Nuevo metodo 4.

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She took a deep breath to settle her nerves.
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Ella tomó una respiración profunda para calmar sus nervios.
They finally settled the argument.
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Ellos finalmente resolvieron la discusión.
They decided to settle in a small town.
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Ellos decidieron establecerse en un pueblo pequeño.
The restaurant has a romantic ambiance.
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El restaurante tiene un ambiente romántico.
The soft lights create a cozy ambiance.
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Las luces tenues crean un ambiente acogedor.
He is rumored to be the next CEO.
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Se rumorea que él será el próximo director ejecutivo.
The castle is rumored to be haunted.
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Se rumorea que eel castillo está embrujado.
She is rumored to be dating a famous actor.
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Se rumorea que ella está saliendo con un actor famoso.
The cheerleaders jumped and twirled.
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Las porristas brincarón y girarón.
The dancers twirled gracefully on ballroom.
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Las bailarinas girarón con gracia en el salón de bale.

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