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Han Solo is undoubtedly one of the most popular anti-heroes of all time, if you even call him that
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also, niemający szacunku We are going to take a closer look at the irreverent smart-mouthed pilot
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prześmiewczo, bez szacunku We are going to take a closer look at the irreverent smart-mouthed pilot
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mało prawdopodobne, nieprawdopodobne It seemed unlikely at first, but later...
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niepodobnie, nie tak jak, w przeciwieństwie do
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treść, ZADOWOLONY, zadowalać ,it would have been difficult to find an actor who'd be content with sitting in the make-up chair...
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byli także w trakcie ubiegania się o rolę were also in the running for the part
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powoli rozwijane powieści, komiksy... being slowly rolled out novels, comics...
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CSOOO TO BĘDZIE DZIAŁAĆ Han categorically denies Sana's claim, but both women are furious with him regardless
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If someone says word "Han Solo", the next thing that pops into most people minds is the Millennium Falcon.
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Że przy tak długiej historii między nimi, Han zawsze musiał być w posiadaniu statku. That with a such lenghty story between the two, Han must always been in possession of the ship.
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your hesitation is a sign of weakness
you may have been wondering öğrenmeye başla
HALOOO CSO TU ROBI BELGIA You may have been wondering (about it)...
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dany, ustalony, biorąc pod uwagę, zważywszy na He looks very young, given his age//// ... given, that parsecs are a measure of distance in the SW universe, rather than time
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/ ... given, that parsecs are a measure of distance in the SW universe, rather than time
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The Kessel Run is a route used by smugglers to bypass Imperial Forces
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The Kessel Run is a route used by smugglers to bypass Imperial Forces
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The run itself is treacherous - it travels through a cluttered asteroid field and is dangerously closed to the black hole cluster
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The run itself is treacherous - it travels through a cluttered asteroid field and is dangerously closed to the black hole cluster
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The run itself is treacherous - it travels through a cluttered asteroid field and is dangerously closed to the black hole cluster
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nieład, rupieć, zagracać, zaśmiecać The run itself is treacherous - it travels through a cluttered asteroid field and is dangerously closed to the black hole cluster
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bardzo realistyczna, muszę przyznać XDDDDD The run itself is treacherous - it travels through a cluttered asteroid field and is dangerously closed to the black hole cluster
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kępa, GROMADA(gwiazd), GRUPKA
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pospolity, zwykły, powszechny There was a route commonly used by smugglers which was considered the "safest" and shortest way to navigate the run, however Han Solo was able to shorten this distance further by getting really close to the black holes
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There was a route commonly used by smugglers which was considered the "safest" and shortest way to navigate the run, however Han Solo was able to shorten this distance further by getting really close to the black holes
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There was a route commonly used by smugglers which was considered the "safest" and shortest way to navigate the run, however Han Solo was able to shorten this distance further by getting really close to the black holes
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There was a route commonly used by smugglers which was considered the "safest" and shortest way to navigate the run, however Han Solo was able to shorten this distance further by getting really close to the black holes
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odgadnąć, zgadywać, domyślać się, sądzić Wydaje mi się że byliby prawdziwymi partnerami życiowymi Which I guess would've made them true life partners
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kropla, upuszczać, zrzucać, upadać
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upuścić (coś), dać (czemuś) spokój, upuścić (coś)
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wpadać do kogoś bez zaproszenia
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będzie musiał wystarczyć
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niższy, OBNIŻAĆ, SPUSZCZAĆ (np. głowę) (groźna, ponura mina) And he's lowered into the machine, Princess Leia says "I love you"
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i z innych źródeł wiem... and, from the other sources I know...
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przewidywalnie, jak można się było spodziewać Zamiast tego, przewidywalnie...
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oczekiwać, spodziewać się, żądać
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oczekiwać czegoś od kogoś
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this man backed Harrison up
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this man backed harrison up
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w tak zwanych „Legends of Star Wars” in THE so-called "Legends of Star Wars"
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szczegóły są nieco bardziej niejasne the details are a bit more vague
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debt- dług, wpływ Chewie swears a life debt to Han, and that is why he is always at his side
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sprawa, kwestia + najważniejsza rzecz (używane z "the") Jest to kwestia, o której dyskutuje się od dziesięcioleci This is the point, that has been hotly debated for decades now
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Well, the answer may not be as simple as one might think
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jest ustanowione
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osiąść na sth, zdecydować się na (coś) I can't settle of anything
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Altered scenes from the original trilogy years later, to the dismay of fans everywhere
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Altered scenes from the original trilogy years later, to the dismay of fans everywhere
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Altered scenes from the original trilogy years later, to the dismay of fans everywhere
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nachylenie, przechylenie, przechylać, skłaniać się (ku czemuś) He tilts his head, and dodges first shot
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Altered scenes from the original trilogy years later, to the dismay of fans everywhere
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She even always steps, in a dignified manner
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wejdzie w inną strefę czasową will step into a difderent time zone
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grot, dowodzić, przewodzić
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ślad / namierzać, ŚLEDZIĆ Tracing the early days of Han Solo the film will span his journey - from a reckless smuggler, to a responsible member of the Rebel Aliance.
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okres (trwania czegoś), trwać, OBEJMOWAĆ, sięgać Tracing the early days of Han Solo the film will span his journey - from a reckless smuggler, to a responsible member of the Rebel Aliance.
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