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mp3 indir Baskı oynamak kendini kontrol et
soru cevap
mozliwe ze wyszla
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she might have gone out
wydaje mi sie to troche naciagane
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this all seems rather far-fetched
ocean to miejsce zamieszkania niezliczonej ilosci egzotycznych gatunkow
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the ocean is home to a countless number of exotic species
niszczący wpływ na
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devastating impact on
mozesz obserwowac rozne zwierzeta morskie
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you can observe such a wide range of sea animals
spodziewałam sie po niej o wiele wiecej
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I was expecting a lot more from her
czy moglbys poswiecic tu latarka?
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could you shine the torch over here?
powinnismy byli wyruszyc wczesniej i dojechac tam przed zmrokiem
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we should have set off earlier and got there before it got dark
sprawdzałaś tam?
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did you check there? have you checked over there?
myslalam ze je spakowalam ale nigdzie ich nie widze
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I thought i have packed them but I can not see them anywhere
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oni stworzyli krotki oryginalny trafiajacy w sedno
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they created a short original striking
pracowac nad czyms
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work on something (are working)
to ma cos wspolnego ze zmianami cisnienia spowodowanymi przez topniejace pokrywy lodowe
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it has something to do with the changes of pressure caused by the melting of ice caps
katastrofy naturalne moga byc niebezpieczne dla ludzi
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natural disasters can be dangerous for people
jego firma zamierza sponsorowac
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his company is going to sponsor
agencja reklamowa zglasza propzycje
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the advertising agency is proposing
oni zamierzaja zorganizowac impreze z okazji
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they are going to organize a party on the occasion
nasz rynek docelowy to osoby
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our target market is people
ktore polegaja na
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which they depend on
na czym bedzie polegalo nasze zadanie
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what will our task be based on
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consist of
sklada sie z wielu czynnikow
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consists of many factors
do objawów nalezą nudnosci, gorączka, bóle lub pobolewania
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Symptoms include nausea, fever, aches or pains
moga to byc bole glowy, bóle mięśni, silny lęk, napięcie, zmieszanie oraz drażliwiść
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they may be headache, muscle aches, severe anxiety, tension, confusion and irritability
umieścimy reklame na naszych mediach spolecznosciowych
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we are going to adversite on our social media
teraz musimy tylko
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now we only have to
strona pozwala uczyc sie jezykow za darmi
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the website allows you to learn languages ​​for free
przeslij mi link do tej strony
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send me a link to this page
ja serfuje po sieci
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I surf the net
kliknij przycisk start zeby rozpoczac pobieranie
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click the start button to begin the download
jesli wygram w loterii pojade w podroz dookola swiata
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if I win in the lottery I will travel around the world
zylam dobrze
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I lived a nice life
jestem pewna, ze będziesz doskonałą matką
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I am sure you will be an excellent mother
nie wiem jak długo jeszcze bede mógłznieść te pracę
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I do not know how much more of this job i can take
chyba pójdę poczytać książkę
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I might go and read a book instead
publiczność oszalała kiedy zespół zaczął grać
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the audience went crazy when the band started to play
festiwal odbywa sie latem
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the festival takes place in the summer
wczorajszy występ był niezwykły
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yesterday's performance was unusual
fantastyczne wykonanie
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fantastic performance
bilety zostały wyprzedane w ciagu tygodnia
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the tickets were sold out within a week
lepiej sie pospiesz
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You better hurry up
nie podobało ci sie?
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didn’t you like it?
jestem pewna, że pokochasz te atmosfere
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I'm sure you'll love this atmosphere
on bedzie kręcił reklamę
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he is going to shoot an advert
nie mogę znaleźć pilota
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I can not find a remote control
nie jestem w stanie zminic programu
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I am not able to change the channel
przerwac program
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interrupt the broadcast
czasami ludziom sie coś podoba a czasem nie
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Sometimes people love it and sometimes not
to bylo szczególnie imponujące
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it was particularly impressive
piesze wycieczki oni organizuja każdego dnia
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They organize trips every day
czy musze dokonac rezerwacji?
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Do I have to make a reservation?
nie musisz rezerwowac hotelu
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you do not have to book a hotel
czy jest zniżka dla
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Is there a discount for
o ktorej otwieraja?
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what time does it open?
otwieraja o 10:40
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they open at 10:40
czy jest otwarte w niedziele?
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Is it open on Sundays?
czy mogę wejść?
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Can i come in
czy moge sie tylko rozejrzec?
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Can I just look around?
czy moge ci zrobic zdjecie?
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Can I take a picture of you?
czy moge zrobic wam zdjecie?
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Can I take a picture of you?
możesz wyprobowac
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you can try it
czy możesz zapisać swoje imię?
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Can you write your name down?
chcemy pojsc gdzies gdzie jest romantycznie
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we want to go somewhere where it is romantic
nazywa sie
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is called
ktorego dnia chcialby sie pan udac na wycieczke
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which day you would like to go on a trip
dla ilu osob?
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for how many people?
sa jeszcze 4 miejsca wolne
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there are still 4 places free
my zwiedzimy
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we will visit
jak długo tu pracujesz?
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How long have you worked here?
wlasnie skonczylam studia
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I just have graduated.
czy to jest wliczone w cenę?
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is it included in the price
co musze ze soba zabrac?
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what do I have to take with me?
jak długo potrwa wycieczka?
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How long will the trip take?
koszula w kratkę
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checkered shirt
uczestniczyc w
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participate in
bycie nurkiem technicznym polega na podejmowaniuvryzyka
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being a technical diver is about taking a risk
to mila odmiana
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It's a nice change
to bardzo ostra krytyka
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This is a very sharp criticism
o ktorych czesciach mowisz?
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what parts are you talking about?
fantastycznie, bardzo sie ciesze
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fantastic, I'm so pleased
naprawde? opowiedz mi o wszystkim
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really? tell me all about it
to nie ważne
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it does not matter
dla mnie to bez znaczenia
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i really couldn’t care less
to nie moze byc, to niemozliwe
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it can not be, it's impossible
pozostawia wiele do zyczenia
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leaves much to be desired
wycieczka trwa ok
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the trip lasts about
znajduje sie po prawo
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is on the right
musisz skorzystac z autobusu
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you need to get a bus
czy dojde tam pieszo?
