słownictwo C1

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mp3 indir Baskı oynamak kendini kontrol et
soru cevap
godzić się na coś (niechętnie)
öğrenmeye başla
acquiesce to sth
Spójrz prawdzie w oczy
öğrenmeye başla
face the facts
iść w parze z
öğrenmeye başla
go hand in hand with
zapłacić rachunek za coś
öğrenmeye başla
foot the bill for sth
mała szansa
öğrenmeye başla
slim chance
napotkać trudności
öğrenmeye başla
The company still exists, though it has "run into difficulties" recently.
przekazywać złe wieści
öğrenmeye başla
to impart the bad news
rozpowszechniać informacje o chorobie
öğrenmeye başla
to disseminate information about the disease
ujawnić sekret
öğrenmeye başla
divulge a secret
wspinać się po drabinie korporacyjnej (awansować)
öğrenmeye başla
He quickly "moved up the ladder" and became a manager at an early age.
znaleźć dla siebie niszę
öğrenmeye başla
It will not be easy "to carve a niche" in this crowded market.
mieć pierwszeństwo przed czymś
öğrenmeye başla
Getting fresh water and food to the flood victims "takes priority over" dealing with their insurance claims.
uświadomić sobie swój potencjał
öğrenmeye başla
realize one's potential
kontynuować robienie czegoś aż do zakończenia (trzymać się obranego kursu)
öğrenmeye başla
stay the course
pojmij znaczenie jak ważne coś jest
öğrenmeye başla
grasp the importance
pogoda jest fatalna, beznadziejna.
öğrenmeye başla
the weather is abysmal.
zrobić krok w nieznane
öğrenmeye başla
It "took a big leap of faith" to decide to quit my job and try something new.
ugruntowana, powszechnie uznany
öğrenmeye başla
World Music is now "well established" and popular with mass audiences.
odszyfrować, rozczytać
öğrenmeye başla
Can you "decipher the writing" on this envelope?
kręci się wokół
öğrenmeye başla
His whole life "revolves around" football.
oto i oto, patrzcie i podziwiajcie
öğrenmeye başla
lo and behold
zszokowany, zdumiony (że nie może wydusić słowa)
öğrenmeye başla
ponad wszelkie oczekiwania
öğrenmeye başla
beyond all expectations
lęk wysokości, przerażony wysokością
öğrenmeye başla
terrified of heights
przygotować się na trudną sytuację
öğrenmeye başla
When you're coming down with flu all you can do is "batten down the hatches" and wait for it to pass.
właz, okienko
öğrenmeye başla
hatch (noun)
obżerać się, żerowac na kims, przybijac łaty
öğrenmeye başla
to batten
opinie są podzielone
öğrenmeye başla
opinions are divided
podstawy do reklamacji
öğrenmeye başla
grounds for complaint
miejsce na udoskonalenie
öğrenmeye başla
room for improvement
przyjazna atmosfera
öğrenmeye başla
convivial atmosphere
wciągnięty w kłótnię
öğrenmeye başla
drawn into an argument
pochopna obietnica
öğrenmeye başla
rash promise
kłaniać się komuś
öğrenmeye başla
bow to someone
odmówić zupełnie, bez próby bycia grzecznym
öğrenmeye başla
He asked me to work at the weekend, but I "refused point-blank."
zdecydowanie zaprzeczyć, in a complete, very clear, or certain way
öğrenmeye başla
He "flatly" denied that he saw what had happened.
nie zgadzać się z kimś, to disagree strongly with someone or something
öğrenmeye başla
I "take issue with" parents who push their children too hard.
namiętna prośba
öğrenmeye başla
She refused to become involved with him despite his "passionate entreaties."
zajmować się czymś
öğrenmeye başla
to handle something
zajmować się, angażować
öğrenmeye başla
to engage
pracować nad czymś
öğrenmeye başla
work on something
radzić sobie z
öğrenmeye başla
deal with something
ponury, smętny dzień
öğrenmeye başla
a dreary day
zamglone światło
öğrenmeye başla
a hazy light
ciesz się / ciesz się
öğrenmeye başla
rejoice in / enjoy
cieszyć się spacer
öğrenmeye başla
enjoy a stroll
uciskana, poniewierana praca
öğrenmeye başla
downtrodden working
pieniądze nie były dla niego problemem
öğrenmeye başla
money was no object to him
kupa pieniędzy
öğrenmeye başla
shedload of money
bezbarwne, przeciętne wystąpienie
öğrenmeye başla
lacklustre performance
obrażać się, oburzać się
öğrenmeye başla
She's in a real "huff" because I forgot her birthday.
wystarczać, to be enough:
öğrenmeye başla
I'm taking $400 - I think that should "suffice."
czuć się wyczerpanym, skonanym
öğrenmeye başla
feel frazzled
radosny, beztroski
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
nadęty, zbyt poważny
öğrenmeye başla
dobrze, że, na szczęście że
öğrenmeye başla
it is just as well that
równie dobrze możemy/moglibyśmy/moglibyśmy usiąść.
