On the road 4 b

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soru cevap
rzucić się do ucieczki, czmychnąć, wziąć nogi za pas
Zobaczyłem niedźwiedzia, więc wziąłem nogi za pas.
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I saw a bear, so I bolted.
Koń spłoszył się i upadł.
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The horse bolted and fell.
figiel, psota, szelmostwo / behaviour, especially a child's, that is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage
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She's a lively little girl, full of mischief. He needs a hobby to keep him busy and stop him from getting into mischief. Maybe a new bike would keep him out of mischief. I hope you haven't been up to any mischief while I was gone.
Nie ma dnia, żebyś nie robiła kłopotów.
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Not a day goes by without you making mischief.
zaręczyny / a formal promise to marry someone
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The play revolves round the betrothal of a duke to a doctor's daughter. The ring had become a requisite element of betrothal.
ponury, posępny, złowieszczy
Żaden z mężczyzn nie uśmiechnął się; obaj pozostali napięci i posępni.
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Neither man smiled; both remained tense and sombre.
On miał wrzód żołądka, kiedy miał 23 lata.
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He had a stomach ulcer when he was 23 years old.
nieuchronnie / in a way that is likely to happen very soon
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Venice is imminently threatened with flooding. Their sixth child is due imminently.
Sinobrody (postać z baśni Charlesa Perraulta)
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mężczyzna, który miał kilka żon
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1) myszołów 2) zgred a large European bird of prey (= a bird that kills and eats small birds and animals) that is a type of hawk
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High above the banks of ancient oaks, a buzzard circles in search of its prey.
narozrabiać, namieszać, wprowadzać zamieszanie, wprowadzać zamęt / If you rock the boat, you do or say something that will upset people or cause problems
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rock the boat
Don't rock the boat until the negotiations are finished. She was told to keep her mouth shut and not rock the boat.
1) sugerować, podpowiadać, podsuwać (rozmówcy) 2) naciskac
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And thanks Ana for all your coordination and for prompting me to attend!
położyć, zostawić
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I’ve popped a bag of chewy fruit sweets from Cyprus on the table near content and design.
aktualna sytuacja / the present situation
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the state of play
The article provides a useful summary of the current state of play in the negotiations.
ciągnąć się, wlec się / If something such as a disagreement rumbles on, it continues for a long time without being resolved
The dispute ____d _ _ for months.
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rumble on
Counting rumbles on in the US midterm elections, with the Republicans still looking set to claim a majority in the lower House of Representatives, and the results in 3 states set to decide control of the upper chamber, the Senate-here's the state of play.
być gotowym by coś zrobić, wyglądać na gotowego do działania
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look set to do something
1) gotować na wolnym ogniu 2) rozwijać się (o problemie), stopniowo przybierać na sile
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But for some commentators, Donald Trump's simmering tension over the rise of a fellow Republican is proving a captivating sideshow.
zniewalający, urzekający, fascynujący / holding your attention by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive
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a captivating performance / Her voice was utterly/absolutely captivating.
pokaz slajdów
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1) cypel, przyladek 2) wzniesienie
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droga wzdłuż wybrzeża
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Luxembourg corniche – the ‘most beautiful balcony of Europe’
zdumieć kogoś, zachwycić kogoś / If something knocks your socks off, you find it extremely exciting or good
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blow/knock somebody's socks off
I'm going to take you to a restaurant that'll knock your socks off.
ogień zaporowy
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Russia launched one of its biggest barrages of missiles against Ukraine on Tuesday
zjadliwy, uszczypliwy
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Earlier, Russia faced stinging condemnation at the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia
wywołać, rozpętać, rozpocząć (np. wojnę)
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Russia unleashes darkness on Ukraine with power grid attack.
sieć energetyczna
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power grid
Russia unleashes darkness on Ukraine with power grid attack.
Komisja odrzuciła wniosek jednego z parlamentarzystów.
