
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I remember my carefree student days.
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Your malicious remark wounded me deeply.
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ze złością, złym zamiarem
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psotny, szelmowski, złośliwy She has a mischievous sense of humour.
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robić wrażenie, wydawać się He comes across as an eccentric person.
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droczyć się, dokuczać, drażnić; kokietować, nęcić I used to hate being teased about my red hair when I was at school. He teased the dog and it bit him. This woman is clearly teasing you.
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spotkanie, zgromadzenie, zlot, zjazd You know how many of us will come to the school reunion?
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wredny, złośliwy, jędzowaty You can be really bitchy!
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sheer arrogance, sheer ignorance, It was sheer luck. This dessert is sheer delight.
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smuga, pasemko; skłonnośc, tendencja She had black hair with a blue streak. He has a streak of malice. Her stubborn streak makes her very difficult to work with sometimes. You need to have a competitive streak when you're working in marketing.
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intensywny; reagujący emocjonalnie Be careful, he's an intense person.
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celowy, rozmyślny, świadomy; uparty, nieustępliwy (of something bad) done intentionally or (of a person) determined to do exactly as you want, even if you know it is wrong: The present crisis is the result of years of wilful neglect by the council. She developed into a wilful, difficult child.
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wylegiwać się, poniewierać się I spent a week in Spain, lying around on the beach. Has anyone seen my keys lying around?
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"hen why should she back down, instead of going on to the top?
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robić coś za czyimiś plecami She's constantly going behind my back.
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podważać, podkopywać, nadszarpywać He was punished because he undermined his teacher's authority. Hard physical work undermined his health.
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zauważać, zwracać uwagę na coś, brać pod uwagę
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It's high time we all stood up for our rights around here. She stands up for what she believes in.
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He strode out of the room, a bit too quickly.
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przyjąć coś bez mrugnięcia okiem When you become a politician, you soon learn to take criticism in your stride.
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nieśmiały i wycofujący się
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wyluzować się, rozchmurzyć Oh, lighten up! I was only joking! I wish she'd just lighten up.
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She is constantly sucking up to the boss in order to get ahead
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robić postępy, wyprzedzać, posuwać się do przodu I heard that you have a new job and you're getting ahead - congratulations.
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dumać, rozmyślać; zaduma; muza I began to muse about/on the possibility of starting my own business.
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lepiej, w lepszej sytuacji, pomyślniejszy, zamożniejszy He'd be better off working for a bigger company. Obviously we're better off now that we're both working.
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wytrwałość / niezmordowanie Through hard work and perseverance, he worked his way up to the top.
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wealth of studies, Jim has a wealth of teaching experience. Russia has a wealth of coal and timber. Their policies are all towards the creation of wealth.
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przeżyć coś i przetrwać z sukcesem We had a horrific journey, but we lived to tell the tale.
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przerażający, okropny, straszny a horrific accident/crime horrific injuries
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odsłonić, wyjawić, ujawnić The truth was finally revealed. The research reveals that...
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The lie-detector test will determine if he's telling the truth.
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dobrze płatna / lukratywna, dochodowa He was negotiating hard with his boss and managed to sign a very lucrative contract.
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dodatkowy, nadmierny; nadmiar Do you have any excess baggage? They both eat to excess. An excess of water causes the plant's roots to rot.
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odpowiednik; kopia, duplikat This company is our counterpart in Sweden. My counterpart in their company earns more money. This document comes in two counterparts.
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Upwards of 50,000 people assembled in the main square.
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Perhaps you could sound the chairwoman out before the meeting, to see which way she's going to vote?
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za pomocą którego, pzez co They've set up a plan whereby you can spread the cost over a two-year period. We need to devise some sort of system whereby people can liaise with each other. It's put me in a position whereby I can't afford to take a job.
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zakwestionować, podważyć; konkurs, zawody How can you contest the words of your professor?
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zderzenie, utarczka, pojedynek, starcie Their interests clashed when it turned out that they had to choose. The clash left both armies weakened.
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sort out a place to stay, ~ a visa, ~ our differences
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obniżać status, obniżać poziom The debate must not be dragged down to that level.
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myśleć o kimś, sądzić o kimś I won't tell you what I make of him because you can't keep anything in secret.
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If you do something such as pass an exam with flying colours, you do it very successfully.
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She ruminated for weeks about whether to tell him or not.
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źle się wyrażać, mówić źle o... don't speak ill about the dead
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zły, poirytowany, rozdrażniony, łatwo wpadający w gniew, o złym usposobieniu
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zapalać (się), powodować zapłon; wzniecać, wzbudzać, prowokować, inicjować The fuel spontaneously ignites because of the high temperature and pressure. The proposed restrictions have ignited a storm of protest.
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zapłon, stacyjka w samochodzie She put the key into the ignition. The firemen were here five minutes after the ignition.
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zrobione i skończone na tip-top By now the deal was done and dusted.
