soru |
cevap |
öğrenmeye başla
Najpierw posłuchaj, a następnie odpowiedz na pytanie. öğrenmeye başla
First listen and then answer the question.
Dlaczego więzień zaatakował kierowcę? öğrenmeye başla
Why did the prisoner attack the driver?
öğrenmeye başla
When he had killed the guard,
jeniec wojenny szybko wciągnął go w krzaki. öğrenmeye başla
the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes.
Pracując szybko w ciemności, öğrenmeye başla
Working rapidly in the darkness,
wkrótce przebrał się w ubranie zmarłego. öğrenmeye başla
he soon changed into the dead man’s clothes.
Teraz ubrana w niebieski mundur öğrenmeye başla
Now, dressed in a blue uniform
i z karabinem na ramieniu, öğrenmeye başla
and with a rifle over his shoulder,
więzień śmiało maszerował w górę iw dół öğrenmeye başla
the prisoner marched boldly up and down
öğrenmeye başla
Słyszał krzyki w samym obozie. öğrenmeye başla
He could hear shouting in the camp itself.
öğrenmeye başla
a mężczyźni biegali tu i tam: öğrenmeye başla
and men were running here and there:
właśnie odkryli, że więzień uciekł. öğrenmeye başla
they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped.
öğrenmeye başla
duży czarny samochód z czterema oficerami w środku, öğrenmeye başla
a large black car with four officers inside it,
zatrzymał się przy bramach obozu. öğrenmeye başla
stopped at the camp gates.
öğrenmeye başla
a więzień stanął na baczność öğrenmeye başla
and the prisoner stood to attention
i pozdrawiali, gdy przechodzili. öğrenmeye başla
and saluted as they passed.
öğrenmeye başla
kierowca samochodu podszedł do niego. öğrenmeye başla
the driver of the car came towards him.
Mężczyzna najwyraźniej chciał porozmawiać. öğrenmeye başla
The man obviously wanted to talk.
Był raczej starszy i miał siwe włosy öğrenmeye başla
He was rather elderly with grey hair
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
The prisoner felt sorry for him,
ale nic więcej nie mógł zrobić. öğrenmeye başla
but there was nothing else he could do.
Gdy mężczyzna się zbliżył, öğrenmeye başla
więzień powalił go na ziemię ostrym ciosem. öğrenmeye başla
the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow.
Następnie wskakując do samochodu, öğrenmeye başla
Then, jumping into the car,
odjechał tak szybko, jak mógł. öğrenmeye başla
he drove off as quickly as he could.
öğrenmeye başla
Pytanie 1. Co zrobił jeniec wojenny po zabiciu strażnika? öğrenmeye başla
Question 1. After he had killed the guard, what did the prisoner of war do?
Odpowiedź 1. Po tym, jak jeniec wojenny zabił strażnika öğrenmeye başla
Answer 1. After the prisoner of war had killed the guard
öğrenmeye başla
he dragged him into the bushes
a następnie przebrał się w ubranie zmarłego. öğrenmeye başla
and then changed into the daead man`s clothes.
Pytanie 2. Co słyszał i widział, gdy śmiało maszerował przed obozem? öğrenmeye başla
Question 2. What did he hear and see when he marched boldly in front of the camp?
Odpowiedź 2. Kiedy śmiało maszerował przed obozem öğrenmeye başla
Answer 2. When he marched boldly in front of the camp
öğrenmeye başla
he could hear shouting in the camp
i zobaczyłem płonące światła öğrenmeye başla
a mężczyźni biegali tu i tam. öğrenmeye başla
and men were running here and there.
Pytanie 3. Gdzie zatrzymał się duży czarny samochód i kto wysiadł? öğrenmeye başla
Question 3. Where did the large black car stop and who got out?
Odpowiedź 3. Duży czarny samochód zatrzymał się przed bramą obozu öğrenmeye başla
Answer 3. The large black car stopped at the camp gates
i wysiadło czterech oficerów. öğrenmeye başla
and four officers got out.
Pytanie 4. Co więzień zrobił kierowcy? öğrenmeye başla
Question 4. What did the prisoner do to the driver?
Odpowiedź 4. Więzień powalił kierowcę na ziemię öğrenmeye başla
Answer 4. The prisoner knocked the driver to the ground
öğrenmeye başla
i odjechał tak szybko, jak mógł. öğrenmeye başla
and drove off as quickly as he could.
Pytanie główne: Dlaczego więzień zaatakował kierowcę? öğrenmeye başla
The main question: Why did the prisoner attack the driver?