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Will I get there on foot?
o ktorej odjezdza autobus?
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what time does the bus leave?
jak dlugo to potrwa?
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how long will it take?
chcialabym sie udac do
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I would like to go to
jak ja sie dostane na lotnisko?
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How do I get to the airport?
jestes na wakacjach?
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are you on holiday?
jak dlugo zostajesz?
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How long do you stay?
na jak dlugo sie tu zatrzymalas?
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how long are you staying here?
czy dobrze sie bawisz?
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Are you enjoying your time? are you having a good time?
przyjechalam na kilka dni
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I came for a few days
swietnie sie bawimy
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we have a great time (are having)
co to znaczy?
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what does it mean?
mozesz to zapisac?
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can you write it down?
pan mlody
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mamy gosci na kolacji
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we have guests for dinner
jakie sa dobre strony odbywania stazu za granica
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what are the good sides of internships abroad?
gdzie moge uzyskac informacje?
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where can I get information?
tez sie z tym zmagamy
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We are also struggling with this
ilosc pracy sie podwoila
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the amount of work doubled
spowolnienie ekonomiczne ma ogromny wplyw na ceny mieszkan
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economic slowdown has a huge impact on housing prices
kryzys finansowy dotknął wiele europejskich panstw
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the financial crisis has affected many European countries
o czym chcesz z nim porozmawiac?
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what do you want to talk to him about?
w koncu sie udalo
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i finally got through
moj telefon mial niski poziom baterii
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my phone was low battery
telefon rozlaczyl sie w srodku rozmowy
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the phone got disconnected in the middle of the conversation
musze odlozyć telefon bo ktos puka do drzwi
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sorry i have to hang up because there is someon at the door
kiedys bylam szczesliwsza
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I used to be happier
mial kryzys wieku sredniego
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he had a mid-life crisis
jestem przerazona perspektywą utraty go
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I am been terrified of losing him
czy mozesz wyciagnac talerze?
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Can you get out the plates?
prawie skonczylam
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I‚m almost done
mam go
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got it
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i’m coming out
te pletwy nie sa moje
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these fins are not mine
wlasnie przejezdzam pod mostem
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I'm just passing under the bridge
ubieram sie zanim zjem sniadanie
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I get dressed before I have breakfast
w weekendy ja wstaje pozniej
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at weekends I get up later
jak sie tam dostane?
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How do you get there?
dlaczego on nie przychodzi?
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Why isn’t he coming?
jak to zrobiles?
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how are you doing that?
wynioslam smieci w czwartek
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I took out the rubbish on Thursday
jakie masz plany na weekend?
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what are your plans for the weekend?
wstaje o 6 rano
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I get up at 6 o'clock
wyjdź z budynku i skrec w lewo
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go out of the building and turn left
czym sie zajmujesz?
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what do you do?
ty umyłeś naczynia wczoraj, teraz moja kolej
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you did the dishes yesterday, now it's my turn
nie mozesz sluchac tak głośno muzyki
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you can not listen to music so loud
w zeszlym tygodniu byłam na zwolnieniu lekarskim
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I was off sick last week
ona woli nie jezdzic do pracy samochodem
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she prefers not to go to work by car
wole nie zaczynac w piatek
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I prefer not to start on Friday
czy odkurzyles salon?
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Did you hoover the living room?
nie zamierzam jechac na wakacje w tym roku
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I'm not going to have holiday this year
co zamierzasz robic w wakacje?
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What are you going to do in the summer?
oni zadawali duzo pytan
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they asked a lot of questions
pracowales ostatniej soboty
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you were working last Saturday
myslalam o nas
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I was thinking about us
mialysmy wtedy spotkanie
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we had a meeting then
to pomoze ci uzyskac lepsze wyniki i zmniejszy ryzyko dzialan nieporzadanych
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this will help you get better results and lower the risk of side effects
nie odchodz kiedy do ciebie mowie
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I do not walk away when I’m talking to you
wysiądźcie z auta
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Get out of the car
idz dalej ulica
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continue on this street
nie mysl o tym, ja stawiam
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don’t worry about it, It’s on me
czy ty dzwoniles do mnie?
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did you call me?
czy miglbys przyjsc jutro na w pół do dziewiatej
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would you come tomorrow at half past nine?
ona wydaje sie niesmiala na pierwszy rzut oka
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she seems shy at first
bylismy razem
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we were together
on spotyka sie ze swoja dziewczyna po pracy
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he meets his girlfriend after work
co zamierzasz dzisiaj robic?
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what are you going to do today?
szybko mi przeszlo
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it got over it quickly
jest tak mgliście ze nic nie widze
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it is so foggy that I can not see anything
dzis w n nocy bedzie gwaltowna burza
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there’s going to be a violent storm tonight
jutro bedzie slonecznie
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it’s going to be sunny Tomorrow
musze byc na lotnisku dwie godzniny prEd odlotem
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I have to be at the airport two hours before departure time
moj lot odlatuje z hali drugiej
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my flight leaves from terminal two
samolot wyladlowal z opoznieniem
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the plane was delayed
przeszukali moja torbe
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they searched my bag at security
ciesz sie plaza
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enjoy the beach
nie plywaj po jedzeniu
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do not swim after eating
dlaczego nie pojdziemy na plaze?
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Why do not we go to the beach?
zamowiles mi piwo?
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Did you order me a beer?
lubie w ten sposob
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I like it this way
sos jest mdły
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the sauce is bland
korzystanie z komunikacji miejskiej moze zredukowac zanieczyszczeni
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using public transport can reduce pollution
bank pobral ode mnie oplate za wzięcie pieniedzy z bankomatu
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the bank charged me for taking money from this cash maschine
sprawdzmy w programie
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let’s check in the tv guide
oczekuje na polaczenie juz 20 min
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i have been on hold for 20 minutes
czy wolisz zostac w domu?
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Do you prefer to stay in?
rzeczy, których uczyliscie sie przy uzyciu wielu powtorzen do momentu kiedy poczujecie sie pewni w zapamietywaniu i uzyciu
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things you have learned by using lots of repetitions until you feel confident in remembering and using it
moje urodziny sa dwudziestego ósmego pazdziernika
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my birthday is the twenty-eighth of October
on urodzil sie dwudziestego pierwszego pazdziernika
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he was born on the twenty-first of October
co robilismy w zeszla srode?
