soru |
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特殊 とくしゅ special; particular; peculiar; unique
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殊更 ことさら intentionally; deliberately; especially; particularly
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緩和 かんわ relief; mitigation; alleviation; relaxation; softening
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緩やか ゆるやか loose; slack; gentle; easy; slow; lenient; liberal; lax
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紋 もん (family) crest; coat of arms
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煮る にる to boil; to simmer; to stew; to seethe
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芳香 ほうこう perfume; fragrance; aroma; balm; sweet scent
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芳しい かんばしい sweet; fragrant; aromatic; good (e.g. reputation, rumor); favorable
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惨死 ざんし tragic death; violent death
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悲惨 ひさん disastrous; tragic; miserable; wretched; pitiful; woeful
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惨め みじめ miserable; wretched; unhappy; sad; pitiable
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虐げる しいたげる to oppress; to persecute; to tyrannize
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残虐 ざんぎゃく cruelty; brutality
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喉 のど throat; singing voice
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趣旨 しゅし meaning; point (e.g. of a statement); gist; effect; goal; intent; object; aim; point
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旨 むね center (centre); pillar; principle; purport; gist; drift; meaning
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凝らす こらす to concentrate; to devote; to apply; to strain; to rack
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凝固 ぎょうこ coagulation; freezing; solidification
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圏内 けんない (being) within range (radio, commuting, etc.); (being) within the sphere (e.g. of influence)
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拭う ぬぐう to wipe; to get rid of; to eliminate (e.g. one's shame); to remove (e.g. an impression); to erase
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生涯 しょうがい one's lifetime (i.e. one's existence until death); one's career
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堅い かたい hard; solid; tough; stiff; tight; wooden; unpolished (e.g. writing); strong; firm (not viscous or easily moved); safe; steady; honest; steadfast; obstinate; stubborn; bookish; formal; stuffy
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堅実 けんじつ steady; sound; reliable; solid
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土壇場 どたんば last moment; eleventh hour; platform made of dirt used to perform executions (decapitations) in the Edo period
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壇 だん platform; podium; rostrum; mandala
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呉服 ごふく cloth (for Japanese clothes); textile; drapery; dry goods; piece goods; silk fabrics
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暇 ひま spare time; free time; leisure; time (e.g. time it takes to do something); time off; day off; vacation; holiday; leave; quitting (one's job);
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休暇 きゅうか holiday; day off; furlough; absence (from work)
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変貌 へんぼう transfiguration; transformation; change of appearance
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要塞 ようさい fort; stronghold; fortification
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閉塞 へいそく closure; blockage
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塞ぐ ふさぐ to stop up; to close up; to block (up); to plug up; to shut up; to cover (ears, eyes, etc.); to close (eyes, mouth); to stand in the way;
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一蹴 いっしゅう kicking; rejecting; curtly refusing; defeating handily; winning easily
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蹴る ける to kick; to refuse; to reject
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鍵盤 けんばん keyboard (e.g. piano, computer)
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配膳 はいぜん setting a place; setting the table
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尺度 しゃくど linear measure; scale
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罰 ばち (divine) punishment; curse; retribution
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漏れる もれる to leak out; to escape; to come through; to shine through; to filter out; to find expression; to give vent; to leak out; to be divulged; to be disclosed;
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朱肉 しゅにく thick red ink (used for signature seals); red ink pad; vermillion ink; cinnabar ink
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漂白 ひょうはく blanching; bleaching
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漂う ただよう to drift; to float; to waft (e.g. a scent); to hang in the air; to be in the air (e.g. a feeling or mood); to wander; to walk around aimlessly; to flinch
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汁 しる juice; sap; soup; broth; (dipping) sauce
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寂然 せきぜん lonely; desolate; forlornness; desolation
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静寂 せいじゃく silence; stillness; quietness
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寂しい さびしい lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate
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嘆く なげく to sigh; to lament; to grieve
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嘆願 たんがん entreaty; appeal; petition
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禅 ぜん dhyana (profound meditation); Zen (Buddhism)
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清浄 せいじょう pure; clean; purity
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酷似 こくじ resemblance; resemble
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刃物 はもの edged tool; cutlery
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漫画 まんが cartoon; comic; comic strip
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濃霧 のうむ heavy fog; dense fog; thick fog
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朝霧 あさぎり morning fog; morning mist
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残暑 ざんしょ late summer heat; lingering summer heat
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暑い あつい hot (weather, etc.); warm
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棚 たな shelf; shelves; ledge; rack; trellis
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本棚 ほんだな bookshelves; bookshelf; bookcase
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袖 そで sleeve; wing (of a stage, desk, gate, etc.)