Główna odpowiedź: Więzień zaatakował kierowcę öğrenmeye başla
The main answer: The prisoner attacked the driver
bo właśnie uciekł z obozu öğrenmeye başla
beacause he had just escaped from the camp
öğrenmeye başla
and he was afraid for his own life
i chciał natychmiast uciekł stamtąd. öğrenmeye başla
and wanted immediately escaped from there.
Streszczenie. Po tym, jak jeniec wojenny zabił strażnika öğrenmeye başla
Summary. After the prisoner of war had killed the guard
öğrenmeye başla
he dragged him into the bushes
a następnie przebrał się w ubranie zmarłego. öğrenmeye başla
and then changed into the daead man`s clothes.
Kiedy śmiało maszerował przed obozem öğrenmeye başla
When he marched boldly in front of the camp
öğrenmeye başla
he could hear shouting in the camp
i zobaczyłem płonące światła öğrenmeye başla
a mężczyźni biegali tu i tam. öğrenmeye başla
and men were running here and there.
Duży czarny samochód zatrzymał się przed bramą obozu öğrenmeye başla
The large black car stopped at the camp gates
i wysiadło czterech oficerów. öğrenmeye başla
and four officers got out.
Więzień powalił kierowcę na ziemię öğrenmeye başla
The prisoner knocked the driver to the ground
öğrenmeye başla
i odjechał tak szybko, jak mógł. öğrenmeye başla
and drove off as quickly as he could.
Lekcja 82. Potwór czy ryba? öğrenmeye başla
Lesson 82. Monster or fish?
Najpierw posłuchaj, a następnie odpowiedz na pytanie. öğrenmeye başla
First listen and then answer the question.
öğrenmeye başla
What was the monster called?
öğrenmeye başla
czasami twierdzą, że widzieli potwory w morzu. öğrenmeye başla
sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.
Chociaż ludzie często śmiali się z opowieści marynarzy, öğrenmeye başla
Though people have often laughed at stories told by seamen,
obecnie wiadomo, że wiele z tych „potworów” öğrenmeye başla
it is now known that many of these ‘monsters’
które czasami były widziane öğrenmeye başla
which have at times been sighted
są po prostu dziwnymi rybami. öğrenmeye başla
Czasami niezwykłe stworzenia öğrenmeye başla
Occasionally, unusual creatures
öğrenmeye başla
ale rzadko są łapane na morzu. öğrenmeye başla
but they are rarely caught out at sea.
öğrenmeye başla
w pobliżu Madagaskaru złowiono osobliwą rybę. öğrenmeye başla
a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar.
öğrenmeye başla
został wyniesiony milami w morze przez potężną rybę öğrenmeye başla
was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish
öğrenmeye başla
as it pulled on the line.
Zdając sobie sprawę, że to nie była zwykła ryba, öğrenmeye başla
Realizing that this was no ordinary fish,
rybak dołożył wszelkich starań, aby go w żaden sposób nie uszkodzić. öğrenmeye başla
the fisherman made every effort not to damage it in any way.
Kiedy w końcu został sprowadzony na brzeg, öğrenmeye başla
When it was eventually brought to shore,
okazało się, że ma ponad trzynaście stóp długości. öğrenmeye başla
it was found to be over thirteen feet long.
öğrenmeye başla
It had a head like a horse,
duże niebieskie oczy, lśniąca srebrna skóra i jaskrawoczerwony ogon. öğrenmeye başla
big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail.
Ryba, która została wysłana do muzeum öğrenmeye başla
The fish, which has since been sent to a museum
gdzie jest badany przez naukowca, öğrenmeye başla
where it is being examined by a scientist,
öğrenmeye başla
Takie stworzenia rzadko widywano żywe öğrenmeye başla
Such creatures have rarely been seen alive
przez człowieka, który żyje na głębokości sześciuset stóp. öğrenmeye başla
by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet.
öğrenmeye başla
Pytanie 1. Co obecnie wiadomo o potworach, które rzekomo widzieli rybacy i marynarze? öğrenmeye başla
Question 1. What is now known about the monsters fishermaen and sailors claim to have seen?
Odpowiedź 1. Rybak i marynarze öğrenmeye başla
Answer 1. Fisherman and sailors
czasami twierdzą, że widzieli potwory w morzu. öğrenmeye başla
sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.
Pytanie 2. Dlaczego mała łódź rybacka wypłynęła wiele mil z morza? öğrenmeye başla
Question 2. Why was a small fishing boat carried miles out of sea
jakiś czas temu niedaleko Madagaskaru? öğrenmeye başla
some time ago near the Madagascar?