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what were we doing last Wednesday?
powiedzial, ze wysle mi maila przed srodą
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he said he would send me an email before Wednesday
wszyscy jestesmy pewni, ze on jest winny
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we're all certain he's guilty
on nie odpowiedzial jeszcze na e mail
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he hasn’t answered yet on e mail
chcę zapisać się na siłownię
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I want to join the gym
on bardzo o siebie dba
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he takes good care of himself
wyznawcy różnych religii oddaja cześć roznym bogom
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followers of different religions worship different gods
kazdy powinien szanowac wierzenia innych
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everyone should respect eachothers beliefs
rozmowa poszlo dobrze
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the interwiev went well
powiedzialam jej, ze z pewnoscia dostanie te prace
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I told her that she would definitely get the job
przenosisz sie tam?
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Are you moving there?
odwołali ich lot
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they canceled their flight
mamy dzis pełny plan
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we have a full schedule today
duzo cwiczymy
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we're practicing a lot / we do plenty exercise
dobrze się dogadujemy
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we get on well
jesli bedziecie czegos potrzebowac, poprostu zapytajcie
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if you need something, just ask
zostaw wiadomosc, oddzwonimy
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leave a message, we will call you back
moze musisz zrestartowac komputer
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maybe you have to restart the computer
kocham go ale on przysparza mi mnistwo klopotów
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I love him but he causes me lots of problems
nie powinnismy jedynie prawic kazań, co wolno robic a czego nie ale przede wszystkim byc przykladem do nasladowania
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we should not just preach, what to do and what not to do, but above all to be an example to follow
mysle, ze klawiatura jest uszkodzona
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I think the keyboard is broken
musze dzis zrobic zakupy spozywcze
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I have to do grocery shopping today
ob podgrzewa zupe
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he is heating up the soup
artykul wyjasnil, ze witamine b12 mozesz uzyskac z produktów mlecznych
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article explained that you can get the vitamin b12 from dairy products
zajrzyj na ich stronę
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look at their website
nie poznalismy sie jeszcze
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We havn’t met yet
masz jutro czas?
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do you have time tomorrow? are you free tomorrow
jestem zajeta
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I'm busy
o co chodzi?
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what is going on? what’s up?
wezmy kawe i porozmawiajmy
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Let's grab a coffee and catch up
toalety są tam
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the toilets are over there
ateizm to brak wiary w boga
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atheism is the belief that there us no god
często rozmawiam ze znajomymi na portalach spolecznosciowych
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I often talk with friends on social media
musimy przedyskutowac najnowsze niusy
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we have to discuss the latest news
czasami mam ochotę obejrzec dobry dramat
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sometimes I fancy watching a good drama
mam krotkie spotkanie o 12
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I have a short meeting at 12
lubie muzyke klasyczna, jest relaksująca
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I like classical music, it's relaxing
nie uprawiam wspinaczki, mam lęk wysokosci
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I do not practice climbing, I have fear of heights
przykro mi, on nie jest w tej chwili dostępny
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I'm sorry, he is not available at the moment
czy mogę wejsc?
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Can I come in?
usiadz przy stole, sniadanie jest gotowe
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sit down at the table, breakfast is ready
czy moglbys pokroic warzywa?
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could you cut up the vegetables?
wole isc w góry
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I prefer to go to the mountains
zarezerwuj stolik dla 4 osob
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book a table for 4 people
przejedz przez ulice na nastepnych swiatlach
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cross the street at the next traffic lights
na wakacje jedziemy od 16 do 20 lipca
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we are going on holiday from 16 until 20 July
słodzisz herbatę?
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do you sweeten your tea? do you take sugar in your tea?
siedzialam w wannie kiedy telefon zadzwonil
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I was sitting in the bathtub when the phone rang
zwiedzilam monachium kiedy mieszkalam w niemczech
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I visited Munich when I was living in Germany
szafa znajduje sie na przeciwko łózka
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the wardrobe is opposite the bed
jedź w kierunku centrum
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drive towards the center
kurs zaczyna się dwudziestego piątego września
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the course begins on the twenty-fifth of September
znam ja z silowni
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I know her from the gym
przechodzę wlasnie przez ulice
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I'm crossing the street
jaka jest twoja okolica?
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what's your neighborhood like?
to miejsce jest bardzo spokojne
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this place is very peaceful
okolica w ktorej mieszkam tetni zyciem
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the area which I live on is very busy
czy moge przymierzyc?
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can I try it on?
droga przechodzi przez rzeke
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the road passes through the river
przechodzic przez cos
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go accros
po raz trzeci nie zdalam
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I failed it for the third time
dołącz do nas jesli jestes średniozaawansowanym nurkiem
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join us if you are an intermediate diver
jesli nie masz wlasnego sprzętu mozesz skorzystac z wypozyczalni
öğrenmeye başla
if you do not have your own equipment, you can use the rental service
czas przyjazdu to 3
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arrival time is 3
o ktorej odjezdza autobus?
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what time does the bus leave?
jest limit bagażu podręcznego
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there is a size limit for hand luggage
uwazaj na wietrzna pogode
öğrenmeye başla
Watch out for windy weather / be careful of the windy weather
te kwiaty przepieknie kwitna
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these flowers are beautifully blooming
ludzie najczesciej jezdza ba wakacje latem
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people often go on holiday in summer
liscie spadaja z drzew
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leaves are falling from trees
pogoda zima bywa zla
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Winter weather is sometimes bad
przyjdz kiedy bedziesz gotowy
öğrenmeye başla
come over when you're ready
no dalej, mozesz jesc tyle ile chcesz
öğrenmeye başla
go ahead, you can eat as much as you want
ta wyspa jest niezmiernie urocza
öğrenmeye başla
this island is extremely charming
to biuro polozone jest w scislym centrum, zaraz przy plazy i promenadzie
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this office is located very central, right by the beach and promenade
öğrenmeye başla
chcialabym byc biologiem morskim
öğrenmeye başla
I would like to be a marine biologist
wszysto moze sie zdarzyc
öğrenmeye başla
everything can happen
miejmy nadzieje
öğrenmeye başla
jak cudownie
öğrenmeye başla
how wonderful
mieszkamy obok starszej pani
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we live next door to an elderly lady
wyprowadzamy sie z tego mieszkania we wrzesniu
öğrenmeye başla
we are moving out of this apartment in September
gdybys mogl mieszkac gdziekolwiek ba swiecie gdzie bys zamieszkal
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if you could live anywhere in the world where would you live
jesli masz kaszel nie powinienes nurkowac
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if you have a cough, you should not dive
posprzątałam kuchnie
öğrenmeye başla
I have cleaned the kitchen
on prawdopodobnie nie spi wystarczajaco dlugo
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he probably doesn’t get enough sleep
czy macie w karcie jakies smaczne wegetariańskie danie?
