soru |
cevap |
Tak, dziś jest bardzo słonecznie öğrenmeye başla
Yes, it's very sunny today.
Nie jestem tak słaba jak wyglądam öğrenmeye başla
I'm not as weak as I look.
öğrenmeye başla
To będzie gotowe do następnego wtorku öğrenmeye başla
It will be ready by next Tuesday.
Możemy na przykład pograć w grę planszową öğrenmeye başla
We can play a board game, for example.
Kupiłam pudełko truskawek öğrenmeye başla
I bought a box of strawberries.
Jej styl jest bardzo oryginalny öğrenmeye başla
Her style is very original.
To pierwszy raz, kiedy widzę żółtą różę öğrenmeye başla
That's the first time I've seen a yellow rose.
öğrenmeye başla
Ten dom jest pusty od lat öğrenmeye başla
This house has been empty for years.
Ona musi się nauczyć, jak być spokojniejszą öğrenmeye başla
She has to learn how to be more calm.
Znalazł książkę, której szukał öğrenmeye başla
He found the book he was looking for.
Będziemy w domu przez cały weekend öğrenmeye başla
We'll be home for the whole weekend.
W centrum miasta jest ładny park öğrenmeye başla
There is a nice park in the city center.
Myślę, że idziemy w niewłaściwym kierunku öğrenmeye başla
I think we're going in the wrong direction.
öğrenmeye başla
Love will save the world.
Czy w Montrealu jest śnieg w październiku? öğrenmeye başla
Is there snow in Montreal in October?
Gdzie powinniśmy się spotkać? öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
Winters are very cold here.
Koncert odbędzie się w następną niedzielę öğrenmeye başla
The concert will be held next Sunday.
Zwykle patrzę na obrazki, zanim przeczytam tekst öğrenmeye başla
I usually look at the images before reading the text.
Ona biega szesnaście mil dziennie öğrenmeye başla
She runs sixteen miles every day.
öğrenmeye başla
To lato było bardzo suche öğrenmeye başla
This summer was very dry.
öğrenmeye başla
Powiadają, że koty mają dziewięć żyć öğrenmeye başla
They say that cats have nine lives.
öğrenmeye başla
Gdzie jest najbliższe centrum handlowe? öğrenmeye başla
Where's the nearest shopping center?
Czy byłeś wcześniej w Anglii? öğrenmeye başla
Have you been to England before?
Czytam wszystkie rodzaje książek öğrenmeye başla
I read all kinds of books.
öğrenmeye başla
Kiedy jest następne spotkanie? öğrenmeye başla
When is the next meeting?
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
Does anybody want coffee?
Lubię jedzenie w tym kraju öğrenmeye başla
I like the food in this country.
Chciałbym przymierzyć te spodnie öğrenmeye başla
I'd like to try on these pants.
W tym roku muszę napisać dwa egzaminy öğrenmeye başla
I have to do two exams this year.
öğrenmeye başla
Nie omówiliśmy tego wczoraj öğrenmeye başla
We didn't discuss that yesterday.
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
The movie was really short.
öğrenmeye başla
We talked until the morning.
Czarny zawsze jest w modzie öğrenmeye başla
Black is always in fashion.
Mamy dwa koty, białego i czarnego öğrenmeye başla
We have two cats, a white one and a black one.
Skończył nam się papier toaletowy. Czy możesz trochę kupić w drodze do domu? öğrenmeye başla
We've run out of toilet paper. Could you please buy some on the way home?
Na tym zdjęciu mam około osiemnastu lat öğrenmeye başla
In this photo, I'm about eighteen.
Moja babcia ma osiemdziesiąt lat öğrenmeye başla
Chodź ze mną! Chcę ci coś pokazać öğrenmeye başla
Come with me! I want to show you something.
öğrenmeye başla
She went to the US alone.