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2[sing.] something that continues sth else or makes it longer Her second novel is a continuation of her first. The team are hoping for a continuation of their recent good form. ▶ ciąg dalszy przedłużenie
1 [sing., uncountable] an act or the state of continuing Continuation of the current system will be impossible. ▶ kontynuacja kontynuowanie
trwać, kontynuować
öğrenmeye başla
continue (doing/to do sth); continue (with sth) to keep doing sth without stopping He continued working late into the night. Will you continue with the lessons after the exam? He will continue as head teacher until the end of term. ▶ kontynuować
1[intransitive] to keep happening or existing without stopping If the pain continues, see your doctor. The cold weather continued until May this year. ▶ trwać
ciągły, nieprzerwany
öğrenmeye başla
continued /kənˈtɪnju: d; US / (abbr. cont.; contd) adj. [only before a noun] going on without stopping There are reports of continued fighting near the border. ▶ ciągły nieprzerwany
öğrenmeye başla
continuity /ˌkɒntɪˈnju:əti; US -təˈnu:- / noun [uncountable] the fact of continuing without stopping or of staying the same The pupils will have the same teacher for two years to ensure continuity. ▶ ciągłość
öğrenmeye başla
happening or existing without stopping a period of continuous economic growth There was a continuous line of cars stretching for miles. ▶ ciągły nieprzerwany
ciągle, bez przerwy
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□ continuously /; US / adv. It has rained continuously here for three days. ▶ nieprzerwanie ciągle bez przerwy
ocena końcowa wystawiona na podstawie wyników pracy osiągniętych w całym okresie nauki
öğrenmeye başla
continuous assessment
ocena końcowa wystawiona na podstawie wyników pracy osiągniętych w całym okresie nauki
a system of giving a student a final mark based on work done during a course of study rather than on one exam Students’ marks are based on continuous assessment of their work.
wykrzywić, wykrzywienie
öğrenmeye başla
contort, contort
contort /kənˈtɔ: t; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to move or to make sth move into a strange or unusual shape His face contorted/was contorted with pain. ▶ wykrzywiać (się) skrzywiać □ contortion /; US / noun [countable] ▶ wykrzywienie
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1 the shape of the outer surface of sth I could just make out the contours of the house in the dark. ▶ zarys kontur 2(also ˈcontour line) a line on a map joining places of equal height a contour map ▶ warstwica
przemycony towar
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contraband /ˈkɒntrəbænd; US / noun [uncountable] goods that are illegally taken into or out of a country contraband cigarettes to smuggle contraband ▶ przemycany towar
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contraception /ˌkɒntrəˈsepʃn; US / noun [uncountable] the ways of preventing a woman from becoming pregnant a reliable form of contraception ▶ antykoncepcja ⇨ look at birth control, family planning
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contraceptive /ˌkɒntrəˈseptɪv; US / noun [countable] a drug or a device that prevents a woman from becoming pregnant ▶ środek antykoncepcyjny □ contraceptive adj. [only before a noun] a contraceptive pill ▶ antykoncepcyjny
umowa, kontrakt
öğrenmeye başla
a written legal agreement The company is hoping to win a contract to supply machinery to the government. Under the terms of the contract, I’m entitled to twenty days annual paid holiday. a temporary contract ▶ kontrakt umowa
kurczyć, skracać
öğrenmeye başla
contract2 /kənˈtrækt; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to become or to make sth smaller or shorter Metals contract as they cool. ‘ I’m’ is the contracted form of ‘ I am.’ ▶ kurczyć (się) skracać zmniejszać (się)
nabawić się, zarażać się
öğrenmeye başla
3[intransitive, transitive] to make a written legal agreement with sb to do sth His firm has been contracted to supply all the furniture for the new building. ▶ wynajmować kogoś (na podstawie umowy)
to get an illness or disease, especially a serious one to contract pneumonia ▶ nabawić się zarażać się
zlecać pracę na zewnątrz
öğrenmeye başla
contract sth out (to sb)
contract sth out (to sb) to arrange for work to be done by sb outside your own company ▶ zlecać (pracę na zewnątrz)
