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野蛮 やばん savage; uncivilized; uncivilised
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困窮 こんきゅう poverty; distress
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窮める きわめる to carry to extremes; to go to the end of something; to investigate thoroughly; to master
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擦る する to rub; to chafe; to strike (match); to file; to frost (glass); to lose (e.g. a match); to forfeit; to squander one's money (e.g. through gambling, Pachinko, etc.)
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擦過傷 さっかしょう abrasion; scratch
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靴擦れ くつずれ shoe sore; foot blister (caused by shoes)
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爪先 つまさき toes; tips of the toes; toe of a shoe, sock, etc.
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爪 つめ nail (e.g. fingernail, toenail); claw; talon; hoof; plectrum; pick; hook; clasp
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辱める はずかしめる to put to shame; to humiliate; to disgrace; to insult; to rape; to assault; to violate
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屈辱 くつじょく disgrace; humiliation
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嵐 あらし storm; tempest; difficulty; trouble
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治癒 ちゆ healing; cure; recovery
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癒える いえる to recover; to be healed
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疎む うとむ to shun; to ostracize; to alienate; to neglect
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雰囲気 ふんいき mood; ambience; ambiance; aura; feel; a certain air; presence; special aura; something (about someone); air; atmosphere
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傑物 けつぶつ great man; heroic figure; remarkable character
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傑作 けっさく masterpiece; best work; amusing blunder; funny mistake; boner
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拘束 こうそく restriction; restraint; binding; constraint
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妖怪 ようかい ghost; apparition; phantom; spectre; specter; demon; monster; goblin
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妖しい あやしい suspicious; dubious; doubtful; dodgy; suspicious (referring to a potential amorous relation); dangerous (e.g. financial situation); ominous (e.g. weather); bewitching; mysterious
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養豚 ようとん pig-keeping; pig farming
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出藍 しゅつらん pupil excelling his master
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鍛える きたえる to forge; to temper; to drill; to train; to discipline
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鍛錬 たんれん tempering; forging; hardening; disciplining; training
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繊維 せんい fibre; fiber; textile
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縫う ぬう to sew; to stitch; to weave one's way (e.g. through a crowd)
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把握 はあく grasp; catch; understanding
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十把 じっぱ ten bundles, ten bunches
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三把 さんば three bundles, three bunches
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楼閣 ろうかく multistoried building
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漬ける つける to soak; to seep; to dip in; to pickle
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漬物 つけもの tsukemono; Japanese pickled vegetables
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飽きる あきる to get tired of; to lose interest in; to have enough
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宛先 あてさき address; destination
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旋回 せんかい revolution; rotation; turning; swiveling; circling
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坪数 つぼすう floor space; area (in tsubo)
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叱責 しっせき reprimand; rebuke
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叱る しかる to scold; to chide; to rebuke; to reprimand
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鶏 にわとり (domestic) chicken; chicken (meat)
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養鶏 ようけい poultry raising; poultry farming; chicken farming
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海峡 かいきょう channel (e.g. between two land masses); strait
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溝 みぞ ditch; drain; gutter; trench; groove; tread; gap (between people, countries, etc.); gulf
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排水溝 はいすいこう drainage; gutter; ditch
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素朴 そぼく simplicity; artlessness; naivete; pristineness; idyll
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軌道 きどう orbit; trajectory; railroad track; (on the right) track; going smoothly
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墨 すみ sumi; India ink; Chinese ink; ink stick; ink-cake; squid ink; octopus ink; carpenter's inking string
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墨汁 ぼくじゅう India ink; China ink; ink (of a cuttlefish, etc.)