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The committee rejected the motion from one of the MPs. The Czech parliament has passed a motion describing the current Russian administration as "terrorist".
dzielny sojusznik (kogoś), aktywny zwolennik (czegoś)
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The Czech centre-right government is one of Ukraine's most stalwart supporters, and was among the first to send heavy weapons - including tanks - to the Ukrainian armed forces.
zaprzęgać, wprowadzać w życie / enforce
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zdobycie, osiągnięcie (np. określonego poziomu, umiejętności)
Poświęcimy siebie dla osiągnięcia tych celów.
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We will sacrifice ourselves for the attainment of these goals.
zwiększać, poprawiać, wzmacniać, podnosić (np. szanse, reputację)
Znajomość języka obcego zwiększy twoje szanse na zdobycie tej pracy
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Knowledge of a foreign language will enhance your chances to get this job.
nadawać formę / dawne użycie = influence
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It is a creative way of presenting food
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Grazing Board / Table
Simply put, a Grazing Board is a creative way of presenting food, many times it is charcuterie and cheeses, but can be virtually any type of food that you are serving. We frequently serve smoked salmon, sausages, and many other types of meats on them.
efekt domina
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knock-on effect
wywoływać efekt domina
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have a knock-on effect
stwardnienie rozsiane, SM
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multiple sclerosis / MS
zmniejszony, osłabiony
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kluczowy, decydujący, zasadniczy
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pivotal point
The term a ~ became a term popularised in the late 20th-century meaning seemingly inconsequential moments that nonetheless alter the trajectory of future events.
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a sliding doors moment
Although the term originated from the 1998 film Sliding Doors, written and directed by Peter Howitt and starring Gwyneth Paltrow,[2] the concept was explored earlier by J. B. Priestley in his 1932 play Dangerous Corner.
1) błahy, nieistotny, bez znaczenia not important 2) nielogiczny, niespójny, niekonsekwentny
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an inconsequential matter/remark / Most of what she said was pretty inconsequential.
gumka do włosów
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scrunchy (also scrunchie)
a piece of elastic (= material that stretches) covered in often brightly coloured cloth that is used to hold long hair at the back of the head
blacha do pieczenia na wolnym ogniu / a round, flat piece of metal used for cooking over a fire or cooker
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sproszkować, rozdrobnić, rozkruszyć
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grind down
uciskać kogoś, gnębić kogoś / to treat someone so badly for such a long time that they are no longer able to fight back
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grind someone down
Ground down by years of abuse, she did not have the confidence to leave him.
wspólny temat
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People want to find a point of connection.
wylegiwanie się (gdy leżymy w łóżku dłużej niż zwykle)
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You're so lucky you get lie ins.
łączyć / to combine two or more separate things, especially pieces of text, to form a whole / syn: combine, fuse, meld, merge
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She conflated the three plays to produce a fresh new work.
a mental condition in which a person suffers severe anxiety and depression after a very frightening or shocking experience, such as an accident or a war
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post-traumatic stress disorder
uzupełniać (zapasy), zaopatrzyć / to fill something up again SYN: refill
To ważne, by uzupełniać zapasy regularnie.
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It's important to replenish stock regularly. Food stocks were replenished by/with imports from abroad. Does your glass need replenishing?
dotyczący roślin
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kusić, skusić, nęcić, znęcić, zwabić, przywabić / syn: tempt
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Dan is returning to his previous company, where they have been trying to entice him back for 6 months!!!
programy i materiały edukacyjne
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Anna will initially be supporting the India team in the K-12 CogBooks pilot and the Latin and Science course proof of concepts - knitting together a global understanding of courseware.
krok, próba sił
Pierwsza próba sił naszego szwadronu była znaczącym sukcesem.
