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cevap |
Druga Wojna Światowa wybuchła w 1939 roku. öğrenmeye başla
The Second World War broke out in 1939.
zbierać podpisy pod petycją öğrenmeye başla
collect petition signatures
zostać odwołanym z urzędu öğrenmeye başla
be excluded from a public office
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Ważnym jest, by wyrażać opinię w życiu. öğrenmeye başla
It's important to take a stand in life.
Nienawidzę jeździć samochodem w szczycie. öğrenmeye başla
I hate driving during the rush.
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2; występ muzyczny poprzedzający występ gwiazdy öğrenmeye başla
support act/supporting act
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Pull or knock down (a building). Ten budynek zostanie niedługo wyburzony. öğrenmeye başla
This building will be demolished soon.
A number of people or things in a more or less straight line. Jej willa stoi w rzędzie podobnych. öğrenmeye başla
Her villa stood in a row of similar ones.
2; A retail store, as a grocery store or bookstore, with more than the average amount of space and variety of stock. öğrenmeye başla
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retail shop/retailer shop
Nastolatkowie nie mogą pracować bez zgody rodziców. öğrenmeye başla
Teenagers cannot work without permission of their parents.
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2; Sale goods at reduced prices to get rid of superfluous stock. Wyprzedajemy te ubrania - to stara kolekcja. öğrenmeye başla
We are selling these clothes off - it's an old collection.
An owner of shares in a company. Moja żona jest głównym akcjonariuszem w firmie, którą prowadzę. öğrenmeye başla
My wife's a majority shareholder in the company I run.
Kiedy tylko odwiedzam rodziców, oni zaczynają się kłócić. öğrenmeye başla
Whenever I visit my parents, they start arguing.
wyzyskiwać/nadmiernie wykorzystywać On nadmiernie wykorzystywał ten komputer, dlatego się zepsuł. öğrenmeye başla
He exploited this computer, that's why it broke down.
tekstu/muzyki/filmu urywek z filmu historycznego öğrenmeye başla
an extract from a historical film
A preparation containing the active ingredient of a substance in concentrated form. öğrenmeye başla
(Of a situation or future prospect) not hopeful or encouraging; unlikely to have a favorable outcome. Wróży marne widoki na przyszłość firmie, która straciła swoją drogę. öğrenmeye başla
He paints a bleak picture of a company that has lost its way.
(Of a building or room) charmless and inhospitable; dreary. W rozpaczy rozejrzał się po ponurym, małym pokoju. öğrenmeye başla
He looked around the bleak little room in despair.
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Norman był takim beztroskim człowiekiem. Nigdy niczym się nie przejmował i zawsze był zrelaksowany. öğrenmeye başla
Norman was such a carefree man. He never worried about anything and was always relaxed.
A painful or horrific experience, especially a protracted one. Ten miesiąc był dla mnie męką. öğrenmeye başla
This month was an ordeal for me.
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2 Powinniśmy poprawić rentowność naszego punktu sprzedaży detalicznej. öğrenmeye başla
We should improve the profitability of our retail outlet.
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Support or help. Bez pańskiego wsparcia nie będzie nas stać na ten projekt. öğrenmeye başla
Without your backing, we won't be able to afford the project.
przytłaczający/nieprzeparty Very great in amount. öğrenmeye başla
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Not changing; regular and established. Pomyślałam, że lepiej by było dostać stałą pracę. öğrenmeye başla
I thought I'd better get a steady job.
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(Of an issue, situation, or problem) occur or present itself, especially unexpectedly. Temat jej zamążpójścia znów wypłynął. öğrenmeye başla
The topic of her marriage came up once again.
spać niewygodnie/pod gołym niebem Sleep in uncomfortable conditions, typically outdoors. öğrenmeye başla
Tending to cause harm. Ujawnienie dokumentów byłoby szkodliwe dla bezpieczeństwa narodowego. öğrenmeye başla
Releasing the documents would be detrimental to national security.
2; na kimś/czymś Dobrze jest mieć przyjaciela, na którym zawsze można polegać. öğrenmeye başla
It's good to have a friend that you can always rely on.
To a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively. Inflacja była stosunkowo niska. öğrenmeye başla
Inflation was comparatively low.