SGH angielski semestr IVa

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soru cevap
to trigger people's attention
öğrenmeye başla
zdobyć uwagę ludzi
to get people's attention
to throw in the towel
öğrenmeye başla
poddać się
(to make a successful) sales pitch
öğrenmeye başla
chwyt marketingowy
sales talk
to clinch a contract
öğrenmeye başla
sfinalizować, zawrzeć umowę
öğrenmeye başla
pilny, straszliwy, ekstremalny
to be in dire straits
öğrenmeye başla
być w ciężkim położeniu
to be in trouble
öğrenmeye başla
wsparcie finansowe
financial support
to stamp out corruption
öğrenmeye başla
stłumić, zwalczać korupcję
to eliminate
öğrenmeye başla
imponujący, zaskakujący
loophole in the law
öğrenmeye başla
luka w prawie
mark-up / profit margin
öğrenmeye başla
narzut / marża zysku
over-the-counter market
öğrenmeye başla
pozagiełdowy, w wolnym obrocie
rynek pozagiełdowy w obrocie papierami wartościowymi
savvy / knowledgeable
öğrenmeye başla
znający się na rzeczy x2
to be in one's infancy
öğrenmeye başla
być w początkowej fazie rozwoju
odd decision
öğrenmeye başla
dziwna decyzja
strange decision
odd job
öğrenmeye başla
praca dorywcza
job which is not regular and is usually unskilled and low-paying
odd / even number
öğrenmeye başla
nieparzysta / parzysta liczba
to get to grips with sth
öğrenmeye başla
uporać się z czymś
to put effort to cope with sth difficult, challenging
öğrenmeye başla
dbający o zdrowie
to reshuffle shelves
öğrenmeye başla
przeprowadzać zmiany, dokonywać zmian na półkach
to rearrange, reorganise
to slim down the range of products
öğrenmeye başla
zmniejszyć gamę produktów
to reduce, to dwindle
öğrenmeye başla
dziwactwo, fantazja, kaprys, moda
cold calling
öğrenmeye başla
when you phone someone you have never spoken to before to sell them a product or service
to give someone the brush-off
öğrenmeye başla
to ignore sb
öğrenmeye başla
wszechstronność, różnorodność
öğrenmeye başla
wydatek, nakład (=cost)
retail outlet
öğrenmeye başla
punkt sprzedaży detalicznej
öğrenmeye başla
pojęcie (na jakiś temat), zrozumienie
öğrenmeye başla
talent, dryg (do robienia czegoś)
öğrenmeye başla
reorientacja zawodowa dla zwalnianych pracowników
expense account
öğrenmeye başla
fundusz reprezentacyjny
the amount of money, which is totaly reimbursed by a company
to reveal
öğrenmeye başla
wyjawić, ujawnić
(to meet) sales quota
öğrenmeye başla
kwota sprzedaży, kontyngent zbytu
to close a deal with sb
öğrenmeye başla
zawrzeć z kimś kontrakt
prospecting for customers
öğrenmeye başla
poszukiwanie klientów
industrial buyer
öğrenmeye başla
nabywca przemysłowy
to be price-conscious
öğrenmeye başla
zwracać uwagę na ceny
redeemable coupon
öğrenmeye başla
wymienialny bon
initial trial
öğrenmeye başla
początkowa, wstępna próba
to try out a new product
öğrenmeye başla
wypróbować nowy produkt
to maintain market share
öğrenmeye başla
utrzymać udział w rynku
to denigrate / denigration
öğrenmeye başla
oczerniać / oczernianie
öğrenmeye başla
to track delivery
öğrenmeye başla
śledzić przesyłkę
to haggle over the price
öğrenmeye başla
targować się o cenę
to argue / negotiate
outdoor hoarding
öğrenmeye başla
zewnętrzny billboard
to be traced through the company
öğrenmeye başla
być śledzonym, namierzanym przez firmę
to devote a lot of time to this project
öğrenmeye başla
poświęcić dużo czasu na ten projekt
öğrenmeye başla
dziwny, zaskakujący
strange, surprising, difficult to understand
öğrenmeye başla
oddanie starego towaru w rozliczeniu za nowy
a method of buying a new product by giving your old one as part of the payment for it
öğrenmeye başla