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領袖 りょうしゅう leader; chief; boss
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壮大 そうだい magnificent; grand; majestic; splendid
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下旬 げじゅん last third of a month; 21st to the last day of a month
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旬 しゅん season (e.g. fruit, fish); in vogue; popular; fresh; up to date
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木彫り きぼり wood carving; woodcraft
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彫刻 ちょうこく carving; engraving; sculpture
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彫る ほる to carve; to engrave; to sculpt; to chisel; to tattoo
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潰す つぶす to smash; to crush; to shut down; to thwart; to block; to kill (time); to waste (e.g. talents)
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操縦 そうじゅう steering; piloting; flying; control; operation; handling; management; handling; control; manipulation
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縦 たて the vertical; height; front-to-back; length; north-to-south; vertical (relationship); hierarchy; (weaving) warp
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恐慌 きょうこう panic; scare; consternation
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慌てる あわてる to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised); to be flustered; to panic; to be in a hurry; to rush
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穏当 おんとう proper; reasonable; right; appropriate
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穏やか おだやか calm; gentle; quiet
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枠 わく frame; framework; border; box; limit; restriction; quota
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謎 なぞ riddle; puzzle; enigma; mystery; enigmatic; mysterious
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名誉 めいよ honor; honour; credit; prestige
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駒 こま piece (in shogi, chess, etc.); horse; foal; bridge (of a violin, etc.)
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惜しむ おしむ to be frugal; to be sparing; to value; to hold dear; to regret (e.g. a loss); to feel sorry (for); to be unwilling; to be reluctant
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惜敗 せきはい regrettable defeat; defeat by a narrow margin
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措置 そち measure; measures; step
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結晶 けっしょう crystal; crystallization; crystallisation; fruits (of labor, union, etc.)
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摂取 せっしゅ intake; absorption; adoption; assimilation
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拍子 ひょうし (musical) time; tempo; beat; rhythm; the moment; the instance; chance
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拍手 はくしゅ clapping hands; applause
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稽古 けいこ practice; practising; training; study
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礎 いしずえ foundation stone; cornerstone
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遭難 そうなん disaster; shipwreck; accident; being stranded
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車掌 しゃしょう (train) conductor
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鍋 なべ saucepan; pot; stew; hot pot
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弓 ゆみ bow (and arrow); archery; bow (for a violin, etc.)
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弓道 きゅうどう (Japanese) archery
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克服 こくふく conquest (problem, disease, handicap, etc. e.g. poverty, illness); overcoming; bringing under control; subjugation; victory over
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据える すえる to place (in position); to fix; to set (e.g. table); to lay (foundation); to install; to seat (someone); to settle (upon something); to fix (e.g. one's gaze); to apply (moxa)
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大胆 だいたん bold; daring; audacious
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跳躍 ちょうやく jump; leap; skip; bound
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縄跳び なわとび skipping rope; jump rope; skipping; rope-jumping
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跳ねる はねる to jump; to leap; to prance; to spring up; to bound; to hop; to break up; to close; to come to an end; to hit (e.g. to have a car hit something or someone)
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束縛 そくばく restraint; restriction; fetters; yoke; shackles; binding; confinement with rope
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鎮まる しずまる to quieten down; to calm down; to subside; to die down; to abate; to be suppressed
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雷 かみなり lightning; thunder; thunderbolt; god of thunder; god of lightning; anger; fit of anger
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恨み うらみ resentment; grudge; malice; bitterness; matter for regret; regret
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痛恨 つうこん regretful; sorrowful; bitter; contrition
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顕彰 けんしょう honouring (publicly); honoring; making someone's good deeds or achievements well-known
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繁殖 はんしょく breed; multiply; increase; propagation
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殖える ふえる to increase; to multiply
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湧水 ゆうすい spring; welling of water
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湧く わく to well (up); to gush forth (of water); to spring out; to surge; to appear (esp. suddenly) (sweat, tears, etc.); to feel emotions form (joy, bravery, etc.); to hatch (esp. of parasitic insects, etc.)
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将棋 しょうぎ shogi; Japanese chess; xianqi
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棋士 きし shogi player; go player
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技巧 ぎこう technique; finesse
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水浸し みずびたし flooded out; submersion
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浸水 しんすい inundation; submersion; flood
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浸す ひたす to soak; to dip; to drench
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桃 もも peach (Prunus persica)
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隔たり へだたり distance; interval; gap; difference; estrangement
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間隔 かんかく space; interval; SPC
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救護班 きゅうごはん relief squad; rescue party
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甚だ はなはだ very; greatly; exceedingly
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甚大 じんだい very great; enormous; serious
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妊娠 にんしん conception; pregnancy
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福祉 ふくし welfare; well-being; social welfare; social security; social service
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獣 けもの beast; brute; animal
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疾患 しっかん disease; ailment; illness
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塾 じゅく coaching school; cramming school; juku
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干潟 ひがた tidal flat; tideland