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methodological individualism öğrenmeye başla
individual actions as the determining factor in the explanation of social phenomena like markets and companies; for many scholars it is based on the ontological premise that social reality cannot be determined by supra-individual factor
methodological collectivism - what it is based on? öğrenmeye başla
based on the ontological premise that individual phenomena are determined by the structure in which they are imbedded; the whole is more than a sum of individual parts; individual actions are determined by what is available in the contextual whole
methodological collectivism - definition öğrenmeye başla
we should scrutinise functions, mechanisms and reasons at macro level if we want to explain, understand and predict social phenomena
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explanations in which the function or goal of a phenomenon provides for the explanation of the phenomenon; functionalism focuses on the system and the role the phenomenon plays within such a system
functional explanation - example öğrenmeye başla
In biology male birds are more capable of seducing females if they are better singers - explanation based on the description of goals. We explain why birds sing by describing what they can achieve by doing so
Difference between causality and functionality öğrenmeye başla
causality assesses events preceding a phenomenon; functionality assesses the goal phenomenon serves
functional and system explanations öğrenmeye başla
functional explanations are always system explanations. They ask what os necessary for system to survive and function well and explain individual behaviour be showing how individ. behaviour serves this systemic goal. Clear theory whose goal it is
Why is crime functional according to Durkheim? öğrenmeye başla
Crime is functional cuz it reinforces and keeps the society together
öğrenmeye başla
participating in social practices is the only way to find out and learn to understand what people consider to be important
premise of symbolic interactionism öğrenmeye başla
people's behavior and choices are largely determined by norms within a group, even though choices and behaviour also contribute to the production and development of these norms
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It is not to be understood as behaviour guided by a rule. You simply make up new rules describing your behaviour. These kind of rules are not of a prescriptive nature. There is no normativity in them, so you cannot fail in applying them
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explanans (cause) -> explanandum (effect)
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it explains the existence of sth from its function within a given system; explanans (function) -> explanandum
1st Condition of Functional Explanations admission öğrenmeye başla
General Causal feedback mechanism exists; i.e. biological evolution, economic competition, sociological legitimation
2nd Condition of Functional Explanations admission öğrenmeye başla
Higher order regulative system at play
3rd condition of Functional Explanations admission öğrenmeye başla
Fundamental issues with functional explanations öğrenmeye başla
1. Confusion of Causes and Effect; 2. Assumption that there is a higher order system at play; 3. Assumption that the explanans are a necessary condition
Hermeneutics - social reality consists of two types of facts öğrenmeye başla
1. Brute (Natural) facts that exist independent of human existence (water); 2. Institutional facts - come to existence bcs of our collective intentions towards them that give them meaning (money, churches, firms)
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it is about understanding a phenomenon in terms of their meaning, taking the 1 person's perspective on the phenomenon studied
Two foundational concepts in hermeneutics öğrenmeye başla
Sense Making as hermeneutical concept öğrenmeye başla
ongoing, often retrospective interpretation of the meaning of actions; sense making entails developing one's intentions
Enactment as a hermeneutical concept öğrenmeye başla
affirming or giving meaning to the world by acting on one's intentions. This can be achieved through infusing the world with collective intentionality and institutional facts
Epistemological implications öğrenmeye başla
the social ontology institutions requires a first person's perspective to make sense of them; social meaning has a "rule-like" nature; social phenomena can serve both as explanans and explanandum in explaining social reality
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based on logic of appropriateness; actors believe that the institutions exemplifies the appropriate thing to do; normative expectations enter into equation
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based on logic of orthodoxy; actors just believe that "this is the way the world works"; beliefs are taken for granted and alternatives are often not even conceived; however beliefs held need not be true as a matter of fact