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package holiday
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a holiday where everything (accommodation, transport, meals) is arranged by a travel agent; wakacje zorganizowane (obejmujące zakwaterowanie, przejazd, posiłki). I think that a package holiday will be the best option.
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a drug that soothes pain; środek przeciwbólowy. The doctor advised not to take this painkiller before meals.
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very careful or done very carefully; drobiazgowy, sumienny. The painstaking job she’s done turned out completely useless!
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spolit (about a child); rozpieszczony. Her daughter is pampered and naughty.
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overwhelmed with panic; opanowany paniką, strachem, w popłochu. He found it challenging to control the panic_stricken crowd.
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if two lines are parallel, they never meet; a parallel line; very similar; taking place at the same time as another event; równoległy (o linii, ulicy, zdarzeniu); linia równoległa; podobny. They conducted a parallel study in Germany.
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to participate in, to share; uczestniczyć, brać w czymś udział. The kids were sorry they couldn't partake in the celebration.
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excessively interested in rules and order; pedantyczny. John's mother has always been pedantic, which wasn't easy for him.
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to get rid of the thick outer layer of a fruit/vegetable; obierać ze skórki. I must peel the potatoes, will you answer the phone?
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to reduce the outer layer of a fruit or vegetable; obierać (warzywa, owoce). Could you peel the potatoes, please?
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a hole in a door through which one can look outside; wizjer, judasz. I could see nothing through the peephole and was too scared to open the door.
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to look carefully, as if through the fog etc.; przyglądać się, przypatrywać, patrzeć uważnie, wytężać wzrok. She was peerring through the fog but couldn't notice the car.
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to sit (e.g. on a branch); a place where birds sit; a place to sit; przycupnąć, usadowić się, przycupnąć; grzęda; miejsce, na którym chwilowo się siedzi. A sparrow perched on the window sill waiting for some bread crumbs.
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unchangeable, always existing; wieczny, odwieczny, niezmienny. The way of bringing up the children is a perennial source of conflict between them.
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oficially allowed; dozwolony. Is the use of dictionaries permissible during the exam?
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at an angle of 90° to a surface or line; a perpendicular line; prostopadły; linia prostopadła. You were supposed to draw a perpendicular (line) and what have you done?
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confused or worried; zakłopotany; zdumiony. I had an impression she was sort of perplexed.
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with pimples, that is, spots on one's face; pryszczaty. Who's that pimpled guy?
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to squeeze somebody's skin so that it hurts; uszczypnąć, szczypać. Mummy, Joe pinched my arm! Tell him to stop it!
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to make something specific; to explain; locate exactly; precyzowac, dokładnie określać, lokalizować. She always found it hard to pinpoint what her brother really meant.
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a toy which goes round when the air blows; wiatraczek dziecięcy. the kids wanted me to buy colourful pinwheels.
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a problem which is likely to occur in certain circumstances; pułapka, niebezpieczeństwo. I think you ought to talk to her about the pitfalls she should avoid.
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big sheet of paper designed to advertise or inform; plakat, afisz. They brought some colourful placards to put them on the wall.
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calm, balanced; spokojny, łagodny. Both her children are really placid and cheerful.
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the place where you wait before you get on a train; peron. I was happy to see her waiting for me on the platform.
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funny or intended to be funny; full of life and humour; zabawny, żartobliwy, figlarny. Look at these playful kittens! They're so sweet!
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appeal, request, enter a plea; prosić, błagać, bronić, wstawiać się za. The traitor pleaded for mercy.
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to prepare land for growing plants by digging it; a tool to do that; orać; pług. My guests from Germany were surprised to see a real plough in the field in Poland.
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bravery, courage; hart ducha, odwaga. The pluck he revealed surprised everybody.
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brave; odważny. It was extremely plucky of him to disagree.
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to examine; to understand; badać, zgłębiać, zrozumieć. Your attempts to plumb these areas of human experience are purposeless. You can't learn it from books.
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with a rounded body; pulchny, zaokrąglony. All Tim's girlfriends were short and plump.
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when you dive; a jump into water; nur; skok do wody. take the plunge, to make a crucial and critical decision; podjąć rozstrzygajacą, istotną decyzję. She says she'd love to do some different job, but she's too scared to take the plunge.
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great difference; różnica, rozbieżność. The polarity of their personalities must result in a conflict.
