soru |
cevap |
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
The house is going to feel empty
öğrenmeye başla
Większość głosów była wymagana, aby projekt ustawy przeszedł. öğrenmeye başla
A majority of votes was needed for the bill to pass.
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
Lodowaty wiatr wiał ponad górami. öğrenmeye başla
An icy wind blew over the mountains.
Ten klej bardzo szybko schnie, więc uważaj. öğrenmeye başla
This glue sets very quickly so be careful.
Wszystko pachnie W ZASADZIE TAK SAMO dla mnie. öğrenmeye başla
Everything smells PRETTY MUCH THE SAME to me
öğrenmeye başla
EXTENSION three-nine-six, please
Więc ten kto to zrobił, znał ukształtowanie terenu. öğrenmeye başla
So whoever did this knew the lay of the land.
Wiem, że to dużo do przetrawienia, ogarnięcia. öğrenmeye başla
I know it's a lot to take in.
Cieknie ze mnie jak z hydrantu. öğrenmeye başla
I'm leaking like a hydrant.
Chcę by wszystko odbyło się w na przyjacielskiej stopie. öğrenmeye başla
I want everything to be on friendly terms
Hotel oferuje wyjątkowe centrum rekreacji z krytym basenem, sauną i fitnessem öğrenmeye başla
The hotel offers an exceptional leisure centre / leisure facility with an indoor pool, sauna and fitness area
Napiję się pinty gorzkiego piwa. öğrenmeye başla
I'll have a pint of bitter.
öğrenmeye başla
Jak urządzić imprezę pożegnalną? öğrenmeye başla
How to throw a farewell party/goodbye party/go away party?
öğrenmeye başla
They live on bread and water
Nie zapominajmy, że kamieniem węgielnym demokracji jest wolna prasa. öğrenmeye başla
Let us not forget that a free press is the cornerstone of democracy.
Sednem sprawy jest to, że musimy, i będziemy, chronić dzieci.) öğrenmeye başla
The bottom line is that we must and will protect the children.
Proszę wypełnić dokument zgodnie z szablonem. öğrenmeye başla
Please complete the document in accordance with the template.
Nie można zamówić samej sałatki podawanej do dania głównego. öğrenmeye başla
You can't order a side salad only.
öğrenmeye başla
It was a nil-nil draw. It was nil-nil. They drew nil-nil.
Zremisowali jeden do jednego öğrenmeye başla
It was one-all. It was a one-all draw. It was one-one. They drew one-one.
Polska zremisowała z Grecją jeden do jednego öğrenmeye başla
Poland and Greece drew one-one. Poland drew one-one with Greece.