soru |
cevap |
1. ograniczony, niewystarczający 2. rzadki öğrenmeye başla
Food was becoming scarce. Good teachers are really scarce.
bardziej pożądany, wyróżniający się, lepszy öğrenmeye başla
Anything was preferable to the tense atmosphere at home. He finds country life infinitely preferable to living in the city. It would be preferable to employ two people, not one.
1. large in amount, value or importance 2. large and solid; strongly built 3. namacalny 4. zamożny öğrenmeye başla
They served us a substantial meal. I feel that the time has come for substantial changes. Is the substantial world real? My father is a substantial businessman. We build substantial houses. My brother is a substantial young man.
1. prawdziwy, realny, autentyczny 2. szczery, uczciwy öğrenmeye başla
It's made of genuine leather. She is a genuine contender for the title. We need a genuine plan to improve our company. He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions. She always showed genuine concern for others.
zasadniczy, najważniejszy öğrenmeye başla
The principal reason for this omission is lack of time. New roads will link the principal cities of the area. Tourist revenue is now our principal source of wealth.
a person who is eligible for something or to do something, is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age (uprawniony, odpowiedni) öğrenmeye başla
The new regulations made a lot of prisoners eligible for early release. When are you eligible to vote in your country? My mother has found an eligible bachelor for me to marry.
öğrenmeye başla
Using waste derived fuel saves natural resources. In English there are a lot of words derived from Latin.
made by people; not natural öğrenmeye başla
1. niepowiązany 2. niespokrewniony öğrenmeye başla
The two events were totally unrelated. Of the six cancer patients, two died of unrelated causes. They have the same name but are, in fact, unrelated.
1. niewyczerpany, nieograniczony 2. niekończący się, wieczny öğrenmeye başla
Endless patience. The possibilities are endless. He lives in a city surrounded by endless desert. The journey seemed endless.
niezwykły, warty odnotowania, godny uwagi öğrenmeye başla
A remarkable achievement/career/talent. She was a truly remarkable woman. What is even more remarkable about the whole thing is...
1. dostępny, osiągalny 2. przystępny öğrenmeye başla
The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter. The beach should be accessible to everyone. Accessible toilets for wheelchair users. Her poetry is always very accessible.
öğrenmeye başla
The work is physically demanding. My grandma became very demanding as she got older.
1. przyzwyczajony 2. zwyczajny, tradycyjny öğrenmeye başla
My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark. This was not the kind of behaviour I was accustomed to. He took his accustomed seat by the fire.
złożony, misterny, drobiazgowy öğrenmeye başla
Elaborate designs. She had prepared a very elaborate meal. An elaborate computer system.
1. zwięzły, krótki 2. podręczny (np. słownik) öğrenmeye başla
She gave us clear and concise instructions. This is just a concise dictionary—you should get yourself something bigger.
1. względny, relatywny 2. odnośny, dotyczący, mający związek z czymś öğrenmeye başla
We need to assess the relative importance of each of these factors. They now live in relative comfort. We won the game with relative ease. Let us proceed to matters relative to public health.