soru |
cevap |
Reading is one of my favourite pastimes öğrenmeye başla
Czytanie jest jednym z moich ulubionych zajęć
His political activity is well thought öğrenmeye başla
Jego działalność polityczna jest dobrze przemyślana
We participated in all the group activities öğrenmeye başla
Braliśmy udział we wszystkich zajęciach grupowych
He amused us by his anecdotes öğrenmeye başla
On zabawiał nas swoimi anegdotami
She amuses herself by creating jewellery öğrenmeye başla
Ona bawi się tworzeniem biżuterii
Flexible working life: time for leisure and family öğrenmeye başla
Elastyczne życie zawodowe: czas na wypoczynek i rodzinę
Your passive lifestyle will badly affect your health öğrenmeye başla
Twój pasywny styl życia źle wpłynie na Twoje zdrowie
I'm here to teach you about bowling, and that's it öğrenmeye başla
Jestem tu, aby nauczyć cię gry w kręgle i to wszystko
I spend all my free time reading öğrenmeye başla
Cały wolny czas spędzam na czytaniu
Did you have a good time at the party? öğrenmeye başla
Dobrze się bawiłeś na imprezie?
What's your favourite pastime? öğrenmeye başla
Jaka jest twoje ulubione zajęcie?
I like spending time with you öğrenmeye başla
lubię spędzać z tobą czas
öğrenmeye başla
What does Sue do in her leisure time? öğrenmeye başla
Co Sue robi w wolnym czasie?
John always tries to amuse me. öğrenmeye başla
John zawsze stara się mnie rozbawić.
I often spend time painting pictures öğrenmeye başla
Często spędzam czas na malowaniu obrazów
Swimming is my favourite free time activity öğrenmeye başla
Pływanie to moja ulubiona forma spędzania wolnego czasu
We are having a good time öğrenmeye başla
How about going to the cinema? öğrenmeye başla
Co powiesz na pójście do kina?
Why don't we just stay home? öğrenmeye başla
Może po prostu zostalibyśmy w domu?
öğrenmeye başla
We could visit the National Museum while we're in the area öğrenmeye başla
Moglibyśmy odwiedzić Muzeum Narodowe, będąc w okolicy
I suggest we go somewhere else öğrenmeye başla
Proponuję pójść gdzie indziej
What would you say to a trip to London? öğrenmeye başla
Co powiedziałbyś na wycieczkę do Londynu?
What kind of TV series do you like? öğrenmeye başla