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Our squadron's first foray was a major success. I’m delighted to announce that our new UX Researcher Anna Jackson has started today. Anna is a particularly exciting appointment as she marks our first foray into specialised UX roles!
podawać kogoś (do telefonu), połączyć z kimś (telefonicznie)
Jane, czy możesz dać swoją mamę do telefonu? Poczekaj, łączę cię z dyrektorem.
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put somebody on
Jane, can put your mom on the phone? Hold on, I'm putting you on with the director.
Kto dzwoni?
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Who is calling?
ostateczny termin
Dzisiaj jest ostateczny termin składania aplikacji. Today is the cut-off date to submit applications.
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Please note the cut-off will be December 9th. Hi All, just a reminder if you’d like to contribute/sign the card, the cut-off is next week.
daszek o szerokim rondzie
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wide brim sun visor
nagłe zatrzymanie krążenia, NZK
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sudden cardiac arrest/ cardiac arrest / SCA
rozpoczynać coś, zacząć coś
Zacznijmy od podsumowania zeszłego tygodnia.
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get / start / set the ball rolling
Let's start the ball rolling with the summary of the last week.
1) wyniszczający (np. choroba) 2) rujnujący, przygniatający, paraliżujący, obezwładniający
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crippling perfectionism
Przepraszam, muszę uciekać na inne spotkanie. Dzięki za podzielenie się i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
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I'm sorry I have to drop off for another meeting, thank you for sharing and happy 2023!
przeznaczać / to decide that something, especially money, will be used for a particular purpose
The land is _ed for development.
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More than $7 million has been earmarked for schools in the area. It depends how much support we will be expected to provide but unless you have already earmarked presenters from the former Press, it is rather short notice.
mimo, niezależnie od
Niezależnie od niskiej ceny, nie kupiłbym tego. Poszliśmy na plażę, mimo deszczu.
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Notwithstanding the low price, I wouldn't buy it. We went to the beach, the rain notwithstanding. notwithstanding the fact that it will be in Teresa’s patch!
tym razem
To powinno być dużo łatwiejsze tym razem.
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this time round
It should be much easier this time round. At the last renewal, we agreed to expand Skals’ territory beyond Denmark to include Norway, Sweden and Iceland but I don’t anticipate any significant changes to the contract (attached) this time round.
dwustronna tarka do stóp
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double-sided foot file
1) rezygnować, zaniechać, zrzekać się (np. prawa) 2) uchylić, znieść (np. obowiązek)
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Examination entry fees will be waived for the student and the school.
continued: All rather annoying – went over on a step.
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I’m back home, torn ligaments so have to elevate and cold compress for two weeks. 6-8 weeks full recovery (hoping for 6!!!). Still able to work but just won’t be going into the office for the next two weeks, see how I am after that.
a flat, open container where letters and other documents are put when they arrive in a person's office and where they are kept until the person has time to deal with them / tacka
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in tray
Just put it in my in tray and I'll look at it later. I haven’t forgotten about this and will deal with it next week ... if only colleagues realised quite what we have in our in-trays and that we don’t always have the same priorities that they do!
wystawiać się, ryzykować
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go out on a limb
I am going out on a limb here and hoping you can give me this information.
1) bezpłatny, gratisowy, darmowy 2) pochlebny
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complimentary tickets
1) usterka, zakłócenie 2) przeszkoda, komplikacja
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I have asked Finance to check whether all Ukraine schools are now impacted or whether its an isolated glitch
lista wykonawców (np. na koncercie)
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Are you joining us for today's TEDx Women (West) event starting at 14:00 (GMT)? Take a look at the fantastic line-up!
zarządzanie (czymś)
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I’ll give him a call so I can let him know and that then also closes the loop before the new contract kicks in under your stewardship
naruszać, naruszyć (np. prawo) (oficjalnie)
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... and will withdraw any entries where we can see a change of qualification has taken place in this way, as these entries would contravene the agreement made with each school.
rozwiewać (np. wątpliwości, obawy), osłabiać
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I hope this allays your concerns, but do let me know if any further details are required.

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