öğrenmeye başla
do you have any tasty vegetarian dish?
przyjedziemy po ciebie za pol godziny
öğrenmeye başla
We will pick you up in half an hour
brac prysznic
öğrenmeye başla
take a shower
zwykle budze sie o 7
öğrenmeye başla
usually wake up at 7
chcialibysmy zamowic kilka napojow
öğrenmeye başla
we would like to order some drinks
gdzie jest najblizszy supermarket?
öğrenmeye başla
Where is the nearest supermarket?
ile kosztuje piwo?
öğrenmeye başla
How much does beer cost?
nie zdalam egzamin poniewaz bylam leniwa i sie nie uczylam
öğrenmeye başla
I failed the exam because I was lazy and I didn’t revise
zamierzamy zjesc w domu?
öğrenmeye başla
are we going to eat in?
spotykam sie ze znajomymi za godzine w centrum handlowym
öğrenmeye başla
I’m meeting my friends in an hour in the shopping center
właśnie sie ubieram
öğrenmeye başla
I'm dressing up / i’m getting dressed
właśnie biorę prysznic
öğrenmeye başla
I'm just taking a shower
moj mąż i ja znalismy sie
öğrenmeye başla
my husband and I knew each other
on prasowal dzisiaj popoludniu
öğrenmeye başla
he was ironing this afternoon
on zawsze doprowadza mnie do śmiechu
öğrenmeye başla
he always makes me laugh
czy kupiłeś warzywa na kolacje?
öğrenmeye başla
Have you bought vegetables for dinner?
nie kupiłeś warzyw na kolację
öğrenmeye başla
you haven’t bought vegetables for dinner
powtorzyłam wszystko przed egzaminem
öğrenmeye başla
I revised everything before the exam
nie staraj sie skorygować historii
öğrenmeye başla
do not try to revise history
zazwyczaj chodze na silownie rano
öğrenmeye başla
I usually go to the gym in the morning
czy nakryłeś juz do stołu?
öğrenmeye başla
Have you laid (lay) the table?
idziesz tam pieszo?
öğrenmeye başla
are you walking there?
idziemy na piesza wycieczke jutro
öğrenmeye başla
We are going on a hiking trip tomorrow
czy bedzie w porządku jeśli wyjde dzisiaj o 3
öğrenmeye başla
is it ok if I leave today at 3
musimy słuchac naszych klientow, ich opinia jest dla nas ważna
öğrenmeye başla
we must listen to our clients, their opinion is important to us
są fundamentem przyszlego dpoleczenstwa
öğrenmeye başla
they are the foundation of a tomorrows society
rano posprzątalam łazienkę
öğrenmeye başla
I tidied the bathroom in the morning
mówisz tak spokojnie
öğrenmeye başla
you speak so quietly
niedawno przenieśliśmy sie do nowego biura
öğrenmeye başla
We have recently moved to a new office
zawsze spiewam pod prysznicem
öğrenmeye başla
I always sing in the shower
on mówi za glosno
öğrenmeye başla
he speaks loud
moglibysmy isc gdzies na obiad
öğrenmeye başla
We could go somewhere for dinner
czy moglbys załadowac auto?
öğrenmeye başla
could you load the car?
nie ide dzisiaj do pracy
öğrenmeye başla
I 'm not going to work today
mozemy zamowic przy barze
öğrenmeye başla
we can order at the bar
w miescie jest duzo dobrych restauracji
öğrenmeye başla
there are a lot of good restaurants in the city
czasami jemy makaron na obiad
öğrenmeye başla
sometimes we eat pasta for dinner
skrec w nastepna ulice w prawi
öğrenmeye başla
take the next street on the right
musze jeszcze umyc zeby
öğrenmeye başla
I still have to wash my teeth
jako danie głowne ja wezme filet z kurczaka
öğrenmeye başla
as a main dish, I will take a chicken fillet
oni serwują dobre drinki
öğrenmeye başla
they serve good drinks
uwielbiam jeść w tej restauracji
öğrenmeye başla
I love to eat at this restaurant
tylko sie wygłupiam
öğrenmeye başla
I'm just fooling around
wyprowadzam się z kraju
öğrenmeye başla
I'm moving out of the country
dzisiaj jest bardzo gorąco
öğrenmeye başla
today it is very hot
nie jestem zla kiedy jest zimno i pada deszcz
öğrenmeye başla
I'm not mad when it's cold and rainy
uwielbiam słoneczne letnie wieczory
öğrenmeye başla
I love sunny summer evenings
w deszczowe dni lubie zostac w domu i czytac książkę
öğrenmeye başla
On rainy days, I like to stay at home and read a book
mam poprawkę ponieważ oblałam egzamin
öğrenmeye başla
I resat because I failed the exam
czy masz ochotę spotkac sie w przyszlym tygodniu?
öğrenmeye başla
Do you fancy meeting up next week?
on zadzwonil kiedy jechałam do pracy
öğrenmeye başla
he called when I was going to work
dzwonilam do ciebie caly ranek
öğrenmeye başla
I was calling you all morning
pracowałam dzis w biurze
öğrenmeye başla
I was working in the office today
odpowiadalam na maile
öğrenmeye başla
I was replaing to emails
nie wypiłam dzis wystarczajaco dużo wody
öğrenmeye başla
I haven’t drunk enough water today
on dal mi uroczy prezent
öğrenmeye başla
he gave me a lovely gift
wydalam wczoraj za duzo pieniędzy
öğrenmeye başla
I spent a lot of money yesterday
kupilam mnostwo rzeczy
öğrenmeye başla
I bought a lot of things
chcesz isc z nami na zakupy?
