Piotrek 23rd Aug (35 min)

 0    12 flashcards    pkempkiewicz
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I came back from my trip to California feeling rested.
Czy możesz pomóc mi znaleźć drogę powrotną do mojego hotelu?
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Could you help me find the way back to my hotel?
Oni dobrze się bawili.
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They had fun.
Podobało im się.
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They liked it.
źle wymawiać coś
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to mispronounce sth
Było gorąco w Warszawie.
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It was hot in Warsaw.
do not say: There was hot in Warsaw.
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Ile kosztuje ten samochód?
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How much DOES this car COST? / How much is this car?
Ile kosztują te samochody?
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How much do these cars cost? How much are these cars?
Ile kosztował ten samochód?
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How much did this car cost? / How much was this car?
Ile wydałaś na ten samochód?
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How much did you spend ON this car?
do Not say: spend money FOR sth
majątek / dużo pieniędzy
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