soru |
cevap |
Las páginas preparadas es puesto en la pila a la merma. öğrenmeye başla
decrease, loss, reduction Ready pages it is piled on decrease.
Recuerdo cuán enojado estabas, cuán desilusionado. öğrenmeye başla
I remember how angry you were, how disappointed.
Un precario puente cruza un arroyo en el camino entre Yaguarú y Urubichá. öğrenmeye başla
precarious, poor, fragile A precarious bridge crosses a creek in the road between Yaguarú and Urubichá.
Y pocas semanas después las paredes comenzaron a balbucear una crítica. öğrenmeye başla
A few weeks later the walls started to babble a critique.
No sufren daños debido al huracán María. öğrenmeye başla
We did not suffer damages due to Hurricane Maria.
No, sólo mantengan la fogata encendida. öğrenmeye başla
No, just keep that fire going. I'm starting...
Y sólo con esta energía inexorable podemos conjurar la catástrofe final. öğrenmeye başla
avert, ward off, exorcise And only with this inexorable power can we avert the final catastrophe.
Tratando de disfrazarte de abeja obrera. öğrenmeye başla
That's you trying to disguise yourself as a worker bee.
Normalmente buscando una estructura parecida a una colmena. öğrenmeye başla
NARRATOR: Usually by seeking out a structure that most resembles a hive.
Un perro con fiebre estará retraído, tranquilo y aletargado. öğrenmeye başla
lethargic, dormant, sluggish A dog with a fever will be withdrawn, quiet and lethargic.
Iba a ofrecerme para construirte una barandilla. öğrenmeye başla
Actually, I was going to offer to build you a railing.
Dile que continuamos con nuestra travesura. öğrenmeye başla
Tell her we continue to work our mischief.
El poder de 70,000 profesores unidos era y sería avasallador. öğrenmeye başla
overwhelming, pushy, overpowering The power of 70,000 united teachers was and would be overwhelming.
Cinturón en el cuello para cerrar el chaquetón. öğrenmeye başla
jacket, peacoat, pea coat Strap on the collar to close the jacket.
Escucharte roncar y mirarte las piernas. öğrenmeye başla
I listened to you snore and looked at your legs.
Jefferson recibe una paliza, pero sigue viniendo. öğrenmeye başla
beating, thrashing, beatdown Jefferson taking a beating, but he just keeps on comin'.
Para algunas aplicaciones es posible utilizar chorro abanico. öğrenmeye başla
It is possible to use flat fan jet for some applications.
Parece que aquí tenemos algún rastro. öğrenmeye başla
It looks like we've got some trace here.
Me refiero a su pequeña argucia, para obtenerme un descuento. öğrenmeye başla
I'm talking of your little trick for getting a discount.
El paciente comienza a tambalearse, se adormece, se debilita y se desorienta. öğrenmeye başla
to stagger, wobble, totter The patient begins to stagger, becomes drowsy, weakens and disoriented.
Pokemon brumoso consigue lleno hasta malo dra... öğrenmeye başla
Pokemon Misty Gets Filled Up Bad Dragon Tenta...
Un llamado típico es un fuerte ladrido plañidero. öğrenmeye başla
plaintive, plangent, lamenter A typical call is a very loud, plaintive bark.
Con una aceleración mejorada, el tuning de acelerador aumenta la avidez de propulsión del M2. öğrenmeye başla
greed, avidity, eagerness With an improved acceleration the PedalBox increases the propulsion greed of M2.
Porque si te relacionaras con un forajido... öğrenmeye başla
outlaw, desperado, brigand No. Because if you were associating with an outlaw...
Un hombre honesto arrestado mientras desempeñaba un trabajo lícito. öğrenmeye başla
An honest working man arrested while going about his lawful business.
Un serum cotidiano intensivo muy concentrado con activos aclarantes. öğrenmeye başla
daily, everyday, day-to-day Phyto-Blanc An intensive daily serum highly concentrated in lightening active ingredients.
Pero otra -y más perniciosa- parte de la respuesta puede estribar en las estrategias a las que los dirigentes políticos recurren para obtener su elección. öğrenmeye başla
But another, more pernicious, part of the answer may lie in the strategies to which political leaders resort in order to get elected.