jasny (o instrukcji), prosty (o sprawie), przystępny (o informacji)
easy to understand / simple
to browse the Internet
öğrenmeye başla
przeglądać, przeszukiwać Internet
to look at information on the Internet
öğrenmeye başla
użyteczny, przydatny
appraisal form
öğrenmeye başla
formularz oceny
place where you can write your opinion of sth
to pop up / a pop-up
öğrenmeye başla
wyskakiwać, pojawić się / reklama wyskakująca na stronie internetowej
to appear
to screen out
öğrenmeye başla
usunąć, wyeeliminować
to filter out / remove
visits from company reps
öğrenmeye başla
wizyty przedstawicieli firmy
to recede
öğrenmeye başla
maleć (o cenach), zniżkować (o akcjach)
to express a reluctance to invest (in)
öğrenmeye başla
wyrażać niechęć do inwestowania (w)
to procure
öğrenmeye başla
zaopatrywać, zdobywać
to get something, especially when it involves effort
track record
öğrenmeye başla
osiągnięcia, historia (np. firmy)
all the achievements or failures that someone or something has had in the past
to solicit sth
öğrenmeye başla
zabiegać o coś
to ask someone for money, information or help
investor-solicitation advertising
öğrenmeye başla
reklama w celu przyciągnięcia inwestorów
up and running
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
when you are legally responsible for sth
to get sb on board
öğrenmeye başla
włączyć kogoś do zespołu
to make sb part of a group or team
to crack
öğrenmeye başla
to find a solution to a problem
to have the knack for
öğrenmeye başla
mieć talent do czegoś
to land a contract
öğrenmeye başla
zawrzeć kontrakt
to clinch a contract / to strike a deal
to land a job
öğrenmeye başla
to get a job
öğrenmeye başla
prawość, uczciwość (=honesty)
to slash prices
öğrenmeye başla
ciąć ceny (=to diminish)
to impair / tarnish / dilute / damage a brand image
öğrenmeye başla
zniszczyć wizerunek marki x4
to revamp a brand image
öğrenmeye başla
poprawiać wizerunek marki
to conjure up the possitive image of the company
öğrenmeye başla
wykreować pozytywny wizerunek firmy
to create a certain association with sth
to keep your head cool
öğrenmeye başla
to stay focused, not to lose one's temper
lead time
öğrenmeye başla
czas realizacji
via the Internet
öğrenmeye başla
przez Internet
to have a real flair for sth
öğrenmeye başla
mieć prawdziwy talent do czegoś
to drill down
öğrenmeye başla
zagłębić się, przyjrzeć się
to customize
öğrenmeye başla
dostosować (do potrzeb)
to accomplish
öğrenmeye başla
to disenfranchise
öğrenmeye başla
pozbawić praw obywatelskich
öğrenmeye başla
zaliczka, przedpłata
to scatter
öğrenmeye başla
rozpraszać, rozprzestrzeniać się
to spread
öğrenmeye başla
to catch up with / to keep up with
öğrenmeye başla
nadążać za x2
öğrenmeye başla
badanie opinii publicznej
to be within a whisker of
öğrenmeye başla
być o włos od
to converge
öğrenmeye başla
przybliżać się
to reach the same level but slowly, gradually
to lag behind
öğrenmeye başla
pozostawać w tyle
export-driven / export-led
öğrenmeye başla
based on export x2
to steer clear of
öğrenmeye başla
trzymać się od czegoś z daleka
to keep / stay away from a dangerous situation
to tighten a budget
öğrenmeye başla
zawęzić budżet
to cut expenses
bond yield
öğrenmeye başla
stopa przychodu z obligacji
a profit, which you get from the bound
junk bond
öğrenmeye başla
obligacja śmieciowa
high yield bond
to stem
öğrenmeye başla
to stop, to prevent
to underestimate
öğrenmeye başla
zbyt nisko oszacować (coś), nie docenić (czegoś)
öğrenmeye başla
niedokładność, nieścisłość
to outperform
öğrenmeye başla
znacznie prześcignąć, pozostawić w tyle