kurczenie się,
öğrenmeye başla
2[countable] a strong movement of the muscles that happens to a woman as her baby is born ▶ skurcz porodowy 3 [countable] a shorter form of a word or words ‘ Mustn’t’ is a contraction of ‘ must not’. ▶ skrót
1 [uncountable] the process of becoming or of making sth become smaller or shorter the expansion and contraction of a muscle ▶ kurczenie (się) zmniejszanie
öğrenmeye başla
The Contractor
contractor /kənˈtræktə(r); US / noun [countable] a person or company that has a contract to do work or provide goods or services for another company a building contractor ▶ wykonawca
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contractual /kənˈtræktʃuəl; US / adj. connected with or included in a contract ▶ kontraktowy zawarty w kontrakcie
zaprzeczać, być sprzecznym
öğrenmeye başla
2 (used about a statement, fact, etc.) to be different from or opposite to sth These instructions seem to contradict previous ones. ▶ być sprzecznym
1 to say that sth is wrong or untrue; to say the opposite of sth I didn’t dare contradict him, but I think he was wrong. ▶ zaprzeczać sprzeciwiać się
sprzeczność, zaprzeczenie
öğrenmeye başla
This letter is in complete contradiction to their previous one. There is a contradiction between his public and private personalities. ▶ sprzeczność zaprzeczenie przeciwieństwo
contradiction /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a statement, fact or action that is opposite to or different from another one There were a number of contradictions in what he told the police.
öğrenmeye başla
contradictory /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪktəri; US / adj. being opposite to or not matching sth else Contradictory reports appeared in the newspapers. ▶ sprzeczny
ruch dwukierunkowy na zwężonym odcinku drogi
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contraflow /ˈkɒntrəfləʊ; US / noun [countable] the system that is used when one half of a wide road is closed for repairs, and traffic going in both directions has to use the other side
przeciwny, wbrew czemuś
öğrenmeye başla
2(contrary to) completely different from; opposite to; against He’s actually very nice, contrary to what people say about him. Contrary to popular belief, not all boxers are stupid. ▶ w przeciwieństwie do czegoś wbrew komuś/czemuś
1 [only before a noun] completely different I thought it was possible, but she took the contrary view. ▶ przeciwny  OPPOSITE  opposite
wbrew przecinie
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on the contrary
on the contrary the opposite is true; certainly not ‘ You look as if you’re not enjoying yourself.’ ‘ On the contrary, I’m having a great time.’ ▶ wprost przeciwnie
porównanie, kontrast
öğrenmeye başla
2[countable, uncountable] (a) contrast (to/with sb/sth); (a) contrast (between A and B) There is a tremendous contrast between the climate in the valley and the climate in the hills ▶ kontrast zasadnicza różnica
[uncountable] comparison between two people or things that shows the differences between them In contrast to previous years, we’ve had a very successful summer. He was friendly and talkative; she, by contrast, said nothing. przeciwieństwo, odróżnienie
przeciwstawiać, kontrastować
öğrenmeye başla
2[intransitive] contrast with sb/sth to be clearly different when compared This comment contrasts sharply with his previous remarks. ▶ kontrastować (silnie) odróżniać się
1[transitive] contrast (A and/with B) to compare people or things in order to show the differences It’s interesting to contrast the various styles of architecture The film contrasts his poor childhood with later life as a millionaire. ▶ przeciwstawiac
öğrenmeye başla
contrasting /kənˈtrɑ: stɪŋ; US -ˈtræs- / adj. very different in style, colour or attitude bright, contrasting colours contrasting opinions ▶ kontrastujący kontrastowy
dokładać się, przyczyniać
öğrenmeye başla
contribute, contribute
We each contributed some money towards a retirement present for her. He didn’t contribute anything to the conversation. The research has contributed a great deal to our knowledge of cancer. ▶ dokładać (się) wnosić (wkład do czegoś) przyczyniać się
contribute (sth) (to/towards sth) 1[intransitive, transitive] to give a part of the total, together with others Would you like to contribute towards our collection for famine relief?
