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soru cevap
öğrenmeye başla
to do or use too much of something
I went to the gym yesterday, but I think I overdid it a bit.
skojarzenie, stowarzyszenie, związek
öğrenmeye başla
an organization of people with the same interests or with a particular purpose/a connection in the mind
the Football Association/The house had associations with her dead husband.
we współpracy z kimś, wspólnie z
öğrenmeye başla
in association with
working together with
The event was organized in association with the Sports Council.
pochylać się nad, skłaniać się ku czemuś
öğrenmeye başla
incline towards
to think that a belief or opinion is probably correct
The weaker elements of the races incline towards excesses and brutality.
poczuć potrzebę
öğrenmeye başla
get an urge(need to)
utrzymać, podtrzymać
öğrenmeye başla
to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time:
The team may not be able to sustain this level of performance.
chętny, niecierpliwy
öğrenmeye başla
wanting to do or have something very much
Sam was eager to go home and play on his computer.
kojarzyć, współpracownik
öğrenmeye başla
associate, colleague
to relate two things, people, etc in your mind/someone who you know because of work or business
Most people associate this brand with good quality./She's a business associate of mine.
umówić się na spotkanie
öğrenmeye başla
make an appointment
to arrange to do something at a particular time
I've made an appointment with the doctor.
öğrenmeye başla
a strong feeling that you want something/a strong feeling of being sexually attracted to someone
There is a strong desire for peace among the people.
zdążyć na samolot / pociąg. ująć, złapać, przyłapać,
öğrenmeye başla
to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc)
I’ll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.
öğrenmeye başla
to see something and be aware of it
If the sign's too small, no one will notice it.

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