Odpowiedź 2. Jakiś czas temu mała łódź rybacka została przeniesiona milami w morze öğrenmeye başla
Answer 2. Some time ago a small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea
öğrenmeye başla
przez potężną rybę ciągnącą za linkę. öğrenmeye başla
by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line.
Pytanie 3. Co wtedy zrobili rybacy? öğrenmeye başla
Question 3. What did the fishermen do then?
Odpowiedź 3. Wtedy rybak dołożył wszelkich starań öğrenmeye başla
Answer 3. Then the fisherman made every effort
nie uszkodzonym osobliwym rybom öğrenmeye başla
not to damaged peculiar fish
öğrenmeye başla
Pytanie 4. Jak wyglądała ryba? öğrenmeye başla
Question 4. What did the fish look like?
Odpowiedź 4. Ryba wyglądała jak koń ze względu na kształt głowy, öğrenmeye başla
Answer 4. The fish looked like a horse due to the shape of the head,
dodatkowo miał duże niebieskie oczy, lśniącą srebrną skórę i jaskrawoczerwony ogon. öğrenmeye başla
in addition it had big blue eyes, shining silver skin and a bright red tail.
Główne pytanie: Jak nazywał się potwór? öğrenmeye başla
The main question: What was the monster called?
Główna odpowiedź: potwór nazywano włócznią. öğrenmeye başla
The main answer: The monster was called oarfish.
Streszczenie. Rybacy i żeglarze czasami twierdzą, że widzieli potwory w morzu. öğrenmeye başla
Summary. Fisherman and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.
Jakiś czas temu mała łódź rybacka została wyniesiona milami w morze w pobliżu Madagaskaru öğrenmeye başla
Some time ago a small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea near Madagascar
przez potężną rybę ciągnącą za linkę. öğrenmeye başla
by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line.
Wtedy rybak dołożył wszelkich starań öğrenmeye başla
Then the fisherman made every effort
nie uszkodzonym osobliwym rybom öğrenmeye başla
not to damaged peculiar fish
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
The fish looked like a horse
ze względu na kształt głowy, öğrenmeye başla
due to the shape of the head,
dodatkowo miał duże niebieskie oczy, öğrenmeye başla
in addition it had big blue eyes,
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
Lesson 83. After the elections.
Najpierw posłuchaj, a następnie odpowiedz na pytanie. öğrenmeye başla
First listen and then answer the question.
Dlaczego Patrick wciąż zadaje to samo pytanie? öğrenmeye başla
Why did Patrick keep on asking the same question?
Były premier, pan Wentworth Lane, öğrenmeye başla
The former Prime Minister, Mr. Wentworth Lane,
został pokonany w ostatnich wyborach. öğrenmeye başla
was defeated in the recent elections.
Odchodzi teraz z życia politycznego öğrenmeye başla
He is now retiring from political life
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
zawsze był fanatycznym przeciwnikiem Radykalnej Postępowej Partii pana Lane'a. öğrenmeye başla
has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane’s Radical Progressive Party.
öğrenmeye başla
Patrick poszedł do domu byłego premiera. öğrenmeye başla
Patrick went to the former Prime Minister’s house.
Kiedy zapytał, czy mieszka tam pan Lane, öğrenmeye başla
When he asked if Mr. Lane lived there,
dyżurny policjant powiedział mu, że od czasu porażki były premier wyjechał za granicę. öğrenmeye başla
the policeman on duty told him that since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad.
Następnego dnia Patrick ponownie poszedł do domu. öğrenmeye başla
On the following day, Patrick went to the house again.
Ten sam policjant szedł powoli obok wejścia, öğrenmeye başla
The same policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance,
kiedy Patrick zadał to samo pytanie. öğrenmeye başla
when Patrick asked the same question.
Choć tym razem trochę podejrzanie, öğrenmeye başla
Though a little suspicious this time,
policjant udzielił mu tej samej odpowiedzi. öğrenmeye başla
the policeman gave him the same answer.
öğrenmeye başla
Patrick jeszcze raz poszedł do domu öğrenmeye başla
Patrick went to the house once more
i zadał dokładnie to samo pytanie. öğrenmeye başla
and asked exactly the same question.
Tym razem policjant stracił panowanie nad sobą. öğrenmeye başla
This time, the policeman lost his temper.
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
and the day before yesterday,’
öğrenmeye başla
'Pan. Lane został pokonany w wyborach. öğrenmeye başla
‘Mr. Lane was defeated in the elections.
