Nauka Nowych Rzeczy - Learning New Things

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soru cevap
Możesz to zapisać?
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Can you write it down?
Możesz mówić wolniej?
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Can you speak more slowly?
Co masz na myśli?
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What do you mean?
Jakie jest przeciwieństwo A?
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What is the opposite of A?
Podaj przykład.
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Give me an example.
Możesz to powtórzyć?
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Can you repeat that?
Jaka jest różnica pomiędzy A i B?
öğrenmeye başla
What is the difference between A and B?
+8 flashcards
Ders dersin bir parçasıdır
"Angielski: dzień drugi"
(toplamda 335 flashcards )

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