soru |
cevap |
öğrenmeye başla
(informal) slightly; (potoczne) trochę
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to escape, to run away; uciekać, zbiegać, uchodzić
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great plenty, fullness; dostatek, obfitość
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to accept, to agree; przystawać (na coś), godzić się, przychylać się (do)
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bitterness; a bitter way of speaking, acting, etc.; cierpkość; zgryźliwość
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to do better, to act more efficiently than it was expected; spisywać się, wywiązywać się, postępować
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a statement that an accused is not guilty; uniewinnienie
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to scold, to reprove; to warn; upominać, strofować; karcić; ostrzegać
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mild warning, usually concerning one's behaviour; upomnienie, pouczenie
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exaggerated praise; flattery; pochlebstwo, schlebianie
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kind, friendly, easy to talk to; miły, uprzejmy, przystępny
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öğrenmeye başla
illness; choroba, dolegliwość
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light; delicate; carefree; lekki; przewiewny; delikatny; beztroski, niedbały
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to soothe, to alleviate; to make something become smaller or less powerful; to make someone feel less worried; uśmierzać, uspokajać, uciszać; uśpić (np. podejrzenia)
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öğrenmeye başla
przyznawać, przydzielać, dawać
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a sum of money received regularly; pocket money; kwota; pensja; dodatek (do pensji, rodzinny), kieszonkowe
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something designed to make life easier or nicer; udogodnienie, wygoda
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suffering, extreme unhappiness; cierpienie, katusze
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unhappy, suffering; udręczony, pełen cierpienia
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an extravagant gesture; a caper; a clown; błazenada, wybryk; klown
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disappointment, an event causing disappointment; spadeknastroju, rozczarowanie, zawód
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someone who works to learn a trade; czeladnik, praktykant, uczeń
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suitable, right for a particular occasion; trafny, stosowny
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öğrenmeye başla
showing strong emotions; passionate, zealous; żarliwy, gorliwy, zapalony, namiętny
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difficult, requiring effort; mozolny, trudny, znojny
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not fertile; dry; suchy, jałowy
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debts, something that must be made up for or something that hasn't been paid; zaległości (zwłaszcza płatnicze)
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to demand, to claim as one's own; rościc sobie prawo; przywłaszczać
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pretending to know a lot about arts; pretending to be a piece of art; pozujący na znawcę sztuki; pretensjonalny
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stupid, idiotic; głupi, durny, idiotyczny
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slander, calumny; oszczerstwo, pomówienie
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ambitious, wishing to achieve something; ambitny, z ambicjami
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to attack; an attack; zaatakować; atak, napaść
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severe, critical; uszczypliwy, cierpki
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relating to the atmosphere; relating to special feelings and emotions; atmosferyczny; nastrojowy
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öğrenmeye başla
to reach, to get, to achieve; osiągnąć, zdobyć
öğrenmeye başla
(formal) the condition of being weakened; osłabienie
öğrenmeye başla
brave, bold, rude; śmiały, bezczelny, zuchwały
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öğrenmeye başla
wrong; in the wrong way, in a way that wasn't intended; na opak, nie po myśli
öğrenmeye başla
someone who gossips and says unfair things about others; plotkarz, oszczerca, osoba obgadująca innych za plecami
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unwilling to cooperate; oporny, krnąbrny
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critical, perhaps insulting; kąśliwy, cięty
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blatant, obvious, shameless; bezczelny, jawny, bezwstydny
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infertile, not productive; jałowy, bezpłodny, nieurodzajny
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coyly, in a shy manner; płochliwie, wstydliwie
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full of joy; radiant; promienny
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beany; energetic, brisk, cheerful; pełen życia, w dobrym nastroju
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a cheap and not very good restaurant or canteen; podrzędna restauracja
öğrenmeye başla
having to stay in bed; przykuty do łóżka
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to envy, to be jealous, to be unwilling to share; to regret; zazdrościć, żałować (komuś czegoś), żałować
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charming, delusionary; czarujący, złudny, mamiący
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to praise excessively; wychwalać, obsypywać pochwałami