wnosić swój udział
öğrenmeye başla
2[intransitive] to be one of the causes of sth It is not known whether the bad weather contributed to the accident. ▶ wnosić swój udział
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I’d like to thank everyone for their contribution towards clearing up after the party. ▶ wkład udział
contribution /ˌkɒntrɪˈbju:ʃn; US / noun [countable] a contribution (to/towards sth) something that you give, especially money or help, or do together with other people If we all make a small contribution, we’ll be able to buy Ray a good present.
przyczyniający się
öğrenmeye başla
contributory /kənˈtrɪbjətəri; US -tɔ: ri / adj. helping to cause or produce sth Alcohol was a contributory factor in her death. ▶ przyczyniający się
panowanie nad czymś,
öğrenmeye başla
Some teachers find it difficult to keep control of their class. He lost control of the car and crashed. I was late because of circumstances beyond my control (z powodu okoliczności niezależnych ode mnie). ▶ panowanie nad czymś wpływ władza
1[uncountable] control (of/over sb/sth) power and ability to make sb/sth do what you want Rebels managed to take control of (przejeli kontrolę nad) the radio station. His anger eventually subsided and he was able to get control over himself.
regulacja, nadzór, urządzenie sterownicze
öğrenmeye başla
3[countable] one of the parts of a machine that is used for operating it the controls of an aeroplane/a TV a control panel the volume control przycisk głośności ▶ urządzenie sterownicze
2[countable, uncountable] (a) control (on/over sth) a limit on sth; a way of keeping sb/sth within certain limits price controls The faults forced the company to review its quality control procedures. crowd control ▶ regulacja nadzór
pod kontrolą
öğrenmeye başla
under control
under control being dealt with successfully It took several hours to bring the fire under control (aby opanować ogień). She finds it difficult to keep her feelings under control. Z trudem panuje nad swoimi uczuciami. ▶ pod kontrolą
wymykać się spod kontroli
öğrenmeye başla
get out of control
be/get out of control to be/become impossible to deal with The demonstration got out of control and fighting broke out. ▶ wymykać się spod kontroli
kierować, być u steru
öğrenmeye başla
be in control
be in control (of sth) to have the power or ability to deal with sth Who is in control of the project? The police are again in control of the area following last night’s violence. ▶ kierować być u steru
mieć władzę nad czymś
öğrenmeye başla
2 to keep sth within certain limits measures to control price rises ▶ regulować ograniczać
1 to have power and ability to make sb/sth do what you want One family controls the company. Police struggled to control the crowd. I couldn’t control myself any longer and burst out laughing. ▶ mieć władzę nad kimś/czymś panować nad kimś/czymś
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□ controller /; US / noun [countable] air traffic controllers ▶ kontroler zarządzający
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2 limited, or managed by law or by rules controlled airspace ▶ kontrolowany 3(-controlled) [in compounds] managed by a particular group, or in a particular way a British-controlled company computer-controlled systems ▶ kontrolowany
1done or arranged in a very careful way a controlled explosion a controlled environment ▶ kontrolowany
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controversial /ˌkɒntrəˈvɜ:ʃl; US / adj. causing public discussion and disagreement a controversial issue/decision/plan ▶ kontrowersyjny
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noun [countable, uncountable] (pl. controversies) public discussion and disagreement about sth The plans for changing the city centre caused much controversy. The new movie has been surrounded by controversy from the start. ▶ kontrowersja
powracać do zdrowia
öğrenmeye başla
—convalescent /ˌkɒnvəˈlesnt; US / adj. ▶ rekonwalescent/ka
convalesce /ˌkɒnvəˈles; US / verb [intransitive] to rest and get better over a period of time after an illness ▶ powracać do zdrowia (np. w sanatorium) □ convalescence /; US / noun [sing., uncountable] ▶ rekonwalescencja
wygoda, komfort
