soru |
cevap |
We are sunbathing at the beach, öğrenmeye başla
Desert is an uninhabited place. öğrenmeye başla
• Pustynia jest niezamieszkanym miejsce.
I rented a room in a small quest house. öğrenmeye başla
Wynająłem pokój w małym pensjonacie.
During your trip across Europe, you stayed mainly at youth hostels. öğrenmeye başla
Podczas twojej podróży po Europie, zatrzymywałeś sie głównie w schroniskach młodzieżowych.
She booked a room at a motel. öğrenmeye başla
Ona zarezerwowany pokój w motelu.
The motel was old, but well maintained öğrenmeye başla
Motel był stary, ale dobrze utrzymane
He checked into a roadside motel. öğrenmeye başla
On zameldował się w przydrożnym motelu.
Sebastian lives in a block of flats in this street. öğrenmeye başla
Sebastian mieszka w bloku na tej ulicy.
The front door of the apartment building was locked öğrenmeye başla
Drzwi frontowe w budynku mieszkalnym zostały zamknięte
Sebastian must rent an apartment in Warsaw. öğrenmeye başla
Sebastian musi wynająć mieszkanie w Warszawie.
They want to rent something in the autumn. öğrenmeye başla
Oni chcą wynająć coś w jesieni.
Staying at a youth hostel, would be the cheapest option. öğrenmeye başla
Pobyt w schronisku młodzieżowym będzie najtańszym rozwiązaniem.
The house I rent is in a good neighbourhood. öğrenmeye başla
Dom ktury wynajmuję jest w dobrym sąsiedztwie.
öğrenmeye başla
Przeprowadziłeś sie do Londynu.
You have moved house twice in a year. öğrenmeye başla
Przeprowadziłeś sie dwa razy w roku.
She needs someone to help her move house. öğrenmeye başla
Ona potrzebuje kogoś, kto pomoże jej sie przeprowadzic.
What is the world's largest city? öğrenmeye başla
Jakie jest największe miasto na świecie?
He’s always wanted to travel around the world. öğrenmeye başla
On zawsze chciał podróżować po świecie.
People from all over the world come to visit this museum. öğrenmeye başla
• Ludzie z całego świata przyjeżdżają, aby odwiedzić to muzeum.
It is an example of a volcanic rock. öğrenmeye başla
Jest to przykład skały wulkanicznej.
Climbing rocks is one of Sebastian favourite leisure time activities. öğrenmeye başla
Wspinaczka po skałach jest jednym z Sebastiana ulubionych sposobów spędzania wolnego czasu.
The tunnel was cut in the rock. öğrenmeye başla
Tunel został wycięty w skale.
They grew up in the countryside, surrounded by nature. öğrenmeye başla
Oni dorastali na wsi, w otoczeniu przyrody.
The forces of nature, are often unpredictable. öğrenmeye başla
Siły natury są często nieprzewidywalne.
We reached the top of the mountain. öğrenmeye başla
My dotarliśmy na szczyt góry.
I could see only the top of his head from behind the fence. öğrenmeye başla
• widziałem tylko czubek głowy zza ogrodzenia.
You were promoted to regional manager. öğrenmeye başla
Zostałaś awansowany na kierownika regionalnego.
She spoke a lot, about regional development in Poland. öğrenmeye başla
Ona mówiła dużo o rozwoju regionalnym w Polsce.
He lived in the western region of the country. öğrenmeye başla
On mieszkał w zachodnim regionie kraju.
It is one of the richest regions of the country. öğrenmeye başla
Jest to jeden z najbogatszych regionów kraju.
Sebastian is the luckiest man in the world. öğrenmeye başla
Sebastian jest najszczęśliwszym człowiekiem na świecie.
They almost got lost, in the dense forest. öğrenmeye başla
Oni prawie zgubili się w gęstym lesie.
Nothing in the world could comfort us öğrenmeye başla
Nic na świecie nie może nas pocieszyć
We live in a small village by the ocean. öğrenmeye başla
My mieszkamy w małej wiosce nad oceanem.