Odszedł z życia politycznego öğrenmeye başla
He has retired from political life
öğrenmeye başla
and gone to live abroad!’
Wiem – odpowiedział Patrick – öğrenmeye başla
I know,’ answered Patrick,
„Ale uwielbiam słyszeć, jak to mówisz!” öğrenmeye başla
‘but I love to hear you say it!’
öğrenmeye başla
Pytanie 1. Co się stało z byłym premierem w ostatnich wyborach i gdzie jest teraz? öğrenmeye başla
Question 1. What happened to the former Prime Minister in the recent elections and where is he now?
Odpowiedź 1. Były premier, pan Wentworth Lane, został pokonany w ostatnich wyborach öğrenmeye başla
Answer 1. The former Prime Minister, Mr Wentworth Lane, was defeated in the recent elections
a teraz wycofuje się z życia politycznego i wyjechał za granicę. öğrenmeye başla
and he is now retiring from political life and has gone abroad.
Pytanie 2. Czy Patrick popiera byłego premiera i jego partię? öğrenmeye başla
Question 2. Does Patrick support the former Prime Minister and his party?
Odpowiedź 2. Patrick nie popiera byłego premiera öğrenmeye başla
Answer 2. Patrick doesn`t support the former Prime Minister
öğrenmeye başla
ponieważ zawsze był fanatycznym przeciwnikiem Radykalnej Postępowej Partii Pana Lane'a. öğrenmeye başla
because he has always been fanatical opponent of Mr Lane`s Radical Progressive Party.
Pytanie 3. Dokąd poszedł Patryk po wyborach i po co? öğrenmeye başla
Question 3. Where did Patrick go after the elections and what for?
Odpowiedź 3. Po wyborach Patrick udał się do domu byłego premiera öğrenmeye başla
Answer 3. After the elections Patrick went to former Prime Minister`s house
zapytać, czy mieszka tam pan Lane. öğrenmeye başla
to asked if Mr Lane lived there.
Pytanie 4. Dlaczego Patrick ciągle zadawał policjantowi dyżurnemu to samo pytanie? öğrenmeye başla
Question 4. Why did Patrick ask the policeman on duty the same question again and again?
Odpowiedź 4. Patrick raz po raz zadawał policjantowi dyżurnemu to samo pytanie öğrenmeye başla
Answer 4. Patrick asked the policeman on duty the same question again and again
öğrenmeye başla
Pan Lane został pokonany w wyborach. öğrenmeye başla
"Mr Lane was defeated in the elections.
öğrenmeye başla
Zrezygnował z życia politycznego i wyjechał za granicę. öğrenmeye başla
He has retired from political life and gone to live abroad.
Główne pytanie: Dlaczego Patrick wciąż zadaje to samo pytanie? öğrenmeye başla
The main question: Why did Patrick keep on asking the same question?
Główna odpowiedź: Patrick ciągle zadawał to samo pytanie öğrenmeye başla
The main answer: Patrick kept on asking the same question
ponieważ był fanatycznym przeciwnikiem partii Mr Lane`a öğrenmeye başla
because he was fanatical opponent Mr Lane`s Party
który właśnie przegrał wybory öğrenmeye başla
that had just lost the elections
i cały czas chciał o tym słyszeć. öğrenmeye başla
and he wanted to hear about it all the time.
Streszczenie. Były premier, pan Wentworth Lane, został pokonany w ostatnich wyborach öğrenmeye başla
Summary. The former Prime Minister, Mr Wentworth Lane, was defeated in the recent elections
i teraz odchodzi na emeryturę z życia politycznego öğrenmeye başla
and he is now retiring from political life
öğrenmeye başla
Patrick nie popiera byłego premiera öğrenmeye başla
Patrick doesn`t support the former Prime Minister
i jego partii, ponieważ zawsze był fanatycznym przeciwnikiem Rady Postępowej Partii Lane'a. öğrenmeye başla
and his party because he has always been fanatical opponent of Mr Lane`s Radical Progressive Party.
Po wyborach Patrick udał się do domu byłego premiera öğrenmeye başla
After the elections Patrick went to former Prime Minister`s house
zapytać, czy mieszka tam pan Lane. öğrenmeye başla
to asked if Mr Lane lived there.
Patrick zadał to samo pytanie policjantowi dyżurnemu öğrenmeye başla
Patrick asked the policeman on duty the same question
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
Pan Lane został pokonany w wyborach. öğrenmeye başla
" Mr Lane was defeated in the elections."
Zrezygnował z życia politycznego i wyjechał za granicę." öğrenmeye başla
He has retired from political life and gone to live abroad.