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to make sth smooth; to make sth better; polerować, szlifować, podszlifować, udoskonalać. Sue went to Paris to polish her French.
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(about an object) light enough to be carried easily; przenośny. He always takes a portable tv with him.
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to hold back to a later time, to delay; odkładać na później, odraczać, zwlekać. We had to postpone our trip because of bad weather.
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a trick, a joke; (arch) psota, figiel, kawał; wybryk. Granny doesn't approve of such pranks, Johny.
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to talk much; dużo mówić, nawijać. She spent the whole break prating about clothes.
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happening sooner than it should; przedwczesny; pochopny. Your complaints are premature, the final outcome isn't known yet.
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to demand a lot of time and thinking; absorbować, zajmować, nie dawać spokoju. Mary has been preoccupied with annoying paper work.
preserve (noun)
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a sweet food made of fruit and sugar; an activity one is especially good at or responsible for; a reserve; dżem, marmolada; (czyjaś) domena, specjalność; rezerwat. It's stupid to think that sport is a male preserve.
preserve (verb)
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to save, to keep living, existing, etc.; zachowywać, ocalać. This minority is trying to preserve their language.
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very urgent; naglący, pilny, niecierpiący zwłoki. He admitted it was a pressing issue.
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to force, to persuade someone to do sth; zmuszać, wywierać presję. What are you going to do if your parents start to pressurise you about the choice of school?
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to believe, to suppose something is true; domniemywać, przypuszczać. I presume they will not accept the invitation after the argument we’d had.
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the period of time when a criminal is not sent to jail but obliged to behave properly; okres próbny, kuratela sądowa. He was put on probation and has been behaving carefully so far.
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to investigate, to examine; an examination; sondować, badać; sonda, dochodzenie. The journalist was eager to probe the reasons for the state of affairs.
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an official statement, address or item of information; proklamacja, obwieszczenie. The content of the proclamation made people anxious.
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advertising something, encouraging people to do or buy something; raising someonein rank; promocja; awans. His promotion was rather surprising.
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welfare, being successful; dobrobyt, pomyślność, powodzenie. The country enjoyed a long period of prosperity.
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to supply; to prepare, to make ready for use; dostarczać, zaopatrywać, zapewniać. You will be provided with necessary materials.
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interfere with, to spy; wtrącać się, śledzić, wścibiać. She's always prying, which makes me angry.
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a pool of rainwater gathered on the ground; kałuża. Children like playing in puddles, don't shout at her like that.
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believed to have done something, to be something or someone; domniemany, przypuszczalny. She was in two minds about meeting her putative father.
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decaying; unpleasant; gnijący; zgniły. She was wearing an awful blouse of a putrid colour.
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confused, unable to understand something; zakłopotany. He was completely puzzled when he read the letter.
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any of the animals walking on four legs; czworonog. Today the teacher was talking about... well, four_legged animals, I mean, quadrupeds.
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unique, old_fashioned, interesting; osobliwy, ciekawy, oryginalny. You'll find this old village attractive, in a quiant way, though.
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having qualifications or skills (to do a particular job); wykwalifikowany, posiadający kwalifikacje. They're loking for a qualified teacher.
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feeling sick; causing sickness; mdlący, wywołujący mdłości; odczuwający mdłości. Jo felt a bit queasy in the morning.
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strange; dziwny, dziwaczny. Who's that queer guy that came with Ann?
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to ask a question; a question; pytać, zapytywać; pytanie, zapytanie. In reply to your query, we would like to inform you that the conference will take place on 25 October.
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sand that sucks you in; ruchome piaski. I was watching a documentary about quicksand and other incredible things.
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chosen or done by chance, without a particular method; przypadkowy, losowy, dowolny. You can’t put those books on the shelves in a random order just like that.
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the money kidnappers demand; okup. He was kidnapped for ransom.
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sudden; fast; gwałtowny, nagły, szybki. Analysts didn't predict the rapid change.
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to shout, to talk about sth in an enthusiastic way; to purposefuly annoy someone; a big party; an enthusiastic review; wrzeszczeć, bredzić, wściekać się; zachwycać się; pieklić się; hałaśliwa zabawa; entuzjastyczna recenzja. Stop raving! I'm not going to talk with you like that!
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rubbish, nonsense; brednie, bzdury. How could you even listen to the ravings he was telling you!