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wishing to fight; wojowniczy, walczący, bojowy
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to shout (at somebody); wrzeszczeć, ryczeć
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to complain, to moan continuously; kwękać, narzekać
öğrenmeye başla
someone who complains a lot; maruda, kwękacz
öğrenmeye başla
to lament, to express sorrow; opłakiwać, żałować
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someone who offers you help, money, etc. because of good will; dobroczyńca, ofiarodawca
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pleasant, kind, mild; życzliwy, łagodny
öğrenmeye başla
"left" by a close person who has just died; osamotniony, osierosony, pogrążony w żałobie
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surrounded, usually by an army; oblężony, oblęgany
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to affect someone's reputation by saying (writing) bad things aboutthem; kalać, plamić, szargać, oczerniać
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bad-tempered, in a bad mood; zrzędliwy, drażliwy, choleryczny
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an occasion when one does something such as drinking, eating, shopping, etc. excessively; szał, szaleństwo (np. zakupów),
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involving two perople, consisting of two things; dwustronny
öğrenmeye başla
the moment spacecraft starts to leave the ground; start (rakiety, statku kosmicznego)
öğrenmeye başla
a sound usually produced by a sheep or goat; to produce a sound typical of sheep; to talk in a way
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detailed; drobiazgowy, szczegółowy
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red in the face; neglected, untidy; czerwony na twarzy; zaniedbany, niechlujny
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to cry, to sob; ryczeć, beczeć, szlochać
öğrenmeye başla
a brief text on the cover of a book encouraging to read it; krótki tekst na okładce książki zachęcający do jej lektury
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not clear or visible; zamazany, niewyraźny
öğrenmeye başla
to talk a lot in a loud voice, usually boasting or trying to threaten someone; when someone boasts or talks loudly with little effect; wrzeszczeć; odgrażać się, przechwalać się; przechwałki; pogróżki
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öğrenmeye başla
an expert, a very intelligent person (informal); naukowiec, ekspert; jajogłowy
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fear, something such as an evil spirit; strach; straszydło, zmora
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to run away, as if frightened; czmychać, pierzchać, umykać
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öğrenmeye başla
a bomb, mine, etc. hidden in an allegedly safe place; to make a poor but surprising joke; mina-pułapka; podkładać minę- pułapkę; zrobić komuś głupi żart
öğrenmeye başla
describing a bookworm; enjoying reading books more than doing other things; wiecznie pogrążony w lekturze, obłożony książkami
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rude, not considerate; gburowaty
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in a harsh and rude manner; gburowato
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to increase, to make faster or more valuable; zwiększać, wzmagać, przyczyniać się do wzrostu, zachwalać
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a shoeblack; a person whose job is cleaning other people's shoes; pucybut
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useless; bezużyteczny, bezowocny
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something gained by a violent act; łup, zdobycz
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something valuable gained with the use of force; łup, zdobycz
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giving freely; generous; hojny, szczodry
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a period of illness, a period of activity; napad, atak (choroby)
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refreshing, healthy; orzeźwiający
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someone who brags a lot; samochwała
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a great idea; genialny pomysł, olśnienie
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muscular, strong; muskularny, krzepki
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in a happy and confident way; rześko, z werwą
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hot, boiling; upalny, skwarny
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harsh, responding unkindly; obcesowy, szorstki
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(of eyes) big and round; wyłupiaste
öğrenmeye başla
to make a bee-like sound; to speak in a way noone can understand you; to walk unsteadily; brzęczeć, buczeć; mówić niezrozumiale, bełkotać; zataczać się, potykać się
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acting in a chaotic way; behaving slightly impolite; niepozbierany (o człowieku); popełniający gafy
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a walk; spacer, przechadzka
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small cars you can drive in an amusement park; samochodziki w wesołym miasteczku
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a stupid simpleton; prostak
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not smooth, uneven; wyboisty, nierówny
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to do something carelessly or without enough skill; partaczyć, psuć
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a person who does things in a messy and careless way; partacz, bałaganiarz
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a bed on a ship or train; to have some sleep; koja, łóżko w pociagu; przespać się
