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• Angela Abigail Applewhite ate anchovies and artichokes. • Bertha Bartholomew blew big, blue bubbles. • Clever Clifford Cutter clumisily closed the closet clasps. • Dwayne Dwiddle drew a drawing of dreaded Dracula.
öğrenmeye başla
• Angela Abigail Applewhite ate anchovies and artichokes. • Bertha Bartholomew blew big, blue bubbles. • Clever Clifford Cutter clumisily closed the closet clasps. • Dwayne Dwiddle drew a drawing of dreaded Dracula.
• Elmer Elwood eluded elven elderly elephants. • Floyd Flingle flipped flat flapjacks. • Greta Gruber grabbed a group of green grapes. • Hattie Henderson hated happy healthy hippos
öğrenmeye başla
• Elmer Elwood eluded elven elderly elephants. • Floyd Flingle flipped flat flapjacks. • Greta Gruber grabbed a group of green grapes. • Hattie Henderson hated happy healthy hippos
• Ida Ivy identified the ivory iris. • Julie Jackson juggled the juicy, jiggly jello. • Karl Kessler kept the ketchup in the kitchen. • Lila Ledbetter lugged a lot of little lemons.
öğrenmeye başla
Ida Ivy identified the ivory iris. • Julie Jackson juggled the juicy, jiggly jello. • Karl Kessler kept the ketchup in the kitchen. • Lila Ledbetter lugged a lot of little lemons.
• Milton Mallard mailed a mangled mango. • Norris Newton never needed new noodles. • Patsy planter plucked plump, purple, plastic plums. • Quinella Quist quite quickly quelled the quarreling quartet
öğrenmeye başla
• Milton Mallard mailed a mangled mango. • Norris Newton never needed new noodles. • Patsy planter plucked plump, purple, plastic plums. • Quinella Quist quite quickly quelled the quarreling quartet

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