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a person who receives something; odbiorca. Where should I type in the recipient's name?
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a person who receives something; odbiorca. Where should I type in the recipient's name?
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to lie in a relaxed position with one's back leaning against something; ułożyć się w pozycji półleżącej. Mum was reclining on the sofa, fast asleep.
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to be able to remember something; przypominać sobie. She says she doesn’t recollect the row.
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a memory, the act of remembering something; przypomnienie sobie, wspomnienie. I have only a vague recollection of my great-grandfather’s house.
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to praise something, to say something or someone is good; to advise to do something; polecać (coś, kogoś); zalecać; rekomendować. I recommend this book to everyone interested in gardening.
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an exile, a person who flees from their own country for political or socio_economical reasons; uchodźca. During the conference, the issue concerning political refugees was raised.
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wymiotować, zwracać treść żołądka; (przen.) bezmyślnie odtwarzać informacje. For the bachelor thesis you just need to regurgitate some information you acquired during studies.
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connected with, suitable; dotyczący, tyczący się (czegoś), związany; odpowiedni, właściwy. We were provided with relevant and sufficient information.
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worthy of notice, unusual; godny uwagi, nadzwyczajny. All her remarkable achievements were described in her biography.
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many times; wielokrotnie. She phoned them repeatedly, but nobody answered.
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to form one's words again, in a different way; ujmować inaczej, wyrażać inaczej; przeredagować. The teacher told me to rephrase my work.
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to rest; to become calm; to lie in a relaxed way; to deposit; rest, tranquility; odpoczywać, spoczywać, leżeć spokojnie; dawać wytchnienie; pokładać (coś na czymś/ kimś); odpoczynek, spoczynek. He reposed in the armchair.
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a cold_blooded animal, such as snake or lizard; gad. Julka was fond of watching enormous reptiles in the Zoo.
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to be similar to; to look like sth/sb else; być podobnym do; przypominać coś/ kogoś (z wyglądu). That flat resembles the one I used to live in.
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angry, irritated because of being treated unfairly; dotknięty, obrażony. She was feeling resentful after they’d laughed at her.
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accepting something unpleasant; zrezygnowany; pogodzony (z przykrym faktem). He seemed resigned to losing the job.
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to sound for a long time; to sound loudly; rozbrzmiewać, brzmieć; rozchodzić się (o dźwięku). The alarm resounded through the whole block.
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great; very loud; oszałamiający; ogłuszający. The film was a resounding success.
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a solution to a problem, help; środek zaradczy, pomoc. If the resources are provided promptly, everything will be ok.
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able to act effectivelly and to find problems; pomysłowy, sprytny, zaradny. We need resourceful staff, not milksops.
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general acceptance and respect; ogólne poważanie, uznanie, szacunek. This theory gained respectability.
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being responsible (for), duty; odpowiedzialność, obowiązek. He doesn't take his responsibilities seriously.
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to bring or give back; przywracać, zwracać. The labour unions believe their rights should be restored.
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to start again; to continue; to return; wznawiać, powtórnie podejmować; kontynuować; znów zajmować, wracać (np. na miejsce). She resumed speaking after a while.
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coming together again; a union created anew; zgromadzenie; zjazd; ponowne połączenie. We're having a family reunion next week.
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to meet or get together aftebeing separated; powtórnie połączyć, scalać, jednoczyć. It took several hard years to reunite the country.
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something done in order to hurt someone who did something against you; zemsta. he will take revenge on you.
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a newspaper report including an opinion about e.g. a book; to consider sth again; to give an opinion (a review) in a newspaper; recenzja; robić przegląd, powtórnie się zastanawiać; recenzować. The review says it's a pretty interesting movie.
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mockery, unkind words meant to make fun of someone and to hurt them; to mock, to laugh at someone in a a cruel way; drwiny, drwić, szydzić, wyśmiewać. I don't understand why you ridiculed my idea.
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firm, stiff, not flexible; sztywny, niewzruszony, nieustępliwy. Claire was listening to her mother without a word, rigid and obstinate.
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violent public gathering; a revolt; zamieszki; bunt; niepokoje. The guys were arrested during a riot.
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to tear, to open with the use of force; drzeć, rozdzierać, rozpruwać. My daughter ripped the box open, impatient to see the surprise gift.
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fully developed, ready to eat; dojrzały (np. o owocu) I love ripe strawberries.