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optimistic, breezy; happy; rześki, prężny, zadowolony
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muscular, hefty; zwalisty, krzepki, masywny
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to do many things at the same time and hurriedly; hurried activity; krzątać się; krzatanina, wrzawa; the hustle and bustle- krzątanina i wrzawa, zgiełk i zamieszanie
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noisy, agitated, active; gwarny, ruchliwy
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clumsy, all thumbs; niezdarny
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a low continuous sound; to produce such sound; brzęczenie; szum; brzęczeć, szumieć
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rude and / or cruel; chamski, łajdacki
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a beggar; someone who tries to get something free; żebrak, naciągacz
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not giving enough information; wymijający, niepełny, skryty
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in a way which is not straightforward; wymijająco
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a small pile of stones; kopczyk z kamieni
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öğrenmeye başla
in a cruel unkind manner; bezdusznie,
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unnatural, over-acted; umyślnie przerysowany, afektowany
öğrenmeye başla
starting arguments easily; complaining; kłótliwy, swarliwy, zrzędliwy, marudny
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tending to focus the attention on details and to complain about them; drobiazgowy
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öğrenmeye başla
huge, spacious; przepastny, przestronny, ogromny
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one who criticises everything; krytykant, czepialski
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öğrenmeye başla
to tease; to make fun of someone; żartować, dokuczać, droczyć się
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to become too dry; to break; pierzchnąć, pękać
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an older person who used to accompany a young girl when the girl was meeting a young man; przyzwoitka
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dry, rough and cracked; spierzchnięty
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to scorn, to talk severly to someone who did something wrong; strofować, besztać, łajać
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lively, full of energy; ożywiony, rześki, energiczny
öğrenmeye başla
to produce sharp, high-pitched sounds (e.g. about birds); ćwierkać, świergotać
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to produce high and short sounds (usually of birds); to talk in a joyful, cheerful way; świergotać
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in an energetic and happy way; żwawo, dziarsko, radośnie
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stormy; changeable; full of stops (about speech); wzburzony; zmienny; urywany
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to laugh quietly; to giggle; a short laugh; chichotać; chichot
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to make a sound that an engine makes; the sound of an engine; warkotać; warkot
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öğrenmeye başla
careful, cautious; ostrożny, rozważny
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possible to quote, suitable for citation; dający się zacytować
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the whole group of citizens; ogół obywateli, obywatele
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öğrenmeye başla
banning sth, usually suddenly; zakaz, ograniczenie
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secret; tajemny, potajemny
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a sound a metal item can make; to sgive the sound of metal that is hit; brzęk, dzwonienie, huk; brzęczeć, dzwonić, szczękać
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to produce continuous sounds by hitting one object against another; the sound made this way; brzęczeć, stukotać; robić hałas; stukot, brzęk
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mildly, with love; miłosiernie, łagodnie
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öğrenmeye başla
hold something tightly or touch closely; przylegać, przyczepiać się, trzymać kurczowo
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to hit someone; to defeat someone; trzasnąć, uderzyć, pokonać
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to block something that usually is or should be open (a pipe, nose, etc.); zapychać, zatykać
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sticky, sweating; lepki, spocony
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separated, free from everyday problems; w odosobnieniu od codziennych problemów,
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consisting of people bound together by social or cultural ties; zwarty, blisko związany
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cloudy weather; gloomy atmosphere; posępność, pochmurność; zawiłość, niejasnośćmood; complexity and obscurity; pochmurna pogoda
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to hold sth tightly, usualy when one is frightened, anxious, etc.; chwytać, ściskać, uczepić sę
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to persuade someone gently to do something; namawiać w delikatny i przymilny sposób
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a garret, an attic; stryszek, poddasze
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of the same age as (something or someone else); współczesny, będący w tym samym wieku
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marked with different colours so that people can distinguish between different things of the same type; zakodowany kolorami.
