PIerwsza lekcja po angielsku

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soru cevap
Because no one else in the world can eavesdrop on our conversation
öğrenmeye başla
nasłuchiwać, podsłuchiwać, zalozyc podsluch
overwhelmed by
Mr. Donaghy, I am overwhelmed by the negligence and incompetence.
öğrenmeye başla
przytloczony przez
voice opinion
he voice an opinion about my ideas
öğrenmeye başla
wyrazić opinię
Being mindful means to be aware of only one thing at a time.
öğrenmeye başla
swiadomy, uważny, ostrożny
ass whopping
öğrenmeye başla
lanie, zbić komuś tyłek
GDP gross domestic product
öğrenmeye başla
Prordukt krajowy brutto PKB
nail in the coffin
öğrenmeye başla
gwóźdź do trumny
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
core business
öğrenmeye başla
Podstawowy przedmiotem działalności
commoditise, commodify
when we commodify everything under the sun and we consider market can cure any illness we lose our hummainty
öğrenmeye başla
pick up
öğrenmeye başla
pick out
He wanted to pick out names for their kids.
öğrenmeye başla
wyławiać, wybierać

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