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soru cevap
no he estado
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I have not been
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lo veo más como una inversión no como un gasto
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I see it more as an investment not an expense
Piensatelo bien / piensalo bien
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Think it over
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would take care
yo tengo buen amigo que me lo cuidaría
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I have a good friend who would take care of him
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What's more
Carlos compró huevos, además de frutas y verduras
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Carlos bought eggs, as well as fruits and vegetables
Sabes una cosa?, no me gustó lo que dijiste ayer
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Do you know something? I didn't like what you said yesterday
porque no te dan ganas de ir al gimnasio?
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why don't you want to go to the gym?
darle vueltas (a algo)
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think much
no le des mas vueltas y casate con ella
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do not think so much and marry her
le di muchas vueltas antes de tomar esta decision
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I thought about it a lot before making this decision
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mattter/ issue / case
por que le das tantas vueltas a ese asunto?
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Why do you think so much about that matter?
caer en la cuenta de que
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realize that
ahora caigo en la cuenta de que estaba equivocado
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now i realize i was wrong
era un timo, pero cuando caimos en la cuenta ya era demasiado tarde
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It was a scam, but when we realized it it was too late
me dejé el paraguas en el bar, pero no cai en la cuenta. hasta que empezo a llover otra vez
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I left my umbrella at the bar, but it didn't hit me. until it started to rain again
venirle bien
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come in handy
mañana podemos almorzar juntos. A qué hora te viene bien?
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tomorrow we can have lunch together. What time is good for you?
me vendría bien haces un poco ejercicio
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I could use you do a little exercise
el que algo quiere algo le cuesta
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If you want something, it's going to cost you
Allá tú / tu sabras / tu veras
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There you / you will know / you will see
no estoy de acuerdo con tu decision, pero tú veras
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I do not agree with your decision, but you will see
creo que no deberías comprar esa casa, pero alla tu
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I think you shouldn't buy that house, but there you
creo que voy a renunciar a mi trabajo. en serio? piensalo bien!
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I think I'm going to quit my job. seriously? think wisely!
ni de coña / ni hablar / ni de broma/ ni de chiste
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no joke / no talk / no joke / no joke
visitar un cementerio de noche? Ni hablar
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visit a cemetery at night? No way
bajarse de la nube
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get off the cloud
te asconesejo
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I advise you
si pensas que el dinero te dara todo la felicidad. que buscas, te aconsejo que te bajas de esa nube
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If you think that money will give you all the happiness. What are you looking for, I advise you to get off that cloud
Creo que le gusto a Sofia, la voy a invitar a salir. Vete bajando de esa nube, ella ya tienee novio
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I think Sofia likes me, I'm going to ask her out. Get off that cloud, she already has a boyfriend
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to move out
quando te mudas?
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when are you moving?
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buscar un nuevo empleo es engorroso
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looking for a new job is cumbersome
últimamente andas muy perdido
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lately you are very lost
si te contara he estado borde de la locura con mil cosas por hacer
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If I told you, I have been on the verge of madness with a thousand things to do
he tenido que mudarme a otro apartamento y ya sabes lo engorroso que es eso
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I had to move to another apartment and you know how cumbersome that is
debes estar agotado
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You must be exhausted
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stopped / unemployed
no he parado en toda la semana
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I haven't stopped all week
es más amplio
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Is wider
ha merecido la pena
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it was worth it
yo solo quiero ver que tal es
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I just want to see how it is
pero no empieces a dar la lata con tus consejos de decorador de interiores
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But don't start nagging with your interior decorator tips
Hacia mucho que no te veia! - si lo se, he estado un poco perdido
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I haven't seen you for a long time! - yes I know, I've been a little lost
si te contara...
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If i tell you...
Por qué estás llorando? Si te contara, ha pasado algo muy triste
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Why are you crying? If I told you, something very sad has happened
cuentame como te fue en el viaje por andalucia?
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Tell me how was your trip to Andalusia?
estar liado
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be tied up (much work)
Mi Padre esta muy liado con su trabajo por eso nunca tiene tiempo
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My father is very busy with his work so he never has time
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quien te va ayudar mudarte?
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who will help you move?
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Cumbersome/ uciazwliwe
Lavar los platos es una tarea engorrosa
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Washing dishes is a cumbersome task
llevar una eternidad
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take forever
Me llevo una eternidad terminar de editar este vídeo
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It took me forever to finish editing this video
Para colmo
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To top
Se me hizo tarde para el trabajo y para colmo, el bus no paso
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I was late for work and to top it off, the bus didn't pass
Merecer la pena / valer la pena
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me gaste mucho dinero en las entradas para concierto, pero ha mercido la pena
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I spent a lot of money on concert tickets, but it was worth it
escalar esta montaña fue muy difícil pero las vistas desde la cima han mercido la pena.
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Climbing this mountain was very difficult but the views from the top have been worth it.
echar un vistazo / dar un vistazo
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have a look / to browse
Me dejas echarle un vistazo a tu colección de sellos?
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Can you let me take a look at your stamp collection?
has tenido tiempo de darle un vistazo a mi informe
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have you had time to take a look at my report
no olvides echarle un vistazo a mi canal de youtube
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don't forget to check out my youtube channel
el visto bueno
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La vacuna ya tiene el visto bueno del gobierno
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The vaccine already has the go-ahead from the government
no puedo hacer esto sin el visto bueno de mi jefe
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I can't do this without my boss's appoval
dar la lata
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mi hijo lleva todo la semana dandome la lata para que lo lleve al cine
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my son has been giving me the can all week to take him to the movies
intento practicar
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I try to practice
habías dicho
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you had said
que pensaba tu?
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what did you think
ir dando tumbos
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having difficultiies
Mas o menos, voy dando tumbos pero sigo avanzando
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More or less, I'm stumbling but I keep moving forward
ya decia yo
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I told you so / no wonder
ser pan comido
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"a piece of cake" / super easy
Aprender espanol con estos videos es pan comido
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Learning Spanish with these videos is a piece of cake
sacar de quicio
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to drive someone nuts
tu celos me sacan de quicio
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Your jealousy drives me crazy
no es lo mío
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it is not mine
vivir en un pais donde hace mucho frrio no es lo mio
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living in a country where it is very cold is not my thing
tu cocinas y yo lavo los platos, cocinar no es lo mio
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you cook and I wash the dishes, cooking is not my thing
tirar la toalla
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give up
llevo varias semanas haciendo dieta y no bajo de peso estoy por tirar la toalla
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I've been dieting for several weeks and I'm not losing weight I'm about to give up
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tu esposo parece un poco tacaño
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your husband seems a little stingy

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