to perform better than others
to surpass
öğrenmeye başla
to go on a hunch
öğrenmeye başla
kierować się przeczuciem
to follow the intuition
to take a noisedive
öğrenmeye başla
to decrease enormously, to plummet, to plunge
self-fullfilling prophesy
öğrenmeye başla
samospełniająca się przepowiednia
stiff / tough / cut-throat / fierce competition
öğrenmeye başla
zażarta, ostra konkurencja x4
rainy-day scenario
öğrenmeye başla
scenariusz na czarną godzinę
docile competition
öğrenmeye başla
słaba konkurencja
(economic, social) tremors / tensions
öğrenmeye başla
wstrząsy / napięcia (ekonomiczne, społeczne) x2
to mitigate social discrepancy
öğrenmeye başla
łagodzić rozbieżności społeczne
to retrench
öğrenmeye başla
oszczędzać, ograniczać wydatki
powerful entity
öğrenmeye başla
potężny podmiot, jednostka
to prod
öğrenmeye başla
skłaniać (do czegoś), zmobilizować, zachęcać
to encourage
to go bust / to go bunkrupt
öğrenmeye başla
zbankrutować x2
share price / stock price
öğrenmeye başla
cena akcji x2
earnings shortfalls
öğrenmeye başla
niedobór zysków
lower-than-expected profits
redundancy / layoff
öğrenmeye başla
zwolnienie z pracy (przy redukcji zatrudnienia) x2
in sync
öğrenmeye başla
correspond with each other
öğrenmeye başla
grupa reprezentatywna, próbka
typical sample
öğrenmeye başla
sudden changes in business trends
öğrenmeye başla
economies, reductions
öğrenmeye başla
odporny, wytrzymały, elastyczny
able to recover quickly
to recover
öğrenmeye başla
wychodzić z kryzysu
öğrenmeye başla
dłużnik (o osobie, instytucji)
öğrenmeye başla
reputacja, renoma firmy, wartość firmy
the value of intangible assets, such as a strong brand name or reputation
öğrenmeye başla
money borrowed from a bank
depreciation(GB) / amortization(US)
öğrenmeye başla
amortyzacja x2
loss of value of an asset such as machinery over a number of years
austerity measures
öğrenmeye başla
środki oszczędnościowe
to spot and exploit gaps in the market
öğrenmeye başla
dostrzec i wykorzystać luki w rynku
to tumble
öğrenmeye başla
spadać (o cenach)
break-even volume
öğrenmeye başla
wysokość progu rentowności
öğrenmeye başla
bułka z masłem
öğrenmeye başla
metoda zbierania środków na określony cel, w której osoby zainteresowane mogą składać drobne dotacje za pośrednictwem internetu
öğrenmeye başla
wygórowany, przesadny
öğrenmeye başla
ogromny, kolosalny
avid saver
öğrenmeye başla
zapalony, gorliwy oszczędniś
strong saver
mutual fund
öğrenmeye başla
fundusz powierniczy
sound / sure-fire investment
öğrenmeye başla
pewna inwestycja x2
öğrenmeye başla
przynoszący dochód, bezpieczny
to pour money down the drain
öğrenmeye başla
wyrzucić pieniądze w błoto
to diversify investment portfolio
öğrenmeye başla
dywersyfikować portfel inwestycyjny
to rebound
öğrenmeye başla
odbić się
to reckon
öğrenmeye başla
myśleć, sądzić
to think
to live beyond one's means
öğrenmeye başla
żyć ponad stan
to live below the poverty line
öğrenmeye başla
żyć poniżej granicy ubóstwa
öğrenmeye başla
odliczalny od podatku
öğrenmeye başla
pilny, staranny, pracowity
öğrenmeye başla
double-entry bookkeeping principle
öğrenmeye başla
zasada podwójnego zapisu
fixed assets
öğrenmeye başla
środki trwałe
intangible assets
öğrenmeye başla
wartości niematerialne i prawne
assets whose value can only be turned into cash with difficulty (e.g. reputation, patents, trade marks)
current assets
öğrenmeye başla
aktywa obrotowe
assets such as cash, raw materials, parts, or products that are still being made, which a company will use up or sell during the same year:
to cook the books / to cook the accounts