öğrenmeye başla
young, energetic and awkward; niezgrabny (o młodej osobie lub zwierzęciu)
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attractive, pretty (old-fashioned); urodziwy, ładny, miły (przestarzałe)
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to take someone's possession by force; konfiskować, rekwirować
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with authority, in a way that deserves obedience; władczo
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to praise; to reccomend; chwalić, wyróżniać, polecać
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praise, recommendation; pochwała, wyróżnienie, rekomendacja
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to provide a spoken relation or description of an event (on TV, on the radio): komentować, relacjonować, prowadzić relację (na żywo)
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large, spacious; obszerny
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large, spacious; obszerny
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brief, short; zwięzły, skrótowy
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obedient, meek, prone to influence; uległy
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an act of cheating, especially connected with money; oszustwo, wyłudzenie
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to admit; przyznać, uznać
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accompanying, conjoined; towarzyszący, współistniejący, związany (z)
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to make a liquid thicker; to make something (like a piece of writing or speech) shorter; kondensować; streszczać, skracać, czynić zwięzłym
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to confess, to say something secret; zwierzać się, powierzać (coś), wyznawać
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trusting, willing to share one's secrets; ufny, łatwowierny
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in a way that is characterized by trust; ufnie
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terrible fire; pożar, pożoga
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to freeze, to change the state from liquid to solid; zamarzać, krzepnąć, ścinać się
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thick and solid (of something that used to be liquid); zakrzepły
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overloaded, over-populated, crowded; przeciążony, zapchany, przeludniony, zatłoczony
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a guess; to guess, to suspect; domysł, domniemanie; przypuszczać, snuć domysły, domniemywać
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a person who shows magic tricks; iluzjonista
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shock, confusion, bewilderment; konsternacja, osłupienie, przerażenie
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a device; wynalazek, ustrojstwo
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a cunning plan; idea, trick; a device, invention; podstęp, sprytny plan; sztuczka, pomysł; urządzenie, wynalazek
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to make up, to cope with; obmyślać, wymyślać, podołać
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willing to talk, talkative; nice to talk to; rozmowny; miły w rozmowie
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a low soft sound produced by some birds; to produce a low soft sound; to talk in a loving way; gruchanie; gruchać
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(formal) the way one's face is looking; a facial expression; oblicze, wyraz twarzy
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(formal) an approval; to approve of; aprobata; aprobować.
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polite, kind; uprzejmy, grzeczny
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a small bay; a guy; zatoczka; facet
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to desire, to want very much; pragnąć, pożądać
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someone extremely conceited; pyszałek
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to produce dry, sharp noises; trzeszczeć, trzaskać, skrzypieć
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crowded, full of people or things; zapchany, upchany, zatłoczony
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with not enough space; zatłoczony, stłoczony, ciasny
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a freak, someone who acts in a strange way; dziwak, dziwoląg, odmieniec
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strange, odd; easily irritated; dziwaczny, eksentryczny, pomylony; rozdrażniony
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rude, coarse, boorish; blatant; grubiański, prostacki; rażący
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an insect that creeps, a worm; robak, robal, pełzające stworzenie
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painful feeling in the neck or back; to experience sudden pain in the neck or back; strzyknięcie w mięśniach karku lub pleców; strzyknąć (w karku lub plecach)
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to become covered in folds; a small fold; marszczyć (się), fałdować się; fałdka, zmarszczka
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wrinkled; not smooth; curled; pomarszczony; kędzierzawy
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sounding unpleasantly and harshly, like frogs; ochrypły; rechocący; chrapliwy
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not straight; dishonest; krzywy, zgięty; nieuczciwy
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to bend down, to sit on one's heels; kucnąć, przykucnąć
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a small piece of bread you fry and add to e.g. soup; grzanka (do zupy)
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sticky; disgusting; lepki, obrzydliwy
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characteristic of being rude, lacking good manners, vulgar; prymitywizm, wulgarność, nieokrzesanie
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the characteristic of being done without care; bylejakość
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in poor condition or health; depressed; poor, tatty; marny; niezdrów; przygnębiony; marny, byle jaki