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to travel or walk around without any particular aim; włóczyć się, wędrować. He roamed around Europe for a year.
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to cook something in an oven; to heat e.g. nuts so that they become crispy; piec, opiekać, zapiekać; prażyć. I think that it's a good idea to roast some nuts and almonds for the party.
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usually, generally; na ogół; rutynowo. I guess she does it routinely.
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a violent argument; kłótnia, awantura. They both felt rather ashamed after that terrible row.
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neglected, devastated; a summary; zaniedbany, zapuszczony (t. run_down); sprawozdanie, relacja. It turned out the boy's family were living in a rundown dwelling in the suburbs.
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to hurry; to be in a hurry, to move quickly; popędzać, gonić, pędzić. I've got to rush, they must be waiting.
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to make a cracklin sound, a dry crackling sound; szeleścić; szelest. The kids were hopping in heaps of rustling leaves.
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a seat used on a horse and e.g. a motorcycle; siodło, siodełko. Sit up straight in the saddle.
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the money you have saved; oszczędności. I'm going to spend all my savings on the journey if I have to.
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someone not organised, who tends to forget things; osoba roztrzepana, zapominalski. I wish you weren't such a scatterbrain.
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someone not organised, who tends to forget things; osoba roztrzepana, zapominalski. I wish you weren't such a scatterbrain.
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a plan, a plan according to which certain activities are performed; plan, rozkład zajęć, rozkład jazdy. According to the schedule, the bus should have come five minutes ago.
school leaver
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a graduate; absolwent szkoły. Actually, he was willing to employ a school leaver.
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to feel that you think something or someone is not worth respect; a feeling that something or someone is stupid; gardzic, pogardzać; wzgarda, pogarda, lekceważenie. he scorned her father's political views.
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lacking respect, contemptuous; pogardliwy. Her scornful look made the boy feel rather frightened.
scrap paper
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paper used for drafts; papier do pisania na brudno. You may take some scrap paper and copy the letter afterwards.
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unpleasant to touch, scratching; drapiący, szorstki. Mummy, I don't want to put on this scratchy sweater.
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the text according to which a film is made or a play is staged; scenariusz. I wasn't fond of the film although the screenplay was fine.
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selfish, doing things only to get something for it; interesowny. she turned out a vain, self_interested person.
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reacting to what others say or do; kind and helpful; easily influenced; wrażliwy, czuły, delikatny; drażliwy. Though he tries to conceal it, Tim is a sensitive guy.
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appealing to senses; providing physical pleasure; zmysłowy. Kim was a very sensuous woman.
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existing in a different place; osobny, oddzielny. The sales department is in a separate buliding.
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something causing delay or failure; zahamowanie, niepowodzenie, pogorszenie. He had been recovering, but he suffered a setback last week.
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seriously, harshly; poważnie; surowo. The teachers decided that the pupils should be severely punished.
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tousled, hairy; kudłaty, zmierzwiony, potargany. That shaggy boy resembles my bro.
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not deep; lacking physical strength; płytki; słaby. The brook is shallow, but be careful
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the quality of being shallow (not deep) or trivial; płytkość, płycizna. I wonder what impressed you so much. His speech was nothing but shallowness.
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a primitive hut, usually at the edge of town; szałas, prymitywna chata, barak, slums. She used to live in a shanty outside the city.
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to glitter, to glimmer; to shine faintly; migtać, skrzyć się. Faint light shimmered in the dark.
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shimmering; giving out faint light; migotliwy, skrzący się. They noticed something just below the shimmery surface of water.
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shivering because of fever, cold, etc.; mający dreszcze. Her daughter was shivery and had a headache.
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a case transparent case where things such as museum pieces are kept and displayed; gablota. Their cups were displayed in a big showcase.
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a small piece, a small piece of something such as clothes; skrawek; strzęp. After the struggle, the boy's shirt was torn to shreds.
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sharp, acute; ostry, przenikliwy, przeszywający. She screamed with a shrill voice when she saw the mouse in the kitchen.
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shrank, shrunk); to become smaller; kurczyć się, maleć. Don't wash this jumper or it's going to shrink.
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to shiver, to tremble; a shiver; drżeć, dygotać; dreszcz. The very thought of meeting him made Alison shudder.
