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założenia/ wytyczne projektowe öğrenmeye başla
you will fond a ahort description in tue design brief znajdziesz krotki opis w założeniach do projektu
öğrenmeye başla
is the design still in the concept phase? czy projekt jest jeszcze w fazie koncepcji?
rysunek wstępny, projekt koncepcyjny, roboczy öğrenmeye başla
preliminary drawing, conceptual it's first draft of the preliminary drawings to pierwsza wersja rysunkow roboczych
öğrenmeye başla
he approved the working drawings od Friday zatwierdził rysunki wykonawcze w piątek
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the contractor can make the shop drawings wykonawca moze wykonać rysunki warsztatowe
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you will get the as-built drawings on tuesday dostaniesz rysunki powykonawcze we wtorek
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öğrenmeye başla
the materials are described in the specyfications materialy sa opisane w specyfikacji
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öğrenmeye başla
after revision F, it is now drawing number 35f po rewizji F, to jest teraz eysunek 35F
emitować, wydawać, zatwierdzać, przekazać wydanie öğrenmeye başla
the designer hasn't issued revision C yet projektant nie wydał jeszcze rewizji C
öğrenmeye başla
they've approved all the amendments zaakceptowali wszystkie zmiany
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öğrenmeye başla
can you sent me the drawing in dwg format?
öğrenmeye başla
maps are usually drawn in a small scale mapy sa zwykle rysowane w małej skali
öğrenmeye başla
have you got this drawing in a larger scale? macie ten rysunek w większej skali?
öğrenmeye başla
you will see the whole roof in the general arrangement drawing zobaczysz caly dach na widoku ogólnym
rysunek pojedynczego elementu öğrenmeye başla
a single part drawing shows it in detail rysunek elementu pokazuje to szczegółowo
öğrenmeye başla
i checked thejoins in the assembly drawing sprawdzilem połączenia na rysunku złożeniowym
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that detail drawing is a section of the eaves ten detal to przekroj okapu
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öğrenmeye başla
is this a schematic drawing of the sewer
öğrenmeye başla
there are five different views of the building
öğrenmeye başla
he showed me a sketch of the front elevation
öğrenmeye başla
i can't find the plan of the upper floor
öğrenmeye başla
section C shows all the floor layers