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mp3 indir Baskı oynamak kendini kontrol et
soru cevap
mówił ci o tym
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he has been telling you about this
powiedział ci o tym
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he has told you about this
co robiłeś
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what have you been doing?
co ty zrobiłeś?
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what have you done?
Hiszpańskiego uczę się od trzech lat
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I have been studying Spanish for three years
nauczyła się hiszpańskiego w 8 lat
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she has learnt spanish in 8 years
Piszę od rana
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I have been writing since morning
Jak długo masz prawo jazdy?
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How long have you had your driving licence?
Napisałem dwadzieścia stron
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I have written twenty pages
od jak dawna o tym wie
öğrenmeye başla
how long has he know about this

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