öğrenmeye başla
Do you want to go shopping with us?
ile pieniędzy wydałeś?
öğrenmeye başla
how much money did you spend?
jeszcze nie brałam moich lekarstw
öğrenmeye başla
I haven’t taken my medicine yet
wysłałam mu maila
öğrenmeye başla
I sent him an email
z ktorego peronu odjezdza ten pociąg?
öğrenmeye başla
from which platform does this train leave?
wieczorami ogladam seriale
öğrenmeye başla
I watch TV shows in the evenings
ona mieszka pod numerem drugim
öğrenmeye başla
she lives at number two
czy możesz mnie tam zawieźć?
öğrenmeye başla
Can you take/drive me there?
spotkajmy się na drinka
öğrenmeye başla
let's meet for a drink
czy masz moze suszarkę do włosów?
öğrenmeye başla
do you have a hairdryer?
potrzebuje znalezc dobrego fryzjera ktory ufarbuje mi włosy
öğrenmeye başla
I need to find a good hairdresser who will dye my hair
musze ufarbować odrost
öğrenmeye başla
I have to dye the regrowth / roots
jak sie to nazywa?
öğrenmeye başla
how is it called?
jaki jest limit na twojej karcie jredytowej?
öğrenmeye başla
What is the limit on your credit card?
musze otworzyc konto bankowe
öğrenmeye başla
I need to open a bank account
wczoraj uczyliśmy się o podstawowych funkcjach
öğrenmeye başla
yesterday we learned about basic functions
wcisnij prawy przycisk myszki
öğrenmeye başla
click the right button on the mouse
jaka jest twoja nazwa uzytkownika?
öğrenmeye başla
What is your username?
jak mam zapamietac to haslo?
öğrenmeye başla
How should I remember this password?
aby wypromowac nowy produkt potrzebna jest dobra reklama
öğrenmeye başla
good advertising is needed to promote a new product
każda wymówka jest dobra zeby pojsc na piwo
öğrenmeye başla
any excuse to go up for a beer
szczególnie on
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especially him
to prawie niemozliwe
öğrenmeye başla
it's almost impossible
szczerze mowiac nie zgadzam sie z toba
öğrenmeye başla
honestly I don, t agree with you
trzymają zwierzeta w malych zagrodach, klatkach
öğrenmeye başla
they keep animals in small pens, cages
mozesz obserwowac dzikie zwierzeta w ich naturalnym srodowisku
öğrenmeye başla
You can observe wild animals in their natural habitat
my musimy robic wiecej
öğrenmeye başla
we have do more
ponad 20 metrow głębokosci
öğrenmeye başla
over 20 meters deep
po pracy pojde prosto do łóżka
öğrenmeye başla
after work, I go straight to bed
nie moge uwierzyc ze nadal ogladam ten serial
öğrenmeye başla
I can not believe I'm still watching this series
to kosztuje więcej niż się spodziewałam
öğrenmeye başla
it costs more than I expected
zrobilam prawo jazdy w lutym ale dostalam je dopiero w maju
öğrenmeye başla
I made my driving license in February but I got it only in May
z roku na rok jest gorzej
öğrenmeye başla
It's worse every year
on ma bardzo unikatowy styl
öğrenmeye başla
he has a very unique style
lubie wycieczki z przewodnikiem
öğrenmeye başla
I like guided tours
szukam miejsca z lokalnym jedzeniem
öğrenmeye başla
I am looking for a place with local food
czy możesz mówić troszkę wolniej?
öğrenmeye başla
can you talk a bit slower?
potrzebny jest wyciąg bankowy
öğrenmeye başla
you need a bank statement
oprocentowanie kredytu jest bardzo wysokie
öğrenmeye başla
the interest rate on the loan is very high
on chce znalezc zwiazek ktory go uszczesliwi
öğrenmeye başla
he wants to find a relationship that will make him happy
wpisz nazwę uzytkownika i hasło, ktore dalan ci wczoraj, zeby uzyskac dostęp do tej strony
öğrenmeye başla
type the username and password i gave you yesterday to get access to this page
nie mogę rozczesać moich wlosow bez odżywki
öğrenmeye başla
I can not comb my hair without conditioner
czy to jest autobus bezposredni?
öğrenmeye başla
Is this a direct bus?
musisz sie przesiąść w
öğrenmeye başla
you have to change in
to jest irytujace
öğrenmeye başla
This is annoying
prognoza pogody mowi ze jutro bedzie padac
öğrenmeye başla
Weather forecast says that tomorrow it’s going to rain
czy sprawdziłes prognoze pogody?
öğrenmeye başla
did you check the weather forecast?
nie uzywalam dzisiaj laptopa
öğrenmeye başla
I did not use my laptop today
stresuje się tym
öğrenmeye başla
I'm stressing out about
co miales na mysli?
öğrenmeye başla
what did you mean?
wieki was nie widzialam!
öğrenmeye başla
I have not seen you forever!
zastanawiałam się czy
öğrenmeye başla
I was wondering if...
jeszcze nie spałm?
öğrenmeye başla
I have not slept yet? i was still awake
przepraszam ze dzwonię o tej godzinie
öğrenmeye başla
I am sorry for. calling you at this time
mam nadzieje ze nie spałaś
öğrenmeye başla
I hope you weren’t asleep
chcialabym wspomniec ze nie mamy wystarczajaco duzo klientow
öğrenmeye başla
I would like to mention that we do not have enough customers
okazało się ze byl bardzo milym chlopakiem
öğrenmeye başla
it turned out that he was a very nice boy
on wskazal moje bledy
öğrenmeye başla
he pointed out my mistakes
widzialam, ze zagadales do niego
öğrenmeye başla
I saw you chatting up that guy
dobrze byloby to skonczyc w przyszlym tygodniu
öğrenmeye başla
It would be good to finish that next week
nada moim wlosom objętosci
öğrenmeye başla
give my hair volume
ma gęstą konsystecje
öğrenmeye başla
has a thick consistency
chcialabym zapytac o twoja opinie
öğrenmeye başla
I would like to ask about your opinions
jestem umowiona jutro do fryzjera
öğrenmeye başla
i have got an appointment at a hairdresser tomorrow
öğrenmeye başla
dokad bys poszedl gdybys mial tydzien wolnego
öğrenmeye başla
Where would you go if you had a week off?
gdybym miala wiecej pieniedzy pojechalabym na wakcje
öğrenmeye başla
if I had more money, I would go on holiday
za chwile wyjde, jestem pod prysznicem
öğrenmeye başla
I will be out in a moment, I'm in the shower
jak wyglada sytuacja?
