soru |
cevap |
Coca-Cola is not sold in two countries in the world – North Korea and Cuba. öğrenmeye başla
Coca-Cola nie jest sprzedawana w dwóch krajach świata – Korei Północnej i Kubie.
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W menu znalazły się ryby.
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I got so sick I was not able to stand. öğrenmeye başla
Tak się rozchorowałem, że nie mogłem stać.
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Nie była w stanie usiąść.
She was not able to stand. öğrenmeye başla
I was laughing at myself. öğrenmeye başla
She was laughing at herself. öğrenmeye başla
You were laughing at yourself. öğrenmeye başla
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I love the citrus fruit aroma of New World wines. öğrenmeye başla
Uwielbiam cytrusowy aromat win z Nowego Świata.
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A wine's bouquet is a wine’s aroma, fragrance, smell, odour or scent. öğrenmeye başla
Bukiet wina to aromat, zapach, zapach, zapach lub zapach wina.
Bouquet is also a bunch of flowers. öğrenmeye başla
Bukiet to także bukiet kwiatów.
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The refugees in Moulin Rouge changed my view of Paris. öğrenmeye başla
Uchodźcy w Moulin Rouge zmienili moje spojrzenie na Paryż.
It was something that changed my view. öğrenmeye başla
To było coś, co zmieniło mój pogląd.
Emile Zola wrote about the dirty underbelly of 19th Century Paris. öğrenmeye başla
Emile Zola pisał o brudnym podbrzuszu XIX-wiecznego Paryża.
Paris, Texas - is an interesting film by Wim Wenders. öğrenmeye başla
Paris, Texas - to ciekawy film Wima Wendersa.