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być szalonym, postradać zmysły Are you nuts? We can't do this, it's too dangerous. He must be nuts, I would never do that.
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rozprawa (magisterska/doktorska), praca pisemna I am too busy writing my dissertation to do anything else. He wrote his dissertation on neuroleptics.
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przezwyciężać, opanowywać, pokonywać; He meditates to overcome stress. ~ disease, ~ fear, ~ discrimination
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przedsięwzięcie; wyprawa; narażać, ryzykować, odważyć się a new activity, usually in business, that involves risk or uncertainty: to risk going somewhere or doing something that might be dangerous or unpleasant, or to risk saying something that might be criticized: Opening a company is a venture. She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ventures. This venture will change your whole life. I would venture to say better late than never. We felt as though we were venturing (forth) into the unknown.
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ogólnie mówiąc, generalnie By and large, this is a good solution.
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zgadzać się na jakiś temat, zgadzać się co do czegoś They don't see eye to eye on many issues.
not be on speaking terms with sb öğrenmeye başla
They had an argument last night and now they're not on speaking terms (with each other).
put somebody at somebody's ease öğrenmeye başla
Chris phoned to say they'd arrived safely, so that really put my mind at ease.
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Oh, stop it, you're getting on my nerves!
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szorstki; przybliżony; burzliwy, niespokojny, trudny, ciężki Her skin was rough. This is just a rough calculation. Jane is tired because she had a rough night. It's a rough area.
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okradanie na ulicy, rozbój, bandycki napad Police are concerned that mugging is on the increase.
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There is strong friction here in the relationship between the European and national levels.
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All my children were fussy eaters.
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He is our best employee. He always pulls his weight.
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nieskazitelny, czysty, nieskalany Her home is spotless; spotless reputation
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brzdąc, małe dziecko (uczące się chodzić) The last time I saw you, you were a toddler.
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trudny, krnąbrny (np. o dziecku) Her older son is fine but the little one is a bit of a handful.
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to instil discipline, to instil confidence
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upominać kogoś, besztać kogoś, ochrzaniać kogoś The teacher told the boy off.
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rozerwanie, pękać; wybuchać; wyskakiwać/wskakiwać The water pipe burst during the winter. She burst into laughter and hugged him. I burst into the room and scared my mother.
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She's been in bed with flu, and she's still a little unsteady on her feet.
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wybuch, spazm, przypływ (płaczu) I wanted to apologize for my outburst yesterday.
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bronić się słowami; odszczekiwać, odpowiadać niegrzecznie You can't answer back to your grandma! The company criticized in the documentary was given the opportunity to answer back.
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bezpośrednio, wprost, bez ogródek; kategorycznie, stanowczo He asked me a question point-blank. She declined our offer point-blank.
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Eventually, Roberto backed down and apologized.
go through a bad/difficult/rough/sticky patch öğrenmeye başla
przechodzić zły, trudny okres Andy's going through a rough patch at the moment - his wife wants a divorce.
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He confided (to her) that his hair was not his own.
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komplikacja, problem; nawrót (choroby), pogorszenie stanu The construction had some delay due to unforeseen setbacks. After this surgery, the probability of setback is very low.
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cios (przykra, zła sytuacja), uderzenie His death was a blow to us but we made it. The blow in the face knocked him out.
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wątły, słaby; delikatny, kruchy My daughter is so frail that she can't go outside. Their hope for the better future is frail.
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wypisać (ze szpitala); wydzielać, wydostawać się; wyładowywać (się) He was discharged from the hospital. Large amounts of dangerous waste are discharged daily by the factory. The ship stopped to discharge the passengers.
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zacząć się wdzięczyć, użyć wdzięku He can really turn on the charm when he wants to.
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a complacent smile/attitude We can't afford to become complacent about any of our products.
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You can't bottle the anger up. I couldn't bottle my sorrow up any longer.
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His presence shifted my attention away from my sorrows.
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przestępstwo urzędnicze, "w bałych rękawiczkach"
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uniwersalny, wszechstronny; zmienny This jacket is very versatile - you can dress it up for the evening. He is a very versatile actor. We want all our staff to be versatile.
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I have tentative plans to take a trip to Seattle in July.
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poważanie, szacunek, uznanie the quality of being considered socially acceptable Despite that, it has some respectability. An attempt to gain international respectability The company operates out of modern offices to create an air of respectability.
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łapówkarstwo, przekupstwo Pharmaceutical companies use bribery to encourage doctors to prescribe their drugs.
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He is responsible for a couple of thefts in our city.
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nielegalny obrót papierami wartościowymi; nielegalne transakcje zawarte na podstawie poufnych informacji The company's executives and its accountants are accused of falsifying financial statements and engaging in insider trading.
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kanciarstwo, gangsterstwo, wymuszanie okupu, nielegalna działalność They have been accused of racketeering.