La medida marca el estallido del denominado Levantamiento de Enero. öğrenmeye başla
outbreak, burst, explosion The measure backfired, marking the outbreak of the so-called January Uprising.
También suministra iones esenciales y estimula el desarrollo del lecho biológico. öğrenmeye başla
It also supplies essential ions and stimulates the development of the biological bed.
Cortar el hilo y virar la pieza. öğrenmeye başla
Cut the thread and turn piece.
Estás arrastrando nuestro apellido por el fango. öğrenmeye başla
You're just dragging our family name through the mud.
Pronto después, una gran culebra empezó a arrastrarse y contonearse hacia mí. öğrenmeye başla
Soon after, a large snake began to wiggle towards me.
Es importante elegir los 2-3 conexiones más simples y convenientes para empalmar bares y manojo ángulos. öğrenmeye başla
It is important to choose the 2-3 most simple and convenient connections to splice bars and angles bunch.
Mi mamá también con calabaza asada y zanahorias. öğrenmeye başla
My mom does too, with roast pumpkin and carrots.
Esperaban gestionar una crisis rugiente que amenaza con salirse fuera de control. öğrenmeye başla
They hoped to manage a roaring crisis that is threatening to leap out of control.
Sólo en mi su ojo despertó dulce, añorante aflicción, lágrimas y consuelo a la vez öğrenmeye başla
yearning, longing, wistful To me alone his eye conveyed sweet yearning grief,
El legendario club de jazz Francachela El primero de enero se llevará a cabo un concierto increíblemente potente. öğrenmeye başla
jamboree, binge, pleasures! The legendary jazz club Jamboree the first of January will take place an incredibly powerful concert.
Recomendamos no ahuyentar el enjambre y menos quemarlo. öğrenmeye başla
drive away, chase away, scare away We recommend not to drive away the swarm and less burn it.
Von Stauffenberg fue fusilado y sus colaboradores juzgados. öğrenmeye başla
shot, executed by firing squad Von Stauffenberg was shot and his principal collaborators put on trial.
Fui dejado fuera del corredor ferroviario. öğrenmeye başla
I'm squeezed out of the rail corridor.
Complementándolo con información secular pertinente y filtrándola sabiamente. öğrenmeye başla
secular, age-old, centuries-old Supplement that with pertinent secular information and filter it wisely.
Si se excede la dosis indicada o la duración recomendada puede averiar su inodoro Thetford. öğrenmeye başla
Exceeding the stated dose or recommended duration could damage your Thetford toilet
Si quieres hurgar, considérate bendecido. öğrenmeye başla
to poke around, delve, rummage You want to poke around, consider yourself blessed.
Esto proporciona un suministro más constante de aceite a los cojinetes de la biela. öğrenmeye başla
connecting rod, rod, crank This supplies a more constant supply of oil to the connecting rod bearings.
Por las tijeras hacer los cortes por el doblez de cada rectángulo encorvado. öğrenmeye başla
Scissors to make cuts on a bend of each bent rectangle.
Los prestamistas de hipoteca de FHA son demandas de la limadura en millones de HUD. öğrenmeye başla
FHA mortgage lenders are filing claims in the millions from HUD.
Es el mecanismo para fraguar la unidad en la diversidad a través de la concertación política. öğrenmeye başla
It is the mechanism to forge unity amidst diversity through political coordination.
Sin embargo, Lenin preparó asiduamente las fuerzas para intervenir en esta revolución. öğrenmeye başla
assiduously, regularly, frequently Yet Lenin assiduously prepared the forces to intervene in this revolution.
Medicación, arremetiendo, período sombrío. öğrenmeye başla
I, medication, lashing out, bleak period.
Comparado con el pavoroso sufrimiento que ellos soportaron en su travesía los tres convictos consideran que la prisión de New Gate es un paraíso. öğrenmeye başla
dreadful, terrible, awesome 'Compared with the dreadful sufferings that they endured... on their voyage, the three convicts consider Newgate prison to be a paradise'.