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öğrenmeye başla
öğrenmeye başla
sprzymierzony/powiązany (z), connected with/working together with
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niechęć, lack of interest or enthusiasm
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dokładnie tak (zgadza się), exactly right
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w lepszej sytuacji, in a better situation or position
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opaska na oczy, sth that is tied over someone's eyes so that they cannot see
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dać się przekonać do czegoś, to believe sth that a lot of other people believe
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tama, a wall built across a river to stop the water from flowing
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wykonalność, achievability
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kamień milowy, breakthrough
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przeważać (występować w danych okolicznościach?), to overcome (to exist at a particular time or in a particular situatuon?)
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przesiedlenie, relocation of people
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zakres (działania), the things that a particular activity, organization deals with
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niemądry, not intelligent
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zaczynać od zera, to start from the beginning again
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wylewny (emocjonalny), tending to express feelings in an honest and physical way
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rozmowa oceniająca (pracownika), perfromance review
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gorączkowy (napięty), full of busy activity
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samotnik, someone who likes to be alone and has few friends
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indywidualista, individualist (free spirit, nonconformist)
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zrzucać odpowiedzialność, to make someone else deal with sth that you should take responsibilty for
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przykładać się do pracy, to do your share of work
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zwolnić bieg życia, change to a different job or way of life, so that you have less money and responsibility but more satisfaction and happiness
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ewakuować, to make people leave a building or area because it is not safe
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agregat, a machine that produces electricity
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wpływ, an effect or an influence
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reaktor, a machine used for producing nuclear energy
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sejsmiczny, relating to earthquakes
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łączyć (zlewać się w), to integrate
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stale (ciągle), continually
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braki (wady), defect (imperfection)
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ponadprzeciętna (wybitne) uwarunkowanie, higher-level consideration
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pociągnąć do odpowiedzialności, make someone responsible for what they do
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przetrzymywać (znosić), go through sth
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potwierdzenie (zatwierdzenie), acceptance
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prace wykopaliskowe, digging up
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zwrot (odwrót rzeki), rerouting
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wyjazd (rekreacyjny), trip
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bezkonkurencyjny, unbeatable
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mówić ogólnikowo, to be enigmatic
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wypalić się (zawodowo), become exhausted
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zaaklimatyzować się, get used to sth
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dogadywać się z kimś, have a good relation with someone
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zawieść kogoś, to fail sb
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wziąć rzeczy na spokojnie, not to be stressed
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