soru |
cevap |
öğrenmeye başla
she outlined the case briefly öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
nie do zniesienia, a feeling, pain so extreme that you can’t deal with; someone extremely annoying
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Upał był nie do zniesienia
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przystosowywać, dostosować, to change something to make it better
I have to adjust / adapt my life to my daughters’ lives öğrenmeye başla
Muszę dostosować / dostosować moje życie do życia moich córek
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öğrenmeye başla
wychowanie, noun, the way that parents look after their children and teach them to behave
I need to bring up my children to be good people öğrenmeye başla
Muszę wychowywać moje dzieci, aby były dobrymi ludźmi
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[RI’DIM] odkupić, wybawić, Compensate for the faults or bad aspects of
a disappointing debate redeemed only by an outstanding speech öğrenmeye başla
rozczarowująca debata odkupiona tylko przez wybitne przemówienie
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stracony, zły los, przeznaczenie
The venture was doomed to failure. öğrenmeye başla
Przedsięwzięcie było skazane na niepowodzenie.
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zasłaniać, not well known; not easy to understand; not clear,
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Jego życie pozostaje niejasne
The rules for this competition are obscure. öğrenmeye başla
Zasady tej konkurencji są niejasne.
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Money paid to someone to prevent them from disclosing embarrassing or discreditable information.
he used it as hush money for his mistress öğrenmeye başla
używał go jako pieniędzy dla swojej kochanki
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payment, payout, reward, recompense, consideration