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to make sth or become wrinkled or folded; miąć, gnieść, marszczyć
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a law that does not permit people to stay outside after a certain hour; godzina policyjna
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really modern, the most recent, with the latest features; nowoczesny, najbardziej nowoczesny pod względem technicznym
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maliciously; złośliwie, kąśliwie
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a thing or person who attracts attention and is admired; obiekt zainteresowania; osoba podziwiana
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wicked, cruel, evil; podły, łajdacki
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a failure which is worse than anyone could expect; fiasko, całkowita klęska
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to depreciate; to lower; to reduce the value; zmniejszać wartość, obniżać; deprecjonować; poniżać
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exhausting, weakening; wycieńczający, osłabiający
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(informal) total, complete (about someone or something negative); (potoczne) skończony (np. łajdak)
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difficult to change, difficult to get rid of; strongly believed in; głęboko zakorzeniony, mocno utrwalony
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disobedient, violent, rebelious; buntowniczy; wyzywający
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skilful, quick; sprawny, zwinny, zręczny
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low-spirited, sad, depressed; przygnębiony, osowiały
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delicious; splendid, wonderful; wyśmienity, rozkoszny, przepyszny
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to deceive; to make someone believe something which is false; oszukiwać, zwodzić, łudzić (się)
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to cause humiliation, less respect; poniżać
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causing less respect; poniżający
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in a quiet, well-behaved way; moderately, reservedly; skromnie, w zrównoważony sposób; powściągliwie
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to show something, to indicate; wskazywać, oznaczać; symbolizować
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to make smaller or less numerous; zmniejszać, uszczuplać
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really bad, appalling; godny ubolewania, żałosny, opłakany
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in a really bad way; w sposób godny ubolewania, żałosny
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to condemn or express grief; ubolewać; wyrażać ubolewanie; potępiać
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to plan where e.g. troops should be located; rozmieszczać, rozlokowywać
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the manner in which you behave, walk or move; maniery; sposób poruszania się; chód; zachowanie
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to disapprove of, to criticize; potępiać, ganić, krytykować
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apologizing; apologetic; expressing disapproval przepraszający; ganiący
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mentally ill, unable to think clearly; obłąkany, szalony
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neglect of one's task; zaniedbanie
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to sneer, to laugh at with contempt; szydzić, drwić
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in a mocking manner; szyderczo, drwiąco
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of too little value to be considered seriously, ridiculously small; szyderczy, niepoważny
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the origin of something; pochodzenie, derywacja, źródło słów
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to obtain, to get; to come from; czerpać, wywodzić (się) z; pochodzić, wywodzić się (z)
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to make dry, usually of food; suszyć, wysuszać
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to stop; to stop doing sth; zaprzestać, zaniechać
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cruel, vicious, mean; nikczemny, podły
öğrenmeye başla
unhappy and hopeless, upset; przygnębiony
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carefree or careless; zuchwały, lekkomyślny
öğrenmeye başla
jokes, playful and disobedient behaviour; łobuzerstwo, diabelstwo
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innocent, naive and inexperienced; naiwny, niedoświadczony
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skill in physical activities; zręczność, sprawność
öğrenmeye başla
skillful in physical activities; zręczny, sprawny
öğrenmeye başla
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someone obstinate in their views; ktoś zatwardziały, zagorzały, zapamiętały (np. fan, konserwatysta)
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shy, lacking confidence; nieśmiały, niepewny siebie i swoich możliwości
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to make a liquid not so strong as it was by mixing it with e.g. water; to reduce the strenght of something; to weaken; rozcieńczać; osłabiać
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a scratch on a car body, to scratch a car body; zadrapanie, wgniecenie na karoserii; zadrapać karoserię
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dreadful, woeful; opłakany
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a sad song relating to death; lament, pieśń żałobna
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easy or just possible to notice or tell from sth else; zauważalny, dostrzegalny, rozróżnialny
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sophisticated, showing good style; wyrobiony, bystry, wnikliwy
öğrenmeye başla
to make uncertain or worried, to make someone feel unhappy and confused; zażenować, wprawiać w zakłopotanie
öğrenmeye başla
troublesome, confusing, embarrassing; kłopotliwy, żenujący, niepokojący
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difference, disagreement; rozbieżność, sprzeczność, niezgodność.
