soru |
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暫定 ざんてい tentative; temporary
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爽快 そうかい refreshing; exhilarating
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爽やか さわやか fresh; refreshing; invigorating; clear (e.g. voice); fluent; eloquent
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承諾 しょうだく consent; acquiescence; agreement
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柿 かき kaki; Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki)
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芯 しん wick; marrow; staple (for stapler); (pencil) lead; stuffing; pith; core; heart; centre; center
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破綻 はたん failure; bankruptcy
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綻びる ほころびる to come apart at the seams; to be ripped; to be torn; to begin to open; to begin to bloom; to smile broadly; to break into a smile
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訂正 ていせい correction; revision; amendment
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汽車 きしゃ train (sometimes specifically a steam train)
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薫陶 くんとう education; training; discipline
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薫る かおる to smell sweet; to be fragrant
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土俵 どひょう arena, esp. in sumo; forum (e.g. for discussion); sandbag; gabion
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俵 たわら straw bag; bale; sack; counter for sacks; counter for bales; counter for bags
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変遷 へんせん change; transition; vicissitudes
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中枢 ちゅうすう centre; center; pivot; mainstay; nucleus; backbone; central figure; pillar; key man
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麓 ふもと foot (of a mountain or hill); bottom; base
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憧れ あこがれ yearning; longing; aspiration
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憧憬 しょうけい longing; aspiration
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元帥 げんすい (field) marshal; (fleet) admiral; general of the army
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漆器 しっき lacquer ware; lacquerware; lacquer work; lacquerwork
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漆 うるし lacquer; varnish; japan; lacquer tree (Toxicodendron vernicifluum)
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晩酌 ばんしゃく drink at home with the evening meal; dinner-time drink
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賠償 ばいしょう compensation; reparations; indemnity; damages
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渇望 かつぼう craving; longing; thirsting
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渇く かわく to be thirsty; to feel thirsty; to thirst for; to crave
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慕う したう to yearn for; to long for; to pine for; to miss; to love dearly; to adore; to follow (someone); to idolize (for virtue, learning, status, etc.)
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婿 むこ husband; groom; (one's) son-in-law
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妄想 もうそう wild idea; delusion
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妄言 ぼうげん reckless remark; rash remark; abusive language; thoughtless words
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憤慨 ふんがい indignation; resentment
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匿名 とくめい anonymity; anonym; pseudonym; assumed name
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渓流 けいりゅう mountain stream; mountain torrent
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侮辱 ぶじょく insult; contempt; slight
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骨髄 こつずい bone marrow; medulla; true spirit; one's mind
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穀物 こくもつ grain; cereal; corn
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薪 たきぎ firewood; kindling; fuel; piece(s) of firewood
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薪水 しんすい fuel and water; firewood and water; gathering firewood and drawing water; kitchen work; housework
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管轄 かんかつ jurisdiction; control
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迅速 じんそく quick; fast; rapid; swift; prompt; streamlined; expedited; expeditious
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該当 がいとう corresponding to; being applicable to; relevant to; coming under; falling under; applying to; fulfilling; qualifying as
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逐一 ちくいち one by one; in detail; minutely
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嘲る あざける to scoff; to laugh at; to make fun of; to ridicule; to jeer at
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自嘲 じちょう self-deprecation; self-derision; self-mockery; laughing at oneself
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臆病 おくびょう cowardice; timidity
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頓挫 とんざ setback; at a standstill or impasse
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錬金術 れんきんじゅつ alchemy; making big money (implied, by dubious means)
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桟橋 さんばし wharf; bridge; jetty; pier
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溺れる おぼれる to drown; to nearly drown; to sink below the surface (of water); to indulge in; to lose one's head over something; to wallow in
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贈賄 ぞうわい bribery; corruption; graft
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捕鯨 ほげい whaling; whale fishing
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鯨 くじら whale (Cetacea spp.)
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牛丼 ぎゅうどん rice covered with beef and vegetables
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丼 どんぶり porcelain bowl; bowl of rice with food on top
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堕落 だらく depravity; corruption; degradation
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水槽 すいそう water tank; cistern; fish tank
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休憩 きゅうけい rest; break; recess; intermission
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僅か わずか only; merely; (a) little; small quantity
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僅差 きんさ narrow margin (esp. victory or defeat); slim margin
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閲覧 えつらん inspection; reading; browsing (the WWW, Internet); web browsing
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親睦 しんぼく friendship; amity
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唆す そそのかす to instigate; to tempt
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追悼 ついとう mourning (dead persons); memorial
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悼む いたむ to grieve over; to mourn; to lament
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官吏 かんり government official; clerk
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収穫 しゅうかく harvest; crop; ingathering; fruits (of one's labors); results
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賜る たまわる to be given; to be granted; to be honored with; to be honoured with; to give; to bestow; to confer; to honor; to honour
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心筋梗塞 しんきんこうそく heart attack; myocardial infarction
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浄瑠璃 じょうるり type of dramatic recitation accompanied by a shamisen (associated with the Japanese puppet theatre)
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羨ましい うらやましい envious (feeling, etc.); jealous; enviable (position, etc.)
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運搬 うんぱん transport; carriage
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解剖 かいぼう dissection; autopsy; analysis
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近畿 きんき Kinki (region around Osaka, Kyoto, Nara)
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徹宵 てっしょう all night; without sleep
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宵 よい evening; early night hours
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誘拐 ゆうかい abduction; kidnapping; kidnaping
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醸す かもす to brew (sake, etc.); to cause; to bring on; to bring about; to give rise to
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醸造 じょうぞう brewing; distillation
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猶予 ゆうよ postponement; deferment; extension (of time)
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諮問 しもん consultation; question; enquiry; inquiry
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諮る はかる to consult with; to discuss; to confer; to deliberate
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畏敬 いけい reverence; awe; respect
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畏れ おそれ fear; horror; anxiety; concern; uneasiness
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逝く いく to go; to die; to pass away; to stream; to flow; to continue; to have an orgasm; to come; to cum; to trip; to get high; to have a drug-induced hallucination
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老朽 ろうきゅう superannuated; decrepitude
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朽ちる くちる to rot; to decay; to die in obscurity; to be forgotten with time
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硫酸 りゅうさん sulfuric acid; sulphuric acid
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明瞭 めいりょう clarity; clearness
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模擬 もぎ imitation; sham; mock; simulation
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疲弊 ひへい exhaustion; impoverishment; ruin
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累計 るいけい cumulative total; accumulated total; total up to now
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失踪 しっそう absconding; disappearance
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藻 も algae; waterweed; seaweed; duckweed
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栃木県 とちぎけん Tochigi prefecture (Kanto area)