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to transport; to travel regularly between two places; a means of transport that travels regularly between two places; kursować wahadłowo; transportować; środek transportu kursujący wahadłowo. This bus shuttles from the plant to the suburbs, which is convenient for commuters.
sign language
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a language used by the deaf where a system of gestures is used; język migowy. She's been learning the sign language.
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the importance of something; waga, znaczenie. It was a matter of no significance.
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important; easy to notice; znaczący, istotny; znaczny. A significant increase has been observed.
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to mean, to make known; znaczyć, oznaczać; dawać do zrozumienia. She sighed to signify how worried she was.
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to drink slowly, in small amounts; a small portion of a liquid one drinks; a mouthful of a beverage; sączyć, pić małymi łyczkami; łyk, łyczek. They were sitting around the table, sipping tea without a word.
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to produce a sound of food frying in hot fat; skwierczeć. The meat was sizzling on the barbecue
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to lean in one direction, to slope; pochylać się, nachylać. She couldn't have written it. Her handwriting slants to the left.
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to lean in one direction, to slope; pochylać się, nachylać. She couldn't have written it. Her handwriting slants to the left.
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a place where farm animals are killed; rzeźnia. Having watched the documentary about a slaughterhouse, Sally became a vegetarian.
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rain mixed with snow; deszcz ze śniegiem. There's sleet, there's wind, it's dark and cold. I'm staying in.
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a usually thin piece of something; to cut into slices; plasterek; kromka; kawałek; kroić w plastry. I need some sliced cheese, could you help me?
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(of a surface) making someone slip; śliski. Watch out! Don't fall down, the floor is so slippery here!
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careless; not done very well; niedbały, byle jaki. I couldn't read the note because of your sloppy handwriting.
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cunning; chytry, przebiegły. Remember that he's sly enough to cheat u
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to hit lightly; a light blow dawać klapsa; klaps. She states that smacking is fair and she sees nothing wrong in punishing children this way.
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food that is not a casual meal; przekąska. A snack will make you feel better.
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to catch somethng, to grab; to eat something quickly; to steal something; złapać, schwytać; złapać okaję; zjeść coś naprędce; wyrwać; ukraść. The pickpocket snatched the woman’s bag and ran away.
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to laugh out of a sudden; parsknąć śmiechem. To her despair, her family just snickered when they saw her new hair_do.
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to breathe heavily through the nose; pociągać nosem. Stop sniffling, just leave and wipe your nose.
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a piece of equipment used by divers; fajka do nurkowania. I have to buy a snorkel before we go on holiday.
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to embrace, to cuddle; tulić się, przytulać. The children snuggled their mother until they fell asleep.
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an artist who performs solo; solista. What was the name of the soloist? His performance was absolutely perfect.
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the act of solving (a problem), the way of solving (a problem); rozwiązanie, sposób, odpowiedź. With such an attitude, you're not going to find a solution to that problem.
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intellectually appealing, marked by worldly knowledge; complex; refined; wyszukany, wymyślny; wyrafinowany. His complex and sophisticated essays have been translated into seven languages so far.
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painful, aching; bolesny, obolały; drażliwy. I got sore feet after the long walk.
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something that reminds you of a place you once visited; pamiątka (z danego miejsca). The girls spent all their pocket money on ice-cream and souvenirs.
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to name, list or mention; wyszczególniać, precyzować, wymieniać. Could you please specify the components we should supply?
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great; exciting; spektakularny, oszałamiający; widowiskowy. Their plan turned out a spectacular success.
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like a spike, having high_pitched spots; easily annoyed; kolczasty, najeżony kolcami; skory do gniewu, drażliwy. Stop acting as if you were a spiky teenager!
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to cover something/ someone with a substance; bryzgać, obryzgiwać. My clothes were splattered with mud.
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frightening; sinister; przerażajacy, straszny, złowieszczy. I like spooky stories, my sister finds them too frightening though.
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to spend a lot on unnecessary things; to waste; trwonić, marnować. She'll squander any sum you entrust to her.
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to hold something tightly and to press it; to try to force or make someone do something; ściskać; przyciskać, wywierać nacisk. Why don't you squeeze Peter a little bit? Maybe he'll agree.
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a pile; to arrange things in a pile; stos, sterta; układać w stos. why don't you just fold those blankets and stack them?
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to walk unsteadily; iść chwiejnym krokiem, chwiać się, zataczać. He staggered and fell down.