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praca, robota, siła robocza
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defraudacja, sprzeniewierzenie A theft of assets is a form of embezzlement. She embezzled thousands of dollars from the charity.
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naruszenie, pogwałcenie (zasad, prawa) Even minor infringements of the law will be severely punished.
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I got a fine for speeding.
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hańba, wstyd, kompromitacja; hańbić It is a disgrace not to respect your elders. He disgraces this family with his actions.
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plama, skaza; poplamić, splamić, an ink stain, His car has a stain on the chassis, The wine stained the carpet red. You stained the honor of your family.
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podwozie (samolotu), obudowa (komputera, telefonu) I took off the chassis and cleaned the inside.
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nieład, rupiecie; zagracić, Sorry about the clutter in the kitchen. My desk is covered in/full of clutter.
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wezwać, przywołać, zwołać; zbierać (siły); pozywać (przed sądem) We were summoned to the headmaster's office. It took me six months to summon (up) the courage to ask him out for a drink.
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osobliwy, dziwny; szczególny, swoisty The man we met was very peculiar. He has a peculiar way of showing his gratitude.
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blask, oślepiające światło; gniewne spojrzenie I was blinded by a glare of light. She gave us a glare and left.
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obsypać, zasypywać, pokrywać; rozsypywać, rozrzucać; usiać The beach was strewn with rocks. He strewed toys all over the floor. The meadow was strewn with flowers.
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pojąć, zrozumieć; gruntować, sondować, zgłębiać I can't fathom her at all. For years people have been trying to fathom (out) the mysteries of the whale's song.
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spłukany, bez forsy, bez grosza, goły I won't help you. I'm skint.
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DVDs push video tapes toward oblivion.
to burn the candle at both ends öğrenmeye başla
zarwać noc; wziąć zbyt wiele na swoje barki (np. zarwać noc przez pracę i następnego dnia wstać wcześnie rano) I'm terribly tired. I had to finish my work and burned the candle at both ends
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He hadn't done it deliberately. She has deliberately ignored my note!
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żałosny, żenujący, godny politowania; wzruszający, godny współczucia a pathetic attempt/joke/excuse Are you telling me you're frightened to speak to her? Don't be so pathetic!; The refugees were a pathetic sight - starving, frightened and cold.
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zadowolony z siebie, próżny a smug grin She deserved her promotion, but I wish she wasn't so smug about it.
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piana; coś atrakcyjnego ale mało istotnego i ważnego His books are just froth, but they're enjoyable enough.
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pogarszać (sytuację); mieszanka to make a problem or difficult situation worse; a chemical that combines two or more elements Lack of rain compounded the problems farmers are having. His financial problems were compounded when he unexpectedly lost his job; a curious compound of humour and severity; Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.
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The disease is very contagious.
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zrzucać kamień z serca, wyrzucić coś z siebie, wyżalić się I had spent two months worrying about it and I was glad to get it off my chest.
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I apologize for any anxiety which I may, unwittingly, have caused.
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She is a spinster who never married or had children. She died a spinster at the age of 67 in 1766.
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szmatka, ścierka; tkanina, materiał This cloth will be perfect to polish the table. What cloth is this shirt made of?
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kozioł (sarny), zając (samiec), młody byczek (o mężczyźnie) We saw two bucks goring. We saved a buck's life which we found on the road. I'm not a young buck like I used to be.
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bóść, dźgać, przebijać; rozlana krew The goat gored me with horns. There was plenty of gore at the demonstration.
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I think he's the only person I know who's still wearings cords.
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najlepszy, coś co wymiata, prezentować bardzo wysoki poziom Have you tried this ice cream? It's the bee's knees, it really is.
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fabuła; spisek, zmowa, plan; knuć, intrygować; działka The play had a weak plot; They found out about our plot, we have to drop it.; We plotted against our biology teacher; There are several plots of land for sale.
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panować, panowanie, rządy The king's reign ended with his assassination. Under my reign, you won't be punished for such nonsense. His heir is just a boy, not ready to reign.
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After his death, she became the only heir to the family fortune.
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wspiąć się; wznosić; piąć się w górę (po szczeblach kariery) They slowly ascended the steep path up the mountain. He eventually ascended to the position of chief executive.
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stromy; wygórowany (ceny); gwałtowny The castle is set on a steep hill. The price is too steep. steep increase/rise, steep rain, steep hurricane
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udaremnić; floret; folia, sreberko They managed to foil the terrorist attack.
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She was accused of committing treason against the state.
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wizerunek, podobizna; kukła Crowds marched through the streets carrying burning effigies of the president.
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wspomnienie; spokój (umysłu), medytacja (religijna) My recollections of my childhood are very hazy.
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zimne ognie; brylant, klejnot
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She left the country under threat of arrest if she returned.
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zanikać, gasnąć (też o umierającym) The images started to fade away and everything around me turned black. My grandmother is fading, I already said goodbye to her.
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