öğrenmeye başla
we may/might/could as well sit down.
demonstracja siły
öğrenmeye başla
A feat of strength
öğrenmeye başla
spoglądać w dół
öğrenmeye başla
glance down
szczerze mówiąc
öğrenmeye başla
make no bones about it
udawane rozbawienie, symulować
öğrenmeye başla
She responded to his remarks with "feigned" amusement.
wić się w dół
öğrenmeye başla
snake down
to shake suddenly with very small movements because of a very unpleasant thought or feeling
öğrenmeye başla
She "shuddered at" the thought of kissing him.
öğrenmeye başla
The meeting has been "tentatively" scheduled for next week.
panika wyryta na naszych twarzach
öğrenmeye başla
panic etched across our faces
na zawołanie, na znak
öğrenmeye başla
I was talking to Betty about our first aid course when, as if "on cue", a man in front of us fainted.
öğrenmeye başla
in unison
nieubłagany, nie do zatrzymania
öğrenmeye başla
the "inexorable" progress of science
öğrenmeye başla
the tarpaulin
zesztywnieć (o palcach), utwardzać (podłoże)
öğrenmeye başla
sztywnieć ze strachu
öğrenmeye başla
stiffen with fear
öğrenmeye başla
to groan
pomylić, wprawić w zakłopotanie
öğrenmeye başla
She likes "to confound" others’ expectations about her.
trzymaj głowę w pozycji pionowej
öğrenmeye başla
keep a head upright
przechylić głowę
öğrenmeye başla
tilt your head
suchy żart
öğrenmeye başla
groaner joke
jęczeć z bólu
öğrenmeye başla
groan with pain
pod gruzami/ruinami/gruzami
öğrenmeye başla
under the rubble/ruins/debris
przyswajać cenne informacje
öğrenmeye başla
ingest valuable information
zamroczony, and unable to think clearly
öğrenmeye başla
I'm so tired, my poor "befuddled" brain can't absorb any more.
gromadzić, przetrzymywać, to keep or continue to have something
öğrenmeye başla
She succeeded in "retaining" her lead in the second half of the race.
jest wiele do zrobienia
öğrenmeye başla
there is much to be done
zakładać, przypuszczać
öğrenmeye başla
If we "posit" that wage rises cause inflation, it follows that we should try to minimize them.
öğrenmeye başla
I believe in the "innate" ability of Americans to survive.
zaszczepić, wpoić, wlewać kropla do kropli, aplikować
öğrenmeye başla
to instill
jawna, wyraźna krytyka
öğrenmeye başla
overt criticism
jasność, klarowność
öğrenmeye başla
wyjaśnić, tłumaczyć
öğrenmeye başla
He's always "expounding on" what's wrong with the world
obeznany z czymś
öğrenmeye başla
versed in sth= knowledgeable
öğrenmeye başla
nieświadomy czegoś
öğrenmeye başla
Absorbed in her work, she was totally "oblivious of" her surroundings.
wywoływać coś
öğrenmeye başla
That smell always "evokes" memories of my old school.
wyjaśnić kilka podstawowych rzeczy
öğrenmeye başla
get a few basic things straight
öğrenmeye başla
get the point, understand, comprehend
opuścić jakieś miejsce
öğrenmeye başla
get out of sth
Wróć do
öğrenmeye başla
get back to
znaleźć się w trudnej sytuacji
öğrenmeye başla
get into a difficult situation
wziąć się w garść
öğrenmeye başla
"Get a grip on yourself", and tell me what happened.
pośrodku, na środku
öğrenmeye başla
in the midst of sth
omijać kogoś szerokim łukiem
öğrenmeye başla
to give somebody a wide berth
przerażony czymś
öğrenmeye başla
He was "appalled by" the traffic.
Z rezygnacją
öğrenmeye başla
zakłopotany, ogłupiony, zmieszany.
öğrenmeye başla
bemused by something, confused.
szarpać drzwiczkami szafki kuchennej
öğrenmeye başla
She "yanked" open the cupboard door and everything fell out.
ze znużeniem, ociężale
öğrenmeye başla
I dragged myself "wearily" out of bed at five o'clock this morning.
zaciśnięte usta
öğrenmeye başla
pursed lips
Uśmiech pocieszenia
öğrenmeye başla
A consolation smile
wrzucić coś do czegoś
öğrenmeye başla
If any of the letters aren't interesting just "sling them in" the bin.
Bela słomy
öğrenmeye başla
straw bale
pęki łopat
öğrenmeye başla
bundels of shovels
przemieszany z
öğrenmeye başla
Fact is "intermingled with" fiction throughout the book.
zatarty = zniszczony. wymazany
öğrenmeye başla
The missile strike was devastating - the target was totally "obliterated."
choroba zagrażająca życiu
öğrenmeye başla
life threatening disease
warunek wstępny dla sukcesu...
öğrenmeye başla
Public support is a "prerequisite for/to" the success of this project
możliwe, że możliwe
öğrenmeye başla
conceivably, possibly
the quality of being unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm, because you are worried or bored
öğrenmeye başla
Side effects can include "restlessness" and irritability.
to take care of, feed, and protect someone or something, especially young children or plants, and help him, her, or it to develop
öğrenmeye başla
She wants to stay at home and "nurture" her children.