öğrenmeye başla
2[countable] something that makes things easier, quicker or more comfortable houses with all the modern conveniences ▶ udogodnienie wygoda komfort
1 [uncountable] the quality of being easy, useful or suitable for sb a building designed for the convenience of disabled people For convenience, you can pay for everything at once. ▶ wygoda
dogodny, wygodny
öğrenmeye başla
2 close to sth; in a useful position Our house is convenient for the shops. ▶ blisko/dogodnie usytuowany
1 suitable or practical for a particular purpose; not causing difficulty I’m willing to meet you on any day that’s convenient for you. It isn’t convenient to talk at the moment – I’m in the middle of a meeting. ▶ dogodny wygodny
wygodnie, dogodnie
öğrenmeye başla
□ conveniently /; US / adv. 1 Conveniently (na szczęście), a bus was waiting when I got there. ▶ wygodnie 2 The house is conveniently situated close to the beach. ▶ dogodnie
zwyczaj, obyczaj
öğrenmeye başla
2[countable] a large meeting of the members of a profession, political party, etc. the Democratic Party Convention ▶ zjazd kongres
1 [countable, uncountable] a traditional way of behaving or of doing sth A speech by the bride’s father is one of the conventions of a wedding. The film shows no respect for convention. ▶ zwyczaj obyczaj
öğrenmeye başla
□ conventionally /-ʃənəli; US / adv. She always dresses conventionally. ▶ konwencjonalnie stereotypowo tradycyjnie
conventional /kənˈvenʃənl; US / adj. always behaving in a traditional or normal way conventional attitudes I quite like him but he’s so conventional. ▶ konwencjonalny stereotypowy tradycyjny
rozmowa, konwersacja
öğrenmeye başla
conversation, conversation
His job is his only topic of conversation. They sat in the corner, deep in conversation (pogrążeni w rozmowie). She finds it difficult to make conversation. Nie wie, co powiedzieć. ▶ rozmowa konwersacja
conversation /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a talk between two or more people I had a long conversation with her about her plans for the future.
potoczny, konwersacyjny
öğrenmeye başla
not formal; as used in conversation a casual and conversational tone I learnt conversational Spanish at evening classes. ▶ potoczny konwersacyjny swobodny 2 connected with conversation Men have a more direct conversational style. ▶ konwersacyjny
öğrenmeye başla
converse1 /kənˈvɜ: s; US / verb [intransitive] converse (with sb) (formal) to talk to sb; to have a conversation with sb She conversed with the Czechs in German. The two men were conversing on music and opera. ▶ rozmawiać konwersować
odwrotność, przecinowść
öğrenmeye başla
□ converse adj. the converse effect ▶ (efekt) odwrotny przeciwny
converse2 /ˈkɒnvɜ: s (the converse) noun [sing.] (formal) the opposite or reverse of a fact or statement Building new roads increases traffic and the converse is equally true: reducing the number and size of roads means less traffic. ▶ odwrotność
zmiana, przemiana, konwersja
öğrenmeye başla
2 becoming a member of a different religion conversion to Catholicism ▶ nawrócenie
noun [countable, uncountable] (a) conversion (from sth) (into/to sth) 1 the act or process of changing from one form, system or use to another a conversion table for miles and kilometres a metric conversion ▶ zamiana przemiana
zmieniać, przemieniać
öğrenmeye başla
2 convert (sb) (from sth) (to sth) to change or to persuade sb to change to a different religion As a young man he converted to Islam. to convert people to Christianity ▶ nawracać (się) przejść (na inną wiarę)
1convert (sth) (from sth) (into/to sth) a sofa that converts into a double bed How do you convert (przeliczyć) pounds into kilos? They’re converting (przebudowują) the house into four flats. ▶ zamieniać (się), przemieniać
wymienialny, rozkładalny
öğrenmeye başla
convertible1 /kənˈvɜ: təbl able to be changed into another form convertible currencies ▶ rozkładany wymienialny
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convex /ˈkɒnveks; US / adj. having a surface that curves towards the outside of sth, like an eye a convex lens ▶ wypukły
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2(formal) to take sb/sth from one place to another, especially in a vehicle ▶ przewozić
