Mary, Mary 2

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soru cevap
kill in cold blood
Do you think you can kill again in cold blood?
öğrenmeye başla
zabić zimną krwią
öğrenmeye başla
deign to do something
öğrenmeye başla
łaskawie zechcieć coś zrobić
an executive assistant
öğrenmeye başla
asystent przełożonego
loose lips sink ships
öğrenmeye başla
nie umieć dochować tajemnicy z powodu gadulstwa
a target practice
This wasn't target practice any more, and everything had to be just right.
öğrenmeye başla
ćwiczenia na strzelnicy
to let out
öğrenmeye başla
kończyć się (o seansie filmowym)
nail biting = gripping
öğrenmeye başla
trzymający w napięciu
go through an ordeal
a very unpleasant and painful or difficult experience: The hostages' ordeal came to an end when soldiers stormed the building.
öğrenmeye başla
przejść przez gehennę, ciężką próbę
abort a mission
If he was spotted, he'd simply abort the mission.
öğrenmeye başla
przerwać misję
öğrenmeye başla
pełen dreszczyku emocji
kind and always thinking about how you can help other people: Thank you for calling when I was ill - it was very thoughtful of you. She's a very thoughtful person.
öğrenmeye başla
troskliwy, życzliwy
to get stabbed
öğrenmeye başla
zostać dźgniętym
to rise from your seat
öğrenmeye başla
wstać ze swojego miejsca
hesitate for an instant
He never hesitated for an instant.
öğrenmeye başla
wahać się przez chwilę
to quip
When asked why he seemed to be so relaxed, Mr McCarthy quipped: "It's the drugs". "Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant," Grant once quipped.
öğrenmeye başla
to get subtlety
öğrenmeye başla
zrozumieć subtelność
a power-mad psycho
öğrenmeye başla
szalony z władzy; żądny władzy
come at somebody
Patrice could probably come at you from he grave.
öğrenmeye başla
zaatakować kogoś
the silver screen
Carrie was Stephen King's first story to reach the silver screen.
öğrenmeye başla
srebrny ekran

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