ściska mi gardło
öğrenmeye başla
it brings a lump to my throat
to ignore something that you know is wrong
öğrenmeye başla
Management often "turn a blind eye" to bullying in the workplace.
być sławnym i pokazywanym w mediach
öğrenmeye başla
to be in the public eye
mieć wiedzę na temat czegoś
öğrenmeye başla
to be knowledgeable about sth
być skutecznym w kwestii
öğrenmeye başla
to be efficient about
być beznadziejnym w czymś
öğrenmeye başla
to be hopeless at sth
być tolerancyjnym wobec czegoś
öğrenmeye başla
to be tolerant OF sth
być hojnym dla
öğrenmeye başla
to be generous to
podejście zdroworozsądkowe
öğrenmeye başla
Therefore, "a common sense approach" is needed to these questions.
dziwactwo, kaprys, wybryk
öğrenmeye başla
quirk (noun)
niepokój, obawa, lęk
öğrenmeye başla
angst (noun)
szeroko się uśmiechać, szczerzyć zęby w uśmiechu
öğrenmeye başla
to grin
öğrenmeye başla
exuberance (noun)
ożywiać (przemowę)
öğrenmeye başla
The game was much "enlivened" when both teams scored within five minutes of each other.
strange and frightening coincidence
öğrenmeye başla
It was "a spooky" coincidence.
smuga, plama zieleni
öğrenmeye başla
a smudge of green
nervous and worried, especially because you are frightened or guilty
öğrenmeye başla
My mother "gets very jumpy" when she's alone in the house.
absurdalny, niedorzeczny, groteskowy (wygląd)
öğrenmeye başla
preposterous (adj)
wykluczać, pomijać (ucznia, nazwisko na liście)
öğrenmeye başla
to exclude
badawczy, dociekliwy umysł
öğrenmeye başla
an enquiring mind
łatwy cel (idiom)
öğrenmeye başla
a sitting duck
jako turysta, jesteś nagabywany o...
öğrenmeye başla
As a tourist, you are "importuned for" money the moment you step outside your hotel.
pocić się
öğrenmeye başla
całkowicie, kompletnie
öğrenmeye başla
all over
chorobliwy, przesadny (fascynacja) czymś nieprzyjemnym
öğrenmeye başla
a morbid fascination with death
motyka, graca
öğrenmeye başla
hoe (noun)
öğrenmeye başla
hoeing (noun)
unable to leave home, esp. because of illness or injury:
öğrenmeye başla
zaplecze, głąb lądu, strefa przyległa
öğrenmeye başla
hinterland (noun)
górska chałupa, chata, szałas
öğrenmeye başla
a mountain hut
piszczeć, wrzeszczeć (z bólu, ze strachu)
öğrenmeye başla
to shriek
schylać się po coś
öğrenmeye başla
I "bent down" and picked up the coins lying on the road.
wziąć zakręt, skręcić
öğrenmeye başla
Hours later I "rounded a bend" and saw the explanation.
nie miejcie złudzeń
öğrenmeye başla
"Make no mistake", this decision is going to cause you a lot of problems.
zawsze tak było
öğrenmeye başla
it has always been thus.
rozmyć, zacierać, zamazać
öğrenmeye başla
to blur
öğrenmeye başla
irrelevant (adj)
przejść(zostać uzgodnionym), przetrwać(trudny okres)
öğrenmeye başla
to go through
ale kiedy mijasz
öğrenmeye başla
but once you go past
w tym momencie/sytuacji
öğrenmeye başla
"At this juncture", it is impossible to say whether she will make a full recovery.
przyjąć auto na warsztat
öğrenmeye başla
take a car to the workshop/garage
właściwie, raczej, niemal
öğrenmeye başla
pretty much
tak czy inaczej, tak czy siak
öğrenmeye başla
sprawy się skomplikowały
öğrenmeye başla
things got tricky
wysłac daleko (towar, przesyłkę) z reguły duży
öğrenmeye başla
Millions of live animals are "shipped" around the world each year.
igła, wskazówka na zegarze w aucie
öğrenmeye başla
a needle
przestań mi dokuczać!
öğrenmeye başla
Stop needling me!
kwestia, sprawa, problem, zagadnienie
öğrenmeye başla
tolerować, godzić się na coś
öğrenmeye başla
I don’t "condone" such rude behavior.
dyskredytować, krytykować niesprawiedliwie
öğrenmeye başla
to disparage, to criticise unfairly
ograniczać (zakres), ścieśniać
öğrenmeye başla
to straiten
postura, pozycja (społeczna), renoma
öğrenmeye başla
stature, rank, position
öğrenmeye başla
albeit= although
wewnętrzne uczucia
öğrenmeye başla
inward feelings
öğrenmeye başla
żerować na kimś,żyć na czyiś koszt
öğrenmeye başla
He's spent these last five years "battening on" a rich aunt of his.
zginać coś (kolana)
öğrenmeye başla
Make sure you "bend your knees" when you're picking up heavy objects.

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