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soru cevap
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to laugh
Pedro acaba de llegar
pedro acaba de llegar
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Pedro just arrived
Pedro just arrived
ojalá pudiéramos volver al pasado
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I wish we could go back to the past
acabamos de volver de nuestras vacaciones
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we just got back from our vacation
saber en qué anda metido alguien
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know what someone is up to
me gustaría saber en qué andan metidos mis novia
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I would like to know what my girlfriend is up to
quisiera saber
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I would like to know
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veo que te encanta cotillear la vida de los demos
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I see that you love to gossip about the life of the demos
Por lo que he oido, la película es tan buena como el libro
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From what I've heard, the movie is as good as the book.
Por lo que he entendido
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From what i understand
cuando sea rico voy a darme la buena vida
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when I'm rich I'm going to give myself the great life
Qué guay que hayas podido venir a la fiesta
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How cool that you were able to come to the party
tomar el pelo
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pull the wool over eyes
no te enfades, solo te estan tomando el pelo
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don't be mad, they're just kidding you
deja de tomarme el pelo y dime la verdad
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stop kidding me and tell me the truth
me gusta comer golosinas
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I like to eat sweets
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known / well-known / famous
que daros
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what to give you
tearse un pedo
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el espejo
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me contaron
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they told me
el remedio
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vale, ya me contarás
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ok, you will tell me
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I suppose
supongo que no estas aqui
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I guess you're not here
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to put on
ponerse la ropa
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put on the clothes
ponerse malo
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get sick / feel bad
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to order
pedir ayuda
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ask for help
tratando de encontrar nuevos clientes
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trying to find new clients
he estado trabajando en eso todo el día
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I've been working on it all day
hasta las tantas
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until late
me quedé
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I stayed
Anoche me quede preparando este video hast las tantas
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Last night I was preparing this video until late
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no me confundas
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do not confuse me
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love it
andar a dormir
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go to sleep
mis amigos se pelearon y los echaron
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friends go into fight and got kicked out
aviso cuando sepa
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I notice you when I know

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