convey /kənˈveɪ; US / verb [transitive] 1convey sth (to sb) to make ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. known to sb The film conveys a lot of information but in an entertaining way. Please convey my sympathy to her at this sad time. ▶ przekazywać
podajnik taśmowy
öğrenmeye başla
conveyor belt
conˈveyor belt noun [countable] a moving belt that carries objects from one place to another, for example in a factory ▶ transporter taśmowy
skazywać, zasądzać
öğrenmeye başla
convict1 /kənˈvɪkt; US / verb [transitive] convict sb (of sth) to say officially in a court of law that sb is guilty of a crime He was convicted of armed robbery and sent to prison. a convicted criminal ▶ skazywać zasądzać
öğrenmeye başla
convict2 /ˈkɒnvɪkt; US / noun [countable] a person who has been found guilty of a crime and put in prison ▶ skazan-y/a więzień skazaniec
skazanie, przekonanie
öğrenmeye başla
conviction, conviction
2 [countable] a very strong opinion or belief religious convictions ▶ przekonanie przeświadczenie 3[uncountable] the feeling of being certain about what you are doing He played without conviction and lost easily. ▶ przekonanie -
1 [countable, uncountable] the act of finding sb guilty of a crime in a court of law He has several previous convictions for burglary. ▶ skazanie wyrok zasądzenie
öğrenmeye başla
2convince sb (to do sth) to persuade sb to do sth The salesman convinced them to buy a new cooker. ▶ przekonać
convince /kənˈvɪns; US / verb [transitive] 1convince sb (of sth/that...) to succeed in making sb believe sth She convinced him of the need to go back. I couldn’t convince her that I was right. ▶ przekonać ⇨ look at persuade
öğrenmeye başla
convinced /kənˈvɪnst; US / adj. [not before a noun] completely sure about sth He’s convinced of his ability to win. I’m not convinced that we’re on the right road. ▶ przekonany przeświadczony
öğrenmeye başla
□ convincingly /; US / adv. She argued convincingly that the law should be changed. ▶ przekonująco zdecydowanie□ convincingly /; US / adv. She argued convincingly that the law should be changed. ▶ przekonująco zdecydowanie
convincing /kənˈvɪnsɪŋ; US / adj. 1 able to make sb believe sth Her explanation for her absence wasn’t very convincing. ▶ przekonujący 2 (used about a victory) complete; clear a convincing win ▶ zdecydowany
öğrenmeye başla
convoy /ˈkɒnvɔɪ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a group of vehicles or ships travelling together a convoy of lorries warships travelling in convoy ▶ konwój
wstrząsać się, przyprawiać o konwulsję
öğrenmeye başla
convulse /kənˈvʌls; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to make sudden violent movements that you cannot control; to cause sb to move in this way He was convulsed with pain. ▶ wstrząsać (się) przyprawiać o konwulsje
konwulsja, drgawka
öğrenmeye başla
convulsion, convulsive
□ convulsive /kənˈvʌlsɪv; US / adj. Her breath came in convulsive gasps. a convulsive moment/attack/fit ▶ konwulsyjny spazmatyczny
convulsion /kənˈvʌlʃn; US / noun [countable, usually pl.] a sudden violent movement that you cannot control Children sometimes have convulsions when they are ill. ▶ konwulsja drgawka
gruchać, gaworzyć
öğrenmeye başla
coo /ku:; US / verb [intransitive] 1 to make a soft low sound like a dove ▶ gruchać 2 to speak in a soft, gentle voice He went to the cot and cooed over the baby. ▶ gruchać gaworzyć
gotować się, gotować
öğrenmeye başla
2[intransitive] (used about food) to be prepared for eating by being heated I could smell something delicious cooking in the kitchen. ▶ gotować się
1[intransitive, transitive] to prepare food for eating by heating it My mother taught me how to cook. The sauce should be cooked on low heat for twenty minutes. He cooked us a meal. ▶ gotować
kucharz, kucharka
öğrenmeye başla
cook, cook
cook2 /kʊk; US / noun [countable] a person who cooks My sister is an excellent cook. He works as a cook in a hotel restaurant. ▶ kucha-rz/rka
książka kucharska
öğrenmeye başla
ˈcookery book (also cookbook /ˈkʊkbʊk; US /) noun [countable] a book that gives instructions on cooking and contains recipes ▶ książka kucharska
kuchenka, piec
öğrenmeye başla