öğrenmeye başla
fałszować konta bankowe, defraudować pieniądze x2
tax rebate
öğrenmeye başla
zwrot podatku
to impose tax on / to levy tax on
öğrenmeye başla
nałożyć podatek na x2
tax heaven
öğrenmeye başla
raj podatkowy
tax evasion / tax dodging
öğrenmeye başla
uchylenie się płacenia podatków (illegal) x2
tax avoidance
öğrenmeye başla
uniknięcie płacenia podatku (legal)
tax relief
öğrenmeye başla
ulga podatkowa
creative accounting
öğrenmeye başla
kreatywna księgowość
using all available accounting procedures and tricks to disguise the true financial position of a company
öğrenmeye başla
buildings and land used by a company
retained earnings
öğrenmeye başla
dochody zatrzymane
part of a company's profit which is not distributed to shareholders as dividends
öğrenmeye başla
majątek, aktywa
things belonging to a company which have a value
stock (GB) / inventory (US)
öğrenmeye başla
zapasy x2
(the value of) raw materials, work in progress and finished products stored ready for sale
earnings or income
öğrenmeye başla
zarobki lub dochody
the revenues received by a company during a given period, minus the cost of sales, operating expenses and taxes
shareholders (GB) / stockholders (US)
öğrenmeye başla
akcjonariusze x2
a company's owners
öğrenmeye başla
all the money that a company will have to pay to someone else in the future, including taxes, debts and interest and mortgage payments
öğrenmeye başla
the amount of business done by a company over a year
debtors (GB) / accounts receivable (US)
öğrenmeye başla
należności x2
sums of money owed by customers for goods or services purchased on credit
creditors (GB) / accounts payable (US)
öğrenmeye başla
zobowiązania x2
sums of money owed to suppliers for purchases made on credit
overheads (GB) / overhead (US)
öğrenmeye başla
koszty ogólne x2
the various expenses of operating a business that cannot be charged to any one product, process or department
additional paid-in capital
öğrenmeye başla
capital that shareholders have contributed to the company above nominal or par value of the stock
accrued expenses
öğrenmeye başla
bierne rozliczenia międzyokresowe kosztów
expenses such as wages, taxes and interest that have not yet been paid at the date of the balance sheet
prepaid expenses
öğrenmeye başla
czynne rozliczenie międzyokresowe kosztów
money paid in advance for goods and services
tangible assets
öğrenmeye başla
rzeczowe aktywa trwałe
physical assets whose value can be easily measured, such as cash, property, goods, or machinery
öğrenmeye başla
rozchód, wydatki
all the money that a business spends on goods or services during a given period
öğrenmeye başla
delayed or postponed until a later time
öğrenmeye başla
an entry in an account, recording a payment made
öğrenmeye başla
an entry in an account, recording a payment received
cost accounting
öğrenmeye başla
rachunek kosztów
calculating all the expenses involved in producing sth, including materials, labour and all other expenses
tax accounting
öğrenmeye başla
rachunkowość podatkowa
calculating how much an individual or a company will have to pay to the local and national governments (and trying to reduce this to a minimum)
öğrenmeye başla
inspecting and reporting on accounts and financial records
öğrenmeye başla
preparing financial statements showing income and expenditure, assets and liabilities
managerial or management accounting
öğrenmeye başla
rachunkowość zarządcza
providing information that will allow a business to make decisions, plan future operations and develop business strategies
to disguise
öğrenmeye başla
