N-Unit 1(36)/2 -SICK getting fit

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soru cevap
przestac palić, zgasić, ugasić, opuszczać port
öğrenmeye başla
put out, quit smoking
Put that cigarette out right now
opuszczać port
öğrenmeye başla
leave the port, put out
wynagradzać szkodę komuś
öğrenmeye başla
make it up to sb for sth, sthreward harm someone
How can I make it up to you for spoiling your plans
kontynuować, trwać
öğrenmeye başla
move on, continue, endure
People after divorce find it difficult to move on with their lives
rozwijać się, posuwać się naprzód
öğrenmeye başla
develop, advance, move on
wyczerpać, zużyć
öğrenmeye başla
run out of, use up
intensywnie ćwiczyć fizycznie
öğrenmeye başla
work out, intense physical exercise
ilość, suma, kwota
öğrenmeye başla
amount, the total amount
ograniczać, zmniejszać
öğrenmeye başla
cut down on, cut back on, limit, reduce
You need cut down on the number of cigarettes
nie nadążać, zostawac w tyle
öğrenmeye başla
fall behind, not keep up,
She always fall behind the whole group
dogonić kogoś
öğrenmeye başla
catch up with someone
She always fall behind the whole group and we must wait for her to catch with us.
pozbyć się
öğrenmeye başla
get rid of
zawieść kogoś
öğrenmeye başla
let sb down, disappoint someone
He let me down again!
mieć dosyć, nie móc znieść
öğrenmeye başla
be fed up. have enough, not being able to bear
być znudzonym czymś
öğrenmeye başla
to be bored with
przybrac na wadze
öğrenmeye başla
put on weight, gain weight
stosowac dietę
öğrenmeye başla
be on a a diet, go on a a diet
byc uzależnionym od
öğrenmeye başla
be addicted to
być zapalonym do czegoś, być chętnym
öğrenmeye başla
be keen to do something, be willing, be fond of
zabraknąć czegoś, skończyć się
öğrenmeye başla
be out of sth, miss something, you end up
skorzystać z czegoś, czerpac korzyść
öğrenmeye başla
benefit from, take advantage of something
złapac oddech, odsapnąć
Poczekaj chwilę, pozwól mi złapać oddech
öğrenmeye başla
catch one's breath
Wait a moment, let me catch my breath
öğrenmeye başla
wyzwanie, prowokacjaośmielać (się), odważać (się), mieć czelność
öğrenmeye başla
dare, challenge, a provocation
niszczący, destrukcyjny
öğrenmeye başla
destructive, disruptive
obić wszystko, na co kogoś stać; starać się z całych sił
öğrenmeye başla
do one' best
łatwiej powiedzieć niż zrobić
öğrenmeye başla
easier said than done
łatwo powiedzieć
öğrenmeye başla
easy to say
uznać coś za trudne, znajdowć że coś jest
öğrenmeye başla
find sth difficult, find sth + adjective
skupiac się na
öğrenmeye başla
Focus on
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
wstępny, wprowadzający, promocyjny
öğrenmeye başla
initial, introductory, promotional
o przedłużonej trwałości
öğrenmeye başla
żyć pełnią życia
öğrenmeye başla
live life to the fullest
tracić wagę, chudnąć
öğrenmeye başla
lose weight, lose weight
notoryczny, nałogowy, nawykowy
öğrenmeye başla
notorious, compulsive, habitual
przygotowawczy, wstępny (np. szkolenie)
öğrenmeye başla
preparatory, initial (eg training)
He needs to go through a preparatory class called first.
pomóc komuś zrobić coś
öğrenmeye başla
help someone to do something
öğrenmeye başla
pull together, cooperate
He says that the kids pulled together as a team
wziąć się do kupy
öğrenmeye başla
get it together, pull yourself together
to jest tylko kwestia czasu
öğrenmeye başla
it is only a matter/ question of time
rzucać opuszczać zaniechać
öğrenmeye başla
quit, give up
You really should quit smoking!
dieta, reżim, ustrój polityczny
öğrenmeye başla
regime, the political system
zastąpić coś czymś
Wielu pracowników zastąpiono maszynami
öğrenmeye başla
replace something with something
Many of the workers were replaced with machines
efekt uboczny
efekt uboczny może wynikać z niewłaściwego dawkowania
öğrenmeye başla
side effect
side effect may be due to improper dosing
zdeterminowany, uparty, wytrwały
öğrenmeye başla
single-minded, determined, stubborn, tenacious
powoli lecz systematycznie, równomiernie
öğrenmeye başla
slowly but surely, slowly but steadily
They feel that things are getting better, slowly but surely
równomiernie, miarowo
öğrenmeye başla
steadily, evenly
pstryknięcie palcami
öğrenmeye başla
snap ones fingers
pstrykniecie palcami
öğrenmeye başla
snap of the fingers
öğrenmeye başla
dieta głodowa
öğrenmeye başla
Starvation Diet
głód, przymieranie głodem
öğrenmeye başla
hunger, starvation
pasować komuś, być komuś do twarzy
Tamten płaszcz naprawdę ci pasuje.
öğrenmeye başla
suit someone, be someone to face
That coat really suits you
zaopatrzenie, prowiant
Potrzebujemy miejsca, w którym umieścimy nasz prowiant
öğrenmeye başla
supplies, lunch
We need somewhere to put our supplies
nieznośny (o osobie), nie do wytrzymania (o bólu, cierpieniu)
Po wypadku byłem w bólu nie do wytrzymania. Atmosfera w pracy jest teraz nie do wytrzymania
öğrenmeye başla
unbearable, obnoxious (of a person), not unbearable (pain, suffering)
After the accident I was in unbearable pain. The atmosphere at work is unbearable now
silna wola
öğrenmeye başla
strong will
Without strong will, you won't improve anything in your life.
oddzwonić do kogoś
öğrenmeye başla
called back to someone
Jak długo jesteś zapisany
öğrenmeye başla
How long have you been saved/ booked for
To sprawiło że poczułem sie jak nowy
öğrenmeye başla
It made me feel like a new person
zacząc od nowa, zacząć znowu
öğrenmeye başla
start over new, start up again
öğrenmeye başla
Swimming uses almost every muscle in your body.
załozyc coś na siebie
öğrenmeye başla
wear something for yourself, put sth on
poslizgnąc się
öğrenmeye başla
podwyższyć, wzmagać się (np. wiatr, burza), wstać
öğrenmeye başla
increase, get up

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