cooker /ˈkʊkə(r); US / noun [countable] a large piece of kitchen equipment for cooking using gas or electricity. It consists of an oven, a flat top on which pans can be placed and often a grill. ▶ kuchenka piec
herbatnik, bułeczka
öğrenmeye başla
2 (US) a type of small simple cake that is not sweet ▶ (niesłodka) bułeczka
biscuit /ˈbɪskɪt; US / (US cookie /ˈkʊki; US /) noun [countable] 1 a type of small cake that is thin, hard and usually sweet a chocolate biscuit a packet of biscuits ▶ herbatnik
öğrenmeye başla
2 food produced by cooking He missed his mother’s cooking when he left home. ▶ gotowanie
cooking /ˈkʊkɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the preparation of food for eating Cooking is one of her hobbies. In our house, I do the cleaning and my husband does the cooking. ▶ gotowanie
chłodny, opanowany
öğrenmeye başla
2 calm; not excited or angry She always manages to remain cool under pressure. ▶ opanowany spokojny 3 unfriendly; not showing interest When we first met, she was rather cool towards me, but later she became friendlier. ▶ chłodny oziębły obojętny
cool1 /ku: l; US / adj. 1 fairly cold; not hot or warm It was a cool evening so I put on a pullover. The sea has suddenly become much cooler. What I’d like is a long cool drink. ▶ chłodny ⇨ note at cold1
chłód, spokój
öğrenmeye başla
coolness /; US / noun [uncountable] the coolness of the water his coolness under stress their coolness towards strangers ▶ chłód spokój rezerwa
ochłonąć, stygnąć
öğrenmeye başla
2[intransitive] (used about feelings) to become less strong Relations between them have definitely cooled. ▶ ochłonąć
[intransitive, transitive] cool (sth/sb) (down/off) to lower the temperature of sth; to become cool1 (1) Let the soup cool (down). After the game we needed to cool off. A nice cold drink will soon cool you down. ▶ stygnąć chłodzić (się) studzić
uspokajać się
öğrenmeye başla
cool sb down/off
cool (sb) down/off to become or make sb calmer ▶ uspokajać (się) opanowywać (się)
chłód, zimno
öğrenmeye başla
keep/lose your cool to stay calm/to stop being calm and become angry, nervous, etc. ▶ zachowywać/tracić spokój
cool3 /ku: l; US / noun (the cool) [sing.] a cool temperature or place; the quality of being cool We sat in the cool of a cafe, out of the sun. ▶ chłod zimno  IDIOMS 
öğrenmeye başla
coolant /ˈku: lənt; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a liquid that is used for cooling an engine, a nuclear reactor, etc. ▶ chłodziwo
czas na ochłonięcie i przemyślenie czegoś
öğrenmeye başla
cooling-off period
ˌcooling-ˈoff period noun [countable] a period of time when sb can think again about a decision that they have made ▶ czas na ochłonięcie i przemyślenie czegoś
chłodno, z opanowaniem
öğrenmeye başla
coolly /ˈku: lli; US / adv. in a calm way At first she was very angry; then she explained the problem coolly. ▶ spokojnie z opanowaniem 2 without showing much interest or excitement My offer was received rather coolly. ▶ chłodno bez entuzjazmu
öğrenmeye başla
2 to be helpful by doing what sb asks you to do If everyone cooperates by following the instructions, there will be no problem. to cooperate with the police ▶ współpracować współdziałać
cooperate (Brit. also co-operate) /kəʊˈɒpəreɪt; US / verb [intransitive] cooperate (with sb/sth) 1 to work with sb else to achieve sth Our company is cooperating with an Italian firm on this project. ▶ współpracować
öğrenmeye başla
2 help that you give by doing what sb asks you to do The police asked the public for their cooperation in the investigation. ▶ współpraca kooperacja
cooperation (Brit. also co-operation) /kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] 1cooperation (with sb) working together with sb else to achieve sth Schools are working in close cooperation with parents to improve standards. ▶ współpraca
wspólny, pomocny
öğrenmeye başla
2 helpful; doing what sb asks you to do My firm were very cooperative and allowed me to have time off. ▶ pomocny
cooperative1 (Brit. also co-operative) /kəʊˈɒpərətɪv; US / adj. 1 done by people working together a cooperative business venture ▶ wspólny spółdzielczy
