soru |
cevap |
potrafiący się dostosować, adaptacyjny öğrenmeye başla
lubiący przygodę, lubiacy odwiedzać nowe miejsca öğrenmeye başla
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öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
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öğrenmeye başla
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ostrożny / always thinking about what YouTube are doing so that you avoid getring hurt etc öğrenmeye başla
ostrożny / careful to avoid potentat problems or dangers öğrenmeye başla
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charismatic - having a compelling charm which attracts or impresses other people
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pełen współczucia, współczujący öğrenmeye başla
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liczący się z innymi, taktowny öğrenmeye başla
to have willingness and ability to work with other öğrenmeye başla
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uprzejmy - polite, especially in a way that shows respect, considerate in manner öğrenmeye başla
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ciekawy, zaciekawiony - Have a strong desire to investigate and learn about things öğrenmeye başla
stanowczy, zdecydowany - to have the ability to decide something quickly and with confidence öğrenmeye başla
oddany, zaangażowany, przywiązany öğrenmeye başla
oddany zagorzały synonim dedicated öğrenmeye başla
zachwycający - very pleasent; highly pleasing öğrenmeye başla
delightful - your children are delightful. They can Come and stay with us whenever they want
godny zaufania, niezawodny - trustworthly and reliable; can be relied on to do WhatsApp you want or need öğrenmeye başla
zdeterminowany, zdecydowany - having the ability to make a firm decision and being resolved not to change it öğrenmeye başla