öğrenmeye başla
What is the situation?
jakie są dzisiaj warunki?
öğrenmeye başla
What are the conditions today?
przygotowuję sie
öğrenmeye başla
I'm getting ready
zacznijcie sie przygotowywac
öğrenmeye başla
start preparing
pamietajcie, jestescie nowicjuszami, musicie sluchac co mowi instruktor
öğrenmeye başla
Remember, you are novice, you have to listen to what the instructor says
jaka bedzie jutro pogoda
öğrenmeye başla
what weather is going to be tomorrow / what will the weather be like tomorrow?
jutro bedzie piękna pogoda
öğrenmeye başla
It will be beautiful tomorrow
mam dosyc pracy na dzis
öğrenmeye başla
I have enough work for today
ja baprawde chce jechac na jakas wycieczke
öğrenmeye başla
I really want to go on a trip
z przykroscia informuje
öğrenmeye başla
I'm sorry to inform
nastapi male opoznienie
öğrenmeye başla
there will be a small delay
Chciałbym siedzieć w przejściu
öğrenmeye başla
i would like an aisle sit
czuje sie spokojna i zrelaksowana
öğrenmeye başla
I feel calm and relaxed
nie musisz kupowac mi obiadu
öğrenmeye başla
you do not have to buy me dinner
wszyscy przez to przechodzilismy
öğrenmeye başla
we've all been through it
lubie filmy i ksiazki, ktore daja mi poczucie przygody
öğrenmeye başla
I like movies and books that give me a sense of adventure
moze byc trudno zdobyc miejsce parkinkowe
öğrenmeye başla
It can be difficult to get a parking spot / space
ja zapisze to sobie
öğrenmeye başla
I will write it down to myself
nie łapie tego
öğrenmeye başla
I do not get it
Możesz otworzyć drzwi?
öğrenmeye başla
can you open the door?
czy podoba Ci sie tutaj?
öğrenmeye başla
Do you like it here?
pomimo malej kuchni placimy duzo za to mieszkanie
öğrenmeye başla
despite the small kitchen, we pay a lot for this flat
w pzeciwieństwie do szkód wywolanych nadmiernym rybołustwen i zanieczyszczeniem
öğrenmeye başla
unlike the massive harm caused by overfishing and pollution
on zostal wybrany przez większosc
öğrenmeye başla
he was chosen by the majority
rafy koralowe wymagaja ochrony przed czlowiekiem
öğrenmeye başla
coral reefs needs protecting from humans
co oni robia by zapobiec temu w przyszlosci
öğrenmeye başla
What are they doing to prevent this in the future
nalezy robic wiecej aby zapobiegac smierci zwierzat morskich jak delfiny czy wieloryby
öğrenmeye başla
more should be done to stop marine animals like dolphins or whales from dying
siedliska oceaniczne sa bardzo roznorodne
öğrenmeye başla
Oceanic habitats are very diverse / varied
demokracja broni idei ze wladza nalezy do ludzi
öğrenmeye başla
democracy defends the idea that gpower belongs to people
są tu jakies pola namiotowe?
öğrenmeye başla
Are there any campsites here?
tu jest wiele obiektow dla dzieci
öğrenmeye başla
there are many facilities for children
postawmy namiot
öğrenmeye başla
Let's set a tent
w nocy będziesz potrzebował latarki
öğrenmeye başla
at night you will need a flashlight / you might need a torch at night
moje rzeczy nie mieszcza sie w plecaku
öğrenmeye başla
my things do not fit in my backpack
jest zimno, wejdzmy do srodka
öğrenmeye başla
it's cold, let's go inside
nie mozemy sobie na to pozwolic
öğrenmeye başla
we can not afford it
piekarnik był zepsuty z powodu poprzednich lokatorów
öğrenmeye başla
the oven was broken because of previous tenants
powiedział, ze mozemy sie spotkac wieczorem
öğrenmeye başla
he said that we can meet in the evening
jestem późno sie poniewaz moj lot był opóźniony
öğrenmeye başla
I am late because my flight was delayed
godzinami próbowałam to skończyć
öğrenmeye başla
i have been trying to finnish this for hours
czy mozesz dostarczyc jakies referencje?
öğrenmeye başla
can you provide any references?
to musi byc stresujace
öğrenmeye başla
it must be stressful
Mogę ci pomóc / moze jestem w stanie ci pomoc
öğrenmeye başla
i may be able to help uou
hotel zapewnia niepelne wyzywienie
öğrenmeye başla
the hotel is half-board
ten samochod miesci 8 pasażerow i kierowce
öğrenmeye başla
this car can hold 8 passengers and a driver
czy idziesz na grilla dzis wieczorem?
öğrenmeye başla
are you going to a barbecue tonight?
ich samolot juz wystartował
öğrenmeye başla
their plane has already started
gdzieś na obrzezach miasta
öğrenmeye başla
somewhere on the outskirts of the city
co robiles dzisiaj o 9 rano?
öğrenmeye başla
what were you doing today at 9 am?
jest świetne miejsce do jedzenia za rogiem od centrum nurkowania
öğrenmeye başla
there is a great place to eat around the corner from the dive center
wezmę napój bezalkoholowy
öğrenmeye başla
I’m just having a soft drink
zaraz umyje naczynia
öğrenmeye başla
he will wash the dishes
gdzie bedziesz kiedy ja skoncze prace?