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眉墨 まゆずみ eyebrow pencil; blackened eyebrows; (metaphorically) distant mountain range
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疫病 えきびょう infectious disease; plague; epidemic
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疫病神 やくびょうがみ god of pestilence; god who spreads infectious diseases; jinx; hoodoo; pest; odious person; plague; angel of death
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一遍 いっぺん once; one time; (all at) once; in one sitting; exclusively; only; alone
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普遍 ふへん universal; general; ubiquitous; omnipresent
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濁す にごす to make muddy (a liquid); to make cloudy; to make turbid; to roil; to prevaricate; to speak ambiguously
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清濁 せいだく good and evil; purity and impurity; voiced and unvoiced consonants
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拳法 けんぽう Chinese art of self-defence (defense)
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甲乙 こうおつ A and B; excellent and good; similarity; discrimination; discernment; distinction; first and second parties (in legal contexts)
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早乙女 さおとめ young female rice planter; young girl
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堤防 ていぼう bank; weir; embankment; levee
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堤 つつみ bank; embankment; dike
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阻止 そし obstruction; check; hindrance; prevention; impediment; interdiction; preemption; blocking
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阻む はばむ to keep someone from doing; to stop; to prevent; to check; to hinder; to obstruct; to oppose; to thwart
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桑園 そうえん mulberry plantation
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鐘 かね bell (often a large hanging bell); chime
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慈悲 じひ compassion (e.g. of Buddha); benevolence; charity; mercy; Hodgson's hawk-cuckoo (Cuculus fugax); Horsfield's hawk cuckoo
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慈しみ いつくしみ affection; love
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培う つちかう to cultivate; to foster
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擁護 ようご protection; advocacy; support; defence; championship; vindication; to protect (e.g. rights, etc.); to advocate (e.g. free trade, etc.); to support
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外郭 がいかく outer wall (e.g. castle); outer block (enclosure); outline; contour
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呪文 じゅもん spell; charm; incantation; magic word
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呪う のろう to curse; to put a curse on; to detest intensely
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砕く くだく to break; to smash
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粉砕 ふんさい pulverization; pulverisation; smashing; demolishing
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沙汰 さた affair; state; incident; issue; matter; verdict; sentence; directions; orders; command; instructions; notice; information; communication; news; message; tidings; update
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勃発 ぼっぱつ outbreak (e.g. war); outburst; sudden occurrence
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薄絹 うすぎぬ thin or light silk; sheer silk; veil (mystery)
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楽譜 がくふ score; sheet music
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陵 みささぎ imperial mausoleum; Emperor's tomb; big hill
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角笛 つのぶえ horn; hunting horn
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笛 ふえ flute; fife; pipe; recorder; flageolet; shakuhachi; clarinet; whistle
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曖昧 あいまい vague; ambiguous; unclear; fuzzy
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眉唾 まゆつば fake; counterfeit
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板塀 いたべい wooden fence; board fence
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囲碁 いご go; board game of capturing territory
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勇敢 ゆうかん brave; heroic; gallant
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暁 あかつき dawn; daybreak; event (e.g. "in the event of ..."); occasion; occurrence
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胴体 どうたい body; trunk; torso; hull (boat); fuselage (aircraft)
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謡 うたい noh chanting; recitation
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民謡 みんよう folk song; popular song
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謡う うたう to sing; to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.); to compose a poem; to recite a poem
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飢える うえる to starve; to thirst; to be hungry
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飢餓 きが starvation; famine; hunger
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欄 らん column of text (e.g. in a newspaper); field (in a form, web page, etc.)
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妖艶 ようえん fascinating; voluptuous; bewitching
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色艶 いろつや colour and lustre; color and luster; complexion; colour; color
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痕跡 こんせき trace; traces; vestige; vestiges
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怠ける なまける to be idle; to slacken; to neglect (e.g. one's work)
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怠慢 たいまん negligence; procrastination; carelessness
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怠る おこたる to be negligent in doing something; to shirk; to be off one's guard
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詐欺 さぎ fraud; swindle; graft; cheating; trick; scam
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欺く あざむく to deceive; to delude; to trick; to fool; to be as ... as ... (e.g. "as bright as day", "as beautiful as a rose")
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管弦楽 かんげんがく orchestral music
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弦 つる bowstring; string (of shamisen, guitar, violin, etc.); bail (arched pot handle); diagonal levelling wire across the top of a masu
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気泡 きほう (air) bubble (esp. in a liquid)
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泡 あわ bubble; foam; froth; head on beer
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諦観 ていかん clear vision; resignation (as in reconciling oneself)
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諦める あきらめる to give up; to abandon (hope, plans); to resign oneself (to)
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伐採 ばっさい lumbering; felling; deforestation
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寮 りょう hostel; dormitory; bureau (government department beneath a ministry under the ritsuryo system)
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厄介 やっかい trouble; burden; nuisance; bother; worry; care; dependence; support; kindness; obligation; staying (with a person)