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cooperative2 (Brit. also co-operative) /kəʊˈɒpərətɪv; US / noun [countable] a business or organization that is owned and run by all of the people who work for it a workers’ cooperative ▶ spółdzielnia
öğrenmeye başla
coordinate1 (Brit. also co-ordinate) /kəʊˈɔ: dɪneɪt; US / verb [transitive] to organize different things or people so that they work together It is her job to coordinate the various departments. ▶ koordynować
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coordinate2 (Brit. also co-ordinate) /kəʊˈɔ: dɪnət; US / noun [countable] one of the two sets of numbers and/or letters that are used for finding the position of a point on a map ▶ współrzędna
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2 the ability to control the movements of your body properly Children’s coordination improves as they get older. ▶ koordynacja (ruchów)
coordination (Brit. also co-ordination) /kəʊˌɔ: dɪˈneɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the organization of different things or people so that they work together ▶ koordynacja współdziałanie
koordynator, prowadząca
öğrenmeye başla
coordinator (Brit. also co-ordinator) /kəʊˈɔ: dɪneɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who is responsible for organizing different things or people so that they work together a project co-ordinator ▶ koordynator prowadząc-y/a
radzić sobie, dawać sobie radę
öğrenmeye başla
to cope
cope /kəʊp; US / verb [intransitive] cope (with sb/sth) to deal successfully with a difficult matter or situation She sometimes finds it difficult to cope with all the pressure at work. ▶ radzić sobie podołać  SYNONYM  manage
öğrenmeye başla
photocopier /ˈfəʊtəʊkɒpiə(r); US / (especially US copier /ˈkɒpiə(r); US /) noun [countable] a machine that makes copies of documents by photographing them ▶ kserograf fotokopiarka
miedź, miedziany
öğrenmeye başla
copper, copper
noun 1 [uncountable] (symbol Cu) a common reddish-brown metal water pipes made of copper copper wire ▶ miedź miedziany 2[countable] (Brit.) a coin of low value made of brown metal I only had a few coppers left. ▶ miedziak drobniak
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copse /kɒps; US / noun [countable] a small area of trees or bushes ▶ zagajnik
spółkować, kopulować
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copulate, copulate
copulate /ˈkɒpjuleɪt; US / verb [intransitive] (formal) (used especially about animals) to have sex ▶ spółkować kopulować □ copulation /ˌkɒpjuˈleɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ spółkowanie kopulacja
öğrenmeye başla
2 one book, newspaper, record, etc. of which many have been printed or produced I managed to buy the last copy of the book left in the shop. ▶ egzemplarz
copy1 /ˈkɒpi; US / noun [countable] (pl. copies 1 something that is made to look exactly like sth else I kept a copy of the letter I wrote. The painting isn’t an original, of course, it’s only a copy. the master copy oryginał ▶ kopia
kopiować, naśladować
öğrenmeye başla
copy, imitate
3[transitive] to draw sth exactly as it is drawn somewhere else The children copied pictures from a book. ▶ przerysowywać kopiować (obraz) 3[transitive] to do or try to do the same as sb else She copies everything her friends do. ▶ naśladować
It is illegal to copy videos. ▶ kopiować 2[transitive] copy sth (down/out) to write down sth exactly as it is written somewhere else I copied down the address on the brochure. I copied out the letter more neatly. ▶ przepisywać
papugować (kopiować)
öğrenmeye başla
□ copycat adj. [only before a noun] (used about a crime) similar to and seen as copying an earlier well-known crime copycat crimes The copycat phenomenon is a danger to which the media may be contributing. ▶ papugujący naśladujący
copycat /ˈkɒpikæt; US / noun [countable] (informal) (used especially by children about and to a person who copies what sb else does because they have no ideas of their own) ▶ (przen.) papuga
prawo autorskie
öğrenmeye başla
copyright /ˈkɒpiraɪt; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the legal right to be the only person who may print, copy, perform, etc. a piece of original work, such as a book, a song or a computer program Who owns the copyright? ▶ prawo autorskie

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