öğrenmeye başla
to make leave in different directions, to stop from gathering together; rozpraszać
öğrenmeye başla
to ignore or to not respect; lekceważyć, ignorować
öğrenmeye başla
in need of repair; stan zniszczenia, ruina (stan, w którym konieczne są naprawy)
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spreading out to many people; rozsiewanie, rozpowszechnianie
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to waste, to squander; marnować, trwonić
öğrenmeye başla
to reveal something secret; ujawniać, wyjawiać
öğrenmeye başla
to avoid something, often in a dishonest way; unikać, uchylac się, kluczyć, wymigiwać się
öğrenmeye başla
someone who evades or uses tricks to cheat; krętacz; osobawymigująca się od obowiązków/ opłat/ poboru do wojska
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risky, uncertain, unreliable; ryzykowny, niepewny, niebudzący zaufania
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
sad, full of sorrow; żałosny, smętny
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in a sad, painful way; żałośnie, smętnie
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to draw aimlessly; bazgrać, gryzmolić, rysować esy- floresy
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not being open or honest, concealing the truth; to be hiding the truth, to be slightly dishonest; owijanie w bawełnę, kręcenie; kręcić, owijać w bawełnę
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mild and innocent or looking so; o łagodnym spojrzeniu, niewinny, łagodny
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devoid of good taste; neglected; bez gustu; zaniedbany
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in poor state; neglected; looking awful; znoszony, zdarty; zapuszczony, zaniedbany
öğrenmeye başla
unhappy, dejected; przygnębiony
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lack of style, the characteristic of being gloomy; monotony; nijakość, bezbarwość, monotonia, ponuractwo
öğrenmeye başla
to drink up everything from a glass, cup, etc.; osuszać (szklankę), łapczywie wypijać
öğrenmeye başla
elegant; formal; chick; elegancki; wytworny
öğrenmeye başla
to let saliva drivel from the mouth; saliva; ślinić się, ślina
öğrenmeye başla
to hang down, to faint; opadać, zwisać bezwładnie; omdlewać
öğrenmeye başla
sleepy; bored, half asleep; senny, ospały
öğrenmeye başla
without crying; not crying in a situation when one usually does; nie uroniwszy łzy
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useless, bad; bezużyteczny, beznadziejny, kiepski, do niczego, do kitu
öğrenmeye başla
someone who lacks competence or is clumsy; "noga", tuman, beztalencie
öğrenmeye başla
to cheat, to swindle, to hoax; oszukiwać, naciągać
öğrenmeye başla
the quality of being down-to-earth; przyziemna praktyczność
öğrenmeye başla
very easy; (pot.) łatwiutki, łatwiuteńki
öğrenmeye başla
to listen secretly to things that are not meant for you to hear; podsłuchiwać
öğrenmeye başla
strange, unnatural, unearthy; causing fear; straszny, nienaturalny, tajemniczy, niesamowity, dziwny
öğrenmeye başla
to remove (from e.g. memory); erase; to cause to disappear; wymazywać, zmazywać, ścierać, zacierać
öğrenmeye başla
weak; worn out; słaby, wyczerpany
öğrenmeye başla
overwhelmingly friendly or demonstrating feelings in an exaggerated way; wylewny
öğrenmeye başla
(of style of speaking) sophisticated; characterized by clear pronunciation; krasomówczy, oratorski
öğrenmeye başla
to escape in order to get married; uciec (o kochankach zamierzających się pobrać bez zgody rodziny)
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to make easier to understand, to explain, to clarify; objaśniać, wyjaśniać, naświetlać
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
difficult to detect or decribe; nieuchwytny, trudny do uchwycenia
öğrenmeye başla
very thin, weak, as a result of starvation or illness; wyniszczony, wycieńczony
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to make weaker or effective; to make a man weaker, less male; osłabiać, wyjaławiać; pozbawiać cech męskich
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a slope made of stones or earth next to a river, road, railway; nasyp, wał ziemny, nabrzeże
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famous, important; wybitny, znakomity
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burden, weight, obstacle; zawada, przeszkoda, ciężar, obciążenie
öğrenmeye başla
weak, feeble; osłabiony, słaby
öğrenmeye başla
mysteriously; tajemniczo, enigmatycznie