öğrenmeye başla
where will you be when I finish work?
wpuść trochę światla
öğrenmeye başla
let the sunshine in
to stoi gdzies po prawej stronie
öğrenmeye başla
it is somewhere on the right side
mam ochote na zmiane
öğrenmeye başla
i feel like change
przecież tu nie ma miejsca
öğrenmeye başla
there is no place here
możesz to umyć w zlewie
öğrenmeye başla
you can wash it in the sink
uważaj, woda w kranie jest bardzo gorąca
öğrenmeye başla
Watch out, the water in the tap is very hot
jedź w górę drogi / w dół drogi
öğrenmeye başla
drive up the road / down the road
tuz za rogiem jest fajna kawiarnia
öğrenmeye başla
There is a nice cafe just around the corner
prosze odbierz telefon jesli zadzwoni
öğrenmeye başla
please answer the phone if it rings
lubisz owoce, które sa dojrzale
öğrenmeye başla
you like fruit to be ripe
zróbmy cos!
öğrenmeye başla
lets do something!
mówisz, że będę musiał to zrobić na własną rękę
öğrenmeye başla
are you saying that i will have to do it on my own
Nie jestem pewien, czy rozumien
öğrenmeye başla
i’m not sure that i follow
czy możesz to wytłumaczyc jeszcze raz?
öğrenmeye başla
Can you explain it again?
to ryzyko jakie podejmujesz uprawiajac sporty ekstremalne
öğrenmeye başla
it's the risk you're taking with adventure sports
öğrenmeye başla
i guess
co mu sie wlasciwie stało?
öğrenmeye başla
What exactly happened to him?
nie znam calej historii
öğrenmeye başla
I do not know the whole story
co on właściwie zrobił?
öğrenmeye başla
what did he actually do?
tydzien nie wystarczył
öğrenmeye başla
a week was not long enough
dobrze sie bawiles?
öğrenmeye başla
Did you have fun? did you have a good time?
to było ekscytujace przezycie
öğrenmeye başla
it was an exciting experience
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najświeższe wiadomości znajduje w necie
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i always get the most up to date news on the internet
Bardzo mi przykro / miło mi to słyszeć
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i’m really sorry / pleased to hear that
kupilam jedzenie w supermarkecie wiec moge cos dla nas ugotowac
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I picked up some food from a supermarket so I can cook something for us
musimy podgrzac jedzenie
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we need to heat up the
jedzenie jest bardzo gorące, zaczekaj az ostygnie
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the food is very hot, wait for it to cool down
połóż sie na dnie
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lie down on the bottom
nie dotykaj kaktusa bo sie pokłujesz
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do not touch the cactus because you will prick yourself
oni jada na wczasy z nurkowaniem
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they are going on a diving holiday
i naprawdę to lubię
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and i actually enjoy it
po co tracic pieniadze
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why wast money
zaoszczędzi nam to wiele klopotow
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this will save us a lot of trouble
podnies to
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Pick it up
spojrz na te kolorowe płatki
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Look at these colorful petals
podlej rośliny
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water the plants
opiekuj sie nim
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take care of him / look after him
ale dobrze się czujesz?
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but you got on well?
jego gust muzyczny jest inny niz mój
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his taste of music is different than mine
masz na mysli jak
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you mean like
miała bogate życie towarzyskie
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she used to have a pretty social life style
lubila wychodzic z przyjaciolmi
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she enjoyed going out with her friends
jak poszla randka?
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How did your date?
mialam wyrzuty sumienia ze bylam o nia zazdrosna
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I felt guilty for being jealous of her
za dwa miesiace o tej porze będę siedziala na plaży
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in two months at this time I will be sitting on the beach
widzialas wczorajszy wywiad z premierem?
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did you see the prime minister being interviewed yesterday?
nalegam, zbilansowana dieta jest bardzo wazna
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I insist, a balanced diet is very important
rząd musi jednak robic cos wiecej
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the government must, however, do something more
ona powiedziala, ze bycie wegetarianka pasuje do jej stylu zycia
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she said that being vegetarian suited her lifestyle
mam silną pasję i dążę do tego, co robię
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i have a strong passion and drive for what i do
zawsze slizgam sie ma tych kamieniach
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I always slip on these stones
to bylo wczoraj w tv
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it was been on tv yesterday
on nie bedzie sie mogl z toba zobaczyc dzisiaj
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he will not be able to see you today
ustalmy termin
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let's set a time
jesli nie lubisz malin nie polubisz też tego deseru
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If you do not like raspberries, you will not like this dessert
paproc to bardzo powszechna roslina
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paproc is a very common plant
to drzewo ma piekne listowie
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this tree has beautiful foliage
mech rośnie w wilgotnych zacienionych miejscach
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the moss grows in damp shady places
nie ma tu wielu obszarow leśnych
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there are not many forest areas here
kogo powinnam jeszcze zaprosic?
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who else should I invite?
kiedys bylismy przyjaciolmi ale juz ze soba nie rozmawiamy
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we used to be friends but we do not talk to each other anymore
boli mnie gardlo
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throat hurts
mam ból gardła
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i have a sore throath
jak dlugo z nia jestes?
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How long are you with her?
jesli lubicie dużo wrażeń proponuje wycieczke ekstremalna
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If you like a lot of excitement, i sugesst an adventure trip
są najnizej w lidze
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they are bottom of the league
hiszpania jest pelna zabytkowych miejsc
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Spain is full of historic places.
to idealne miejsce do zwiedzania
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it's the perfect place to visit
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wystawił swoj sprzet na sprzedaz
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he has put his equipment up for sale
wlasnie probuje uruchomu samochod ale nie chc zapalic
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I just try to start the car but I’s not starting
nie mam zastrzeżeń, że idziesz na piwo
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i have no objection you going for a beer
hotel był przepełniony, wiele osób tam przebywało
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the hotel was overcrowded, they were to many people staying there
akceptuje twoja decyzje o przeprowadzce
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i approve your decision to move out
mieszka tu wielu ludzi z roznych kultur
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Many people live here from different cultures
musimy byc na czas, nie pozwolmy mu czekac
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we have to be on time, do not let him wait
wynajmiemy wolny pokoj
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we will let a spare room
nie sadze zeby ona tu pasowala
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I do not think she'll fit in here
gdzie wczesniej pracowalas?
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where did you work before?
nie czujesz sie dumny?
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do not you feel proud?
jestem z ciebie dumna
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I'm so proud of you
powinienem przestać kupować słodkie przekąski
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i ought to stop buying sweet snacks
powinieneś więcej spać
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you ought to get more sleep
zdecydowanie sie z tym nie zgadzam
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I definitely disagree with this
nie rozumiem co masz na mysli
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I do not understand what you mean
czy mógłbyś powtórzyć to jeszcze raz?