zatuszować, ukryć
öğrenmeye başla
writing down the details of transactions (debits and credits)
balance sheet (statement of financial position)
öğrenmeye başla
bilans (sprawozdanie z sytuacji finansowej)
a statement showing the value of a business's assets, its liabilities and its capital or shareholders' equity
cash flow statement
öğrenmeye başla
rachunek przepływów pieniężnych
a statement giving details of money coming into and leaving the business, divided into day-to-day operations, investing and financing
income statement / profit and loss account
öğrenmeye başla
rachunek zysków i strat x2
a statement showing the difference between the revenues and expenses of a period
to keep records
öğrenmeye başla
prowadzić ewidencję
badge of honour
öğrenmeye başla
odznaka honoru
to come up with
öğrenmeye başla
to endure sth
öğrenmeye başla
znosić, tolerować coś
to worship
öğrenmeye başla
czcić, wielbić, ubóstwiać
well-heeled / well-fixed
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
withdrawal of money
öğrenmeye başla
wycofanie, podjecie pieniędzy
to push into insolvency
öğrenmeye başla
pchnąć do niewypłacalności
bailout deal
öğrenmeye başla
umowa o dofinansowanie
to buffer
öğrenmeye başla
chronić, łagodzić (np. złe skutki czegoś)
to cease doing sth
öğrenmeye başla
przestać coś robić
to refrain from doing sth
öğrenmeye başla
powstrzymać się od zrobienia czegoś
öğrenmeye başla
śmiertelny, bardzo niebezpieczny
öğrenmeye başla
niebezpieczny, ryzykowny (=dangerous)
to roll out
öğrenmeye başla
rozszerzyć działalność marketingową danej firmy na nowym terenie
business grants
öğrenmeye başla
dotacje biznesowe
bankable (star / cast)
öğrenmeye başla
kasowa (gwiazda / obsada)
öğrenmeye başla
to default on
öğrenmeye başla
nie spłacić czegoś (np. pożyczki, należności)
cash cow
öğrenmeye başla
dojna krowa
öğrenmeye başla
niebezpieczeństwo, ryzyko (=danger)
öğrenmeye başla
monotonny, żmudny (o zajęciu)
öğrenmeye başla
going concern principle
öğrenmeye başla
zasada kontynuacji działalności
to persist
öğrenmeye başla
utrzymywać się, nie ustępować
to exacerbate sth
öğrenmeye başla
pogarszać, powodować nasilenie czegoś
öğrenmeye başla
to revolve around sth
öğrenmeye başla
koncentrować się wokół czegoś, dotyczyć czegoś
öğrenmeye başla
dekoracje sceniczne
furniture and other scenery used in a play to make it seem realistic
props (properties)
öğrenmeye başla
objects used by actors during plays
repertory house
öğrenmeye başla
dom repertuaru
theatre where one company of actors performs a number of different plays
to break down
öğrenmeye başla
rozłożyć cos na części, wyłożyć coś (tak, żeby było bardziej zrozumiałe)
separate figures into different parts so that the details can be understood
running costs
öğrenmeye başla
koszty bieżące
money you need to spend regularly to keep a system or organisation functioning
to sue
öğrenmeye başla
to take legal action against a person or organisation
to put up (money for)
öğrenmeye başla
wykładać (pieniądze na)
to provide or lend an amount of money in new business projects
öğrenmeye başla
sponsorzy, mecenasi (osoby finansujące określone przedsięwzięcie, zwykle artystyczne)
group of people who give financial support to sth
business angel
öğrenmeye başla
anioł biznesu
a wealthy person who invests money in new business projects
öğrenmeye başla
small bet on sth (zakład)
to break even
öğrenmeye başla
wyjść na zero
to cover costs, to start to make profit
break even point
öğrenmeye başla
próg rentowności
budget shortfall
öğrenmeye başla
dziura budżetowa

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