öğrenmeye başla
to be overwhelmingly amusing; zachwycać, porywać
öğrenmeye başla
to catch in a trap; to snare; schwytać w pułapkę/ sidła; usidlić
öğrenmeye başla
to follow; to happen as a result of; nastepować, wynikać
öğrenmeye başla
in a beseeching manner, in a way that is characterized by pleading or begging; błagalnie, prosząco
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equal, mild, stable; spokojny, łagodny, stały
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calmness, control; spokój, opanowanie
öğrenmeye başla
to get rid of sth such as a problem, to eliminate; wyplenić, wykorzenić, wyeliminować
öğrenmeye başla
to build; budować, wznosić
öğrenmeye başla
to avoid; unikać, wystrzegać się, powstrzymywać się od
öğrenmeye başla
to make somebody feel annoyed; irytować, doprowadzać do rozpaczy
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
in a way that is characterized by annoyance; z rozdrażnieniem, z irytacją
öğrenmeye başla
annoying, making you feel really angry; irytujący, denerwujący, doprowadzający do rozpaczy
öğrenmeye başla
extreme (of pain, boredom, etc.), terrible; rozdzierający, potworny, straszliwy
öğrenmeye başla
extremely, terribly; rozdzierająco, potwornie, straszliwie
öğrenmeye başla
to state that someone is not guilty; usprawiedliwiać, uniewinniać
öğrenmeye başla
someone who supports an idea; an advocate; wyraziciel, propagator
öğrenmeye başla
to erase certain parts of a text, usually considered offensive; cenzurować, usuwać niepożądane fragmenty książki
öğrenmeye başla
very famous, legendary; legendarny, słynny
öğrenmeye başla
funny, playful, often in a way that is not suitable; żartobliwy, krotochwilny; żartobliwy w niestosowny sposób
öğrenmeye başla
with humour, (done or said) in order to make others laugh; żartobliwie, dla żartu
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
not partial, fair, just; bezstronny, sprawiedliwy
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polite, kind; grzeczny, uprzejmy, układny
öğrenmeye başla
an argument; kłótnia, sprzeczka
öğrenmeye başla
to move awkwardly, to stumble; to hesitate; to be unclear and trembling; zataczać się, chwiać się; wahać się; załamywać się (o głosie)
öğrenmeye başla
awkward, unstable; chwiejny, niepewny (np. krok); łamiący się, drżący (o głosie)
öğrenmeye başla
excellent; weird or unusual; świetny; awangardowy, dziwny
öğrenmeye başla
silly, badly organized, unsuccessful; absurdalny, niedorzeczny
öğrenmeye başla
careless and not very reflexive; trzpiotowaty
öğrenmeye başla
unsuccesful; incapable of getting things done; irresponsible; nieudolny, niezaradny; nieodpowiedzialny
öğrenmeye başla
changeable, capricious; niestały, zmienny, kapryśny
öğrenmeye başla
to sit impatiently, to play with things around you; wiercic się, bawić się rzeczami wokół siebie
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bright, like fire; hot, spicy; very emotional; ognisty, płomienny; ostry, pikantny; żarliwy, płomienny
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an incentive, a stimulus, something causing change or improvement; bodziec
öğrenmeye başla
finicky, choosy; wybredny, drobiazgowy
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
direct; coming from the source; z pierwszej ręki
öğrenmeye başla
anxiously; irregularly; niespokojnie, nieregularnie
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becoming weaker or smaller; słabnący
öğrenmeye başla
sinister, maleficient, hideous; zbrodniczy, ohydny
öğrenmeye başla
pretty visible and annoying; rażący, jaskrawy
öğrenmeye başla
to move one's arms or legs awkwardly; wymachiwać ramionami/ nogami
öğrenmeye başla
talent, gift, ability to do sth; smykałka, talent, zdolności
öğrenmeye başla
to show off; to display ostentatiously; obnosić się, afiszować, popisywać się
öğrenmeye başla
to smile mockingly; to sneer; to jeer; szyderczo się uśmiechać; drwić; drwiący uśmiech
öğrenmeye başla
lasting for a very short time; przelotny, krótkotrwały
öğrenmeye başla
light, badly made; not convincing; marny, lichy; (o argumencie) nieprzekonywający
öğrenmeye başla
to move quickly, to fly quickly; śmigać, przelatywać, mignąć
öğrenmeye başla
brilliantly illuminated; rzęsiście oświetlony
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a series of things happening suddenly; a small amount of rain, snow, etc.; a short period of activity or emotion; zalew; gwałtowny opad (np. krótki nagły deszcz); poruszenie, zamieszanie
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öğrenmeye başla