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could you go over it again?
niektorzy ludzie byli obrazeni zawartoscia tej ksiazki
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some people were offended by the content of this book
co mu powiedziales?
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What did you say him?
co mu powiedziales? czy on ma powod by byc smutnym
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What did you say him? does he have a reason to be upset?
boje sie ciemnosci odkad obejrzalam ten film
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I'm afraid of darkness since I watched this movie
mogłem być stąd daleko
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i could have been away from here
strzelil karnego i zdobyl gola
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scored a penalty and scored a goal
koniecznym jest zdawanie sobie sprawy z rozborodnosci kulturowej kraju
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it is necessary to be aware of the cultural diversity that exists in this country
kontynuacja bedzie wypuszczona w przyszlym tygodniu
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the seaquel is being released next week
oni przekazali nam klucze w zeszlym tygodniu
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they handed over the keys last week
na początku to bylo prawdziwe wyzwanie, ale teraz juz jestem przyzwyczajona
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at the beginning it was a real challenge, but now I'm used to it
w mojej okolicy wlasnie otworzono nowa kawiarnie
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in my neighbourhood new cafes have just been opened
uwazam ze bedzie dobrze na tobie wygladala
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I think it would look good on you
chcialbys przymierzyc?
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Would you like to try on?
caly dzien odbierali telefony
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they were answering the phone all day
musisz odejść od centrum miasta
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you need to be going away fron the city centre
skręć w następną ulice w lewo
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take the next street on the left
znalam odpowiedz na to pytanie
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I knew the answer to this question
dwa dni zajelo nam zorganizowanie tego
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two days it took us to organize this
pracowalismy nad tym
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we've worked on it
zazwyczaj wracamy do domu o 17
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we usually get home at 17
pod koniec kursu przystąpicie do egzaminu
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at the end of the course you will take the exam
gracz popełnił faul
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the player has committed a foul
rzeka Nil przeplywa przez egipt
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the river Nile passes through Egypt
nikt nie lubi pracowac w weekendy
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no one likes to work on weekends
bedziesz tam punktualnie?
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will you be there on time?
tsunami moze byc spowowodowane przez trzesienie ziemi
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tsunamis can be caused by the earthquake
huragan zdewastowal południe stanów zjednoczonych
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the hurricane has devastated south of the united states
powodzie spowodowaly smierć wielu osob
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the floods caused the death of many people
susza jest duzym problemem na teneryfie
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drought is a big problem in tenerife
zmiana klimatu moze prowadzić do ciężkich klęsk zywiolowych
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climate change can lead to strong natural disasters
rekin anioł to zwierze zagrożone wyginięciem
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angel shark is an animal in danger of extinction
włącz laptopa, otworz skrzynke pocztowa i kliknij w link, ktory ci wyslalam
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turn on the laptop, open the mailbox and click on the link I sent you
emocje ktore moga byc pozytywne lub negatywne maja ogromny wplyw na motywacje
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emotions that can be positive or negative have a huge impact on motivation
przechodzilam przez trudny czas
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I went through a difficult time
kliknij a strona otworzy sie automatycznie
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click and the page will open automatically
nie podobaja mi sie straszne filmy
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I do not like scary movies
zespół obslugi klienta otrzymuje wiele skarg
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the customer service team receives many complaints
nakazano mu zapłacić karę
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he was ordered to pay the fine
sedzia poinformowal ze rozprawa moze potrwac nawet 4 tyg
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judge advised that the trial may take 4 weeks to complete
ofiara byla zdenerwowana widzac napastnika
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the victim was nervous about seeing the aggressor
o której zaczyna się mecz?
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what time does the match kick off?
jestem tego pewna
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I'm sure of it
mimo ze wyglada okropnie jedzenie smakuje naprawde dobrze
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even though it looks terrible the food tastes really good
robi sie zimno na zewnatrz
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it's getting cold outside
nie mam dzis ochoty na jajecznice
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I do not feel like scrambled eggs today
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drive away
oni czy oni poszli na zakupy spozywcze dzis rano?
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Did they go shopping food this morning?
my mieszkamy na przedmiesciach
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we live in the suburbs
ogladamy mieszkanie popoludniu
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we have a viewing this afternoon
umieram z głodu. Nie mogę się doczekać lunchu
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i’m starving. i cant wait to have a lunch
czy powinnam wlaczyc piekarnik?
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should I switch on the oven?
sztućc trzymamy w szufladzie
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We keep the cutlery in a drawer
włóż rybe do zamrazarki
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put the fish in the freezer
wreszcie dostalismy klucze do naszego nowego mieszkania
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We finally got the keys to our new apartment
Jestem za to odpowiedzialny
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l’m in charge of this
zrobilam zakupy spozywcze
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I have done grocery shopping
jest w nim cos dziwnego
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there is something strange about him
potrzebna jest licencja zeby nurkowac
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you need a license to dive
podejrzewam, ze on klamie
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I suspect that he is lying
ale nie mogę być tego pewien
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but i can’t be sure
czy wplaciles juz depozyt?
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Have you put down the deposit?
wyobraźcie sobie, gdybym zgubił moją walizkę
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imagine if i lost my suitcase
ona musiala kupic ubrania poniewaz jej walizka zostala zgubiona
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she had to buy clothes because her suitcase was lost
kiedy wprowadzasz sie do nowego miejsca?
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when are you moving into a new place?
Jestem pewna moich mozliwosci
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i’m confident about my ability
spędzili niespokojny weekend, czekając na wyniki testu
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they spent an anxious weekend waiting for the test results
ta wyspa przyciaga tysiace turystow kazdego miesiaca
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this island attracts thousands of tourists every month
ona przypomniala mi, ze okolo 10% ludzi jest uczulona na mrodulty mleczne
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she reminded me that about 10% of people are allergic to dairy products
powinnam ograniczyc fast food
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i schould cut down on fast food
o czym jest to spotkanie?
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what is the meeting about?
czy to odpowiednia pora?
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Is this the right time?
kto dzwoni?
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who’s calling?
czy moge rozmawiac z?
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can I speak to?

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