öğrenmeye başla
You stayed in a small village by the sea. öğrenmeye başla
Zatrzymałeś sie w małej miejscowości nad morzem.
The boat headed towards open sea. öğrenmeye başla
Łódź kierowała się na otwarte morze.
They were sitting by the river. öğrenmeye başla
Oni siedzieli przy rzece.
The River Nile flows through Egypt. öğrenmeye başla
Rzeka Nil płynie przez Egipt.
Coast is the area, where the sea meets the land. öğrenmeye başla
Wybrzeże to obszar, gdzie morze spotyka się z lądem...
He drove along the coast to Sopot. öğrenmeye başla
On jechał wzdłuż wybrzeża do Sopotu.
Sebastian dreams crossing the USA from coast to coast. öğrenmeye başla
Sebastian marzy przemierzeniu USA od wybrzeża do wybrzeża.
They bought a house by the seaside. öğrenmeye başla
Oni kupili dom nad morzem.
We spent our summer vacation by the seaside. öğrenmeye başla
My spędziliśmy nasze letnie wakacje nad morzem.
I spent my holiday in a small village on the coast. öğrenmeye başla
Spędziłem wakacje w małej wiosce na wybrzeżu.
New York is on the East Coast. öğrenmeye başla
Nowy Jork jest na wschodnim wybrzeżu.
Los Angeles is the biggest city of the West Coast. öğrenmeye başla
Los Angeles jest największym miastem na zachodnim wybrzeżu.
Australia is the world's smallest continent. öğrenmeye başla
Australia jest najmniejszym kontynentem na świecie.
You promise, you won’t do that ever again. öğrenmeye başla
Obiecujesz, że nie zrobisz tego nigdy.
During this trip, they travelled across the continent. öğrenmeye başla
Podczas tej podróży oni podróżowali po całym kontynencie.
After three months on the boat, you dream about dry land. öğrenmeye başla
Po trzech miesiącach na łodzi ty marzysz o suchym lądzie.
Sebastian can find some place in the mountains. öğrenmeye başla
Sebastian możne znaleźć jakieś miejsce w górach.
They spent their holiday in the mountains. öğrenmeye başla
Oni spędzili swój urlop w górach.
I have a small house in the mountains. öğrenmeye başla
It was difficult to cycle up the hill. öğrenmeye başla
Ciężko było wjechać rowerem na wzgórze.
You saw him standing on the top of the hill. öğrenmeye başla
Widziałeś go stojącego na szczycie wzgórza.
They were looking down upon a lovely valley. öğrenmeye başla
Oni spojrzeli w dół na wspaniałą doline.
We went to the San Gabriel Valley. öğrenmeye başla
Pojechaliśmy do Doliny San Gabriel.
Sebastian went on a walk to the forest. öğrenmeye başla
Sebastian poszedł na spacer do lasu.
Tropical forests are the lungs of our planet. öğrenmeye başla
Lasy tropikalne są płucami naszej planety.
Where is their wallet? I can’t see it anywhere. öğrenmeye başla
Gdzie jest ich portfel? Nie widzę go nigdzie.
We won’t find a better deal anywhere in the city. öğrenmeye başla
Nie znajdziemy lepszej oferty nigdzie w mieście.
This is my country. I don't want to live anywhere else. öğrenmeye başla
To jest mój kraj. Nie chcę mieszkać nigdzie indziej.
You didn’t have anywhere to go. öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
Where were we last night? Nowhere. öğrenmeye başla
Gdzie byliśmy ostatniej nocy? Nigdzie.
öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
There isn’t anywhere where he could use a phone. öğrenmeye başla
Nie ma tutaj miejsca, gdzie on mógłby skorzystać z telefonu.
There's nowhere where it's allowed to smoke. öğrenmeye başla
Nie ma miejsca, gdzie można palić.
öğrenmeye başla