Plants in Russian

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soru cevap
öğrenmeye başla
растения (ср. р. мн. ч.)
öğrenmeye başla
роза (ж. р.)
öğrenmeye başla
подсолнух (м. р.)
öğrenmeye başla
тюльпан (м. р.)
öğrenmeye başla
ромашка (ж. р.)
öğrenmeye başla
лилия (ж. р.)
öğrenmeye başla
кактус (м. р.)
öğrenmeye başla
мак (м. р.)
öğrenmeye başla
конопля (ж. р.)
öğrenmeye başla
нарцисс (м. р.)
öğrenmeye başla
орхидея (ж. р.)
öğrenmeye başla
подснежник (м. р.)

Study Plants in Russian

Have you ever thought about speaking Russian? Come on! Let's start with Plants and take a look at this wonderful language! Probably you do not even know what the proper spelling of Plants in Russian, hm? You needn't worry! The solution is just in our lesson: through these flashcards, you will also have the chance to learn or just improve your pronunciation, through our recordings! Are you still thinking this will not come in handy? How can you be so sure? This is the coolest part about learning a new foreign language! The secret is all about repetition: with our method, you will have the chance to practise what you studied in order to memorise it! Stop wasting your time on useless apps! Let's start right now withPlants in Russian!

Motivation to study Russian

In case you didn't know, learning a foreign language makes you smarter! It is proven that it activates areas in your brain, responsible for memory! Additionally, you will speak Russian, which means infinite professional, academical and social opportunities! If that's not enough for you, think about it as a challenge or Speaking a new language is surely not so widespread. You could achieve a admirable result "almost" alone!

How to learn Russian fast

If you plan to speak Russian the first step is to build your vocabulary in Russian. Our language learning tool will take care of it by scheduling repetitions of the flashcards in Russian you did not know making you remember more in less time!

Learn Russian fast and efficiently!

You hated taking Russian classes? Your Russian professor wasn't structured enough? Try flashcards with VocApp and learn Russian without a professor! Our flashcards will make speaking in Russian simple and enjoyable!

Take a look at our other Russian lessons

Have you taken a look at our Russian language courses? If you liked this lesson, you might want to try our professional flashcards sets tailored by linguists! If you liked our lesson Plants in Russian, we are pretty sure you can benefit from the other ones too. Don't forget to check our other lessons on Russian.

Learn 5 minutes daily and remember even 90% of the studied vocabulary.

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