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a person who does someone else's job while they're absent; zastępca, zastępczyni. We've had an awful stand_in in our Polish classes because our teacher broke her leg last week.
standing ovation
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when people stand up and applaud; owacja na stojąco. The band received a standing ovation.
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to keep looking at sth/sb with one's eyes wide open; wpatrywać się, gapić. Why are you staring at me? Have I said something wrong?
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to make surprised or anxious; to frighten; zadziwiać, zaskakiwać; przestraszyć. Her sudden movement startled the cat.
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to be very hungry for a very long time, to have nothing to eat; głodować, przymierać głodem. My grandma used to remind me of the starving thousands whenever I didn’t feel like eating a dinner up.
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to keep sth in a secret place; trzymać coś w schowku. My seven_year_old daughter stashes all her valuable stones and shells.
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to make wet, to leave in a liquid for some time; namaczać, moczyć, Steep the shirt for a few hours.
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to cook or fry very slowly at a low temperature; dusić (kulin.). Can you please stew these vegetables? I'll be back in a second.
still life
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a painting, drawing, etc. which shows e.g. fruit, flowers (no people, landscape); martwa natura. I saw his still life at the exhibition.
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mean; skąpy. She's not going to help you, she's too stingy.
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to bend down; to bend forward; to have shoulders bent over; pochylać się; schylać się; garbić się. My sister stooped to look for the earring that had fallen down to the carpet.
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full of tension, uneasy, stressful; napięty; naprężony; nienaturalny. Our relations have become strained, which worries me a lot.
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to kill someone by squeezing their throat; to stop someone's deeds or something from development; dusić, udusić; tłumić, dławić. The strike started by the trade union has been strangled.
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to make stronger or working better; umacniać, wzmacniać, potęgować. Those difficult experiences have strengthened her faith.
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to caress by touching with the palm of one's hand; głaskać. Michael loves his cat so much that he feels offended if a guest of his doesn't stroke her or at least state she's beautiful.
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unwilling to change one's mind; uparty. He's too stubborn to change his opinion.
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enjoying studying, hard_working; pilny, pracowity. She's always been a studious person.
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a person who is not as important (in a company, organization) as another one; podwładny. He found it difficult to discipline his subordinates.
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refined, artful; nice, delicate; difficult to analyze; cunning, bright; subtelny, delikatny; wyrafinowany, przenikliwy, bystry. His poems are perfectly subtle and meaningful.
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flexible, bending easily; giętki, gibki, elastyczny. The advert says your skin will be supple as never before if you use this body balm.
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help, assistance; to help, to maintain; wsparcie; wspierać, utrzymywać. Suzan and Jack had another terrible row tonight. No wonder if she needs his support and he only talks about his own trouble.
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to subdue, to overpower, to put down; to not reveal; to restrain from being expressed; tłumić, dławić; powstrzymywać; zatajać. She looked at her father and suppressed a smile.
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to guess, to suspect, to suppose; przypuszczać, podejrzewać, domyślać się. The police surmise the murderer can’t have fled far away.
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to be situated around something or someone; otaczać. The elderly lady surrounded by young children is my aunt Elsie.
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careful observation; nadzór, obserwacja. That disco will be kept under surveillance after the accident.
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prone, easy to impress or influence; podatny, wrażliwy. Her dauhter is said to be susceptible to infections.
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to cause to cease for a period of time; to hold in an undecided state; zawieszać, wstrzymywać, odraczać. The group of students was suspended from school for drinking alcohol.
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to maintain, to keep alive; to experience sth hard;, podtrzymywać, utrzymywać, doświadczać, ponosić (klęskę). His tender care and love sustained Amy throughout her illness.
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to walk proudly; kroczyć z dumą. She approached us swaggering as if she were someone special.
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to make food or liquid move from your mouth to the stomach; połykać, przełykać. Swallow the pill now.
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to exchange; zamieniać The teacher told us to swap our essay plans for peer correction.
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quick, sudden; szybki, prędki, nagły. Her swift reply relieved me.
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a mouthful of a liquid; łyk, haust. He got up and took a swig of coffee.
swivel chair
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a chair that can swivel, i.e. go round; krzesło obrotowe. They ordered a couple of swivel chairs to the office.
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to show compassion; to be understanding; współczuć, współodczuwać, wykazywać zrozumienie. Although